Coffee Girl

♚ Pandromeda♥Designs ┇ 2nd Poster & Trailer Request Shop ♔ [CLOSED]


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Designer: hannie89

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Chapter 10: how do u stop the thing from drawing on ur pictures? It's annoying the crap out of me :(
Chapter 40: WOW I really like your poster designs :D Keep up the good work!
Chapter 10: hey, can you make a tutorial using the bend tool??? I don't understand using it =.=
Chapter 10: i pasted my picture and opened the layer box but then it didnt come out like what you had...
it's so hard :(

is it easier if we use photoshop or?
shoutoutSayA #5
Chapter 10: how did you add the background ? :o i tried but you could still see traces of the erased background of the pictures.
shoutoutSayA #6
Chapter 10: how did you add the background ? :o i tried but you could still see traces of the erased background of the pictures.
Chapter 10:
okay. my first attempt on gimp and my attempt on your tutorial. i know it .
any tips for me? owo;
and when we download the fonts, there's like books icon ( i think it's named WinRAR. ) and it requires us to purchase them? Did we really need to purchase them? e_e
Chapter 68: i love your typography omg
Chapter 10: woahh the tutorial help me alot.. Thanks! Update soon