Scorching Feelings

Wall of Fire

Eunsoo looked in the mirror and shifted the wig on her head for the hundreth time, she wanted it to be perfect. She then checked her lipstick and her masquerade mask in attempt to make her face less recognizable.

"3 minutes until you're up," the manager said to her. Eunsoo gave him a small nod and double checked her headphones and adjusted her clothes again, this was the first time since she started school that she would have to dj.

"2 minutes," she stood up and cleared only to begin a coughing fit.

"1 minute." Eunsoo relaxed again and at the last minute decide to remove her long jacket which then revealed her legs more than she liked.

"Times up, good luck." Eunsoo instantly regretted taking of her jacket but walked onto the stage anyway.

She took a deep breath and shouted into the microphone in front of the dj setup, "Are you guys ready to have some real fun?"  The crowd cheered, this was always the moment she loved the most, "get ready to have your heads blown off with original remixed music by me Dj Ludic!" She loved her name, her best friend had helped her choose it before they had fallen a part. Ludic meant playful in an aimless way, and that's how she felt most of the time.

Eunsoo closed her eyes since she knew the process by heart and then began, first with a fade into a quick tempo instrumental piece with a solid base. Then she quickened the tempo and added various acapella for a kick of something more. She then let herself be drowned in the noise of the crowd and of her music. 

She liked the sound of that....her music. Something uniquely created by her, something that belonged to her, and identifyied with what she enjoyed. Music is what allowed Eunsoo to keep living.




"Hey, you know that one dj I told you about last week?" Sehun frowned, this again he thought.

"Oh yeah that female dj? That's so rare these days." 

"I heard she's in town at the local club! We should totally go, I've also heard she is smoking hot." Baekhyun said with a grin.

"I'm free tonight why not?" Luhan said and the other members of Exo nodded.

Sehun looked at them and sighed, "alright, alright, but I'm not coming next time." The members cheered and left to get ready, after all the school wouldn't allow them to just leave. If they were caught they would be punished, even if Exo had the most power in the school.


Sehun zipped up his leather jacket and pulled his hood over his head so he would be harder to recognize if he were to be seen. Together with the other members of Exo the ran through the forest to a spot where the wall was weaker than the rest and pushed aside a pile of leaves to reaveal a gap. They then easily got out considering how large the hole was and walked towards the usual club.

Entering the club wasn't a problem either, after coming so many times they had became friends with the owner and the bouncers, Exo walked in without so much a second glance.

Sehun did however, feel shocked as he noticed the club was twice as full as it normally was on a wednesday night. He also realized the whole atmosphere of the club seemed to be different, more sensual even. Sehun glanced up at the dj and felt his brain pause for a second....

The dj seemed familiar......but why? He decided to ignore it, maybe it was just because she had a good figure. Her hair was medium length and even though she wasn't curvy Sehun prefered it that way. The Dj was wearing a navy blue dress that did help show of what curves she did have and her long rather well sculpted legs. But deep inside he knew her appearance wasn't what was bothering him.

"Dude this is better than I thought!" Su ho said with a smirk on his face. "This song would actually go really well with our dance for History."

"Oh my, you're totally right! Even the tempo seems about the same so transitioning would be really easy" D.O. replyed while making a thoughtful face.

Sehun chuckled, although they left the school grounds, dance and music was all his group members ever thought of. Well, Sehun often did the same thing.

He looked up again at the DJ, and suddenly stopped...

'that mask, it fell out of the transfer student's backpack on the first day!'

EEP 6 subscribers~ 

I'm glad you guys feel somewhat interested in this uh story. I'm hoping I can update consistantly but school is approaching midterms and I've got practice for the school play so we will see.

Oh but boy what do you think Sehun thinks? What is his true reaction? I wonder

ahahha I'm so mediocre at this, please excue all grammar mistakes, I didn't proof-read and as much as I'd like to, I have a feeling I'd erase most of what I wrote in shame haha. Please leave a comment!


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