Flaming Thoughts

Wall of Fire

Sehun felt confused for a moment, what relations did DJ Ludic have with the transfer student?


Maybe the student was a sibling?

Or maybe a fan, that made the most sense, after all Eunsoo came from the same rural area as the DJ did.

"Dude what's up with the grim face?" Kai shouted over the music.

Sehun just shrugged in reply and the thoughts soon escaped his mind as he let his body move to the sound of the music. But boy was he in for a surprise.


Eunsoo opened her eyes after two hours of continous music and actually scanned the crowd, she caught sight of a familer group of boys that seemed to have all the attention focused on them. From the stage she could see that most of the girls had migrated to where the group was standing.

As she looked closer her jaw fell slightly, she saw a familiar student, Se...Sehyun...Sehun was it? Normally she wouldn't have noticed but after the long period of dancing the sweat dripping down the side of his face was incredibly attractive to her. Especially in the leather jacket that was ped enough to show his white undershirt, and also his toned muscles were peeking out from underneath. So much so, that Eunsoo forgot that she was in disguise.

Not only was his physical appearance attractive but his dancing was phenomenal as he never missed a beat and his body seemed to move in smooth waves. 

Eunsoo savored the view as her eyes travelled to his face and their eyes met. She felt her body shiver involuntarily as he held her gaze for what seemed like minutes.

I wonder who this person is, outside of his seemingly rough exterior.

The music began to fade as her session came to an end and she finally snapped out of it. "Thank you everybody for coming! Signing off now is DJ Ludic!"

Now Eunsoo returned to her normal self, the magic had ended and she started to panic.

What if they know?

I guess I'll find out soon enough.

She decided the best choice of action was to erase the very thoughts that kept her human and bury the emotions bubbling deep insider her soul, time to act again.

Ommoh, sorry it's so short!

I've been so focused on studying that I've sort of forgotten what I had planned for this scene. But I don't think was too dissapointing even the length is no good. Next update with hopefully be at least x 3 in length to make it up to you guys!

Also almost double digits in subscribers! Eeeep!

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