The Big Revelation

The Business of Love

O.O    O.O    O.O     O.O

Each and every persons jaw dropped at the precise moment grandma Rin opened .  Siwon wasn't sure if he heard right but it sounded like grandma Rin said that the name of his fiancee is Park Bom.  Bom on the other hand is flabbergasted and starts laughing.

"I'm sorry madame Choi but I am NOT his fiancee!" says Bom while almost dying of laughter.

"Oh but my dear you are."

Siwon thinks that his grandmother is going too far and is about to tell everyone that what she's saying is a total complete lie.  Just then an authoritative knock came from the door.  Who could this be?  Another unsuspected guest?  The door opens widely and in comes Park Myu Song, Bom's father. 

"I just came to see how the meeting was going."

"Oh it's doing fine Myu Song." says Grandma Rin. 

"As a matter of fact I have just told everyone some exciting news."

"What news?"

"Oh just that my grandson and your daughter are to be married."

Park Myu Song stands there with a cold, lifeless expression.

"Appa, tell Mrs.Choi that she's mistaken." says Bom and  "Oh gosh this woman is delusional!!" thinks Bom.

"Yes Mr.Park, tell us if your daughter is getting married to young Siwon." says one of the investors.

"She .. is."

*_*       *_*       *_*       *_*

"Oh gosh, i'm sorry everyone but I think my father is still very ill, so he's not thinking straight right now."

"Bom, you are to be married to Siwon."

Bom looks at her father like he's insane and Siwon is sitting there not knowing what to do.  He's never been in a sitaution like this.  Siwon and Bom don't know if this is all a joke or if it's true at all.

"My bestfriend was Miss Park's grandmother.  She and I made a pact that when we had children they would marry, but since we both had only sons that never happened.  Before she died, Myu Song's mother told me that we still had that pact.  She specifically wanted little Bommie to marry Siwon and so I'm granting her souls wishes."

"Grandma, please tell me your joking."

"I'm not Siwon, you and Bom will be married."

"Now we might just have some confidence in you to run the company Siwon." says another investor.

"God all they care about is me getting married.  What does that have anything to do with running a freaking company!!!!!!" thinks Siwon.

"This is INSANE!! Am I some sort of object you can just give just because of a STUPID pact!?!?!" thinks Bom.

"Then it's settled.  My daughter and your grandson are getting married as soon as possible."

"AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!" says Bom and Siwon at the same time.

"Yes, as soon as possible and your all invited of course" says grandma Rin.

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sujuELF03 #1
update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! i'm begging!!!
bombaeminyuleunkai #2
ooh yay you updated XD i like where this is goin cant wait for more !
bombaeminyuleunkai #3
ooh please update soon im a new sibom shipper and this is the best sibom fanfic i read love it <3
update! update please :)
O_O. I never thought i would read siwon and bom fic. But this is great~ Btw im top bom shipper~~
I love it.. update more XD
gooosh! update please!
gjie2cute #8
Gosh i wonder what will happen next :o