Burning Touches

Wall of Fire


"You need to get rid of that hair, and your piercings" Eunsoo tried hard to keep a straight face as her professor for Music Composition, Mrs. Park, went off about her appearance, at least she was wearing the uniform right?

Wrong, she thought as her professor droned on. Finally the bell rang and Mrs. Park left it alone.

"Wait out here until you're introduced," Eunsoo made a face as she watched her professor walk inside the classroom and fidgeted with the edge of her uniform.

"Mr. Lee, please come in!" Eunsoo finally heard the professor say and she replaced the worry on her face with a glare and walked in.

She took a step in the classroom and noticed quite a few muffled laughs, which only encouraged her to stand up straighter.

"My name is Lee Eunsoo, I'm not here to have fun so keep your thoughts to yourself" she frowned slightly as her gaze landed on a couple of students chatting in the back of the classroom.

"Alright Eunsoo, please take a seat anywhere that is empty," and with that Eunsoo sighed as she noticed the only empty seats were either in the front row or in the back by the obnoxiously loud group of students. She decided that the back seemed better than the possibility of being perpetually called on for answers.

However, she came to regret her decision as soon as she plopped herself down on the chair, when she noticed it became unnaturally silent in the classroom.

"Where do you think you are sitting?" Eunsoo turned around as she heard a growl come from behind her seat. She blinked as she locked gazes with a tall musclar male, who seemed to be named Suho according to his name tag. Eunsoo proceded to shrug her shoulders and turn around.

"That's hyung's seat!" She felt a arm on her shoulder and she sighed turning around again.

"Well when he comes he can confront me then," Eunsoo glared at the group sitting and staring right back at her, and as they continued to sit there motionless without reaction she decided to be the better person, got up and moved to a seat on the other end of the room.

Other than that interaction her day was quite calm, and as the professor talked about the basic cord progressions, Eunsoo spaced out and thought, 'what a long year this will be, I can't-


Eunsoo's thoughts were interupted as the bell rang, she got up and rushed to exit the classroom, only to be bumped into and pushed around before she even made it outside of the classroom. She sighed as she saw it was the the same group of boys who had caused her to change seats earlier.

"You better watch out for them" Eunsoo turned to face a boy who had grabbed her arm. "If you bother them they will be out the get you, I'm speaking from experience" the boy said with a shudder.

"My name's Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you." the quirky boy said with a cheeky smile.

"Likewise, and who exactly is 'them'?" Eunsoo asked seriously pondering what could be so scary about a bunch of pheromone filled teenage boys.

"EXO, the 'most likely to be successful in the real world' each hand picked and coached by the headmaster himself," Taehyung said with a dreamy gaze.

"And that means what exactly?" She stared at him still lost. Taehyung on the other gasped and smacked his fist against his chest multiple times as if he were stabbing himself with a spear. Eunsoo frowned at the boy, but was secretly laughing to herself.

Taehyung put a arm around Eunsoo's shoulders and dragged her out of class making crazy circular shapes with his hands, "Once the graduate they get to debut as idols and they will be backed and funded by S.M, this is what all the non academic kids are here for silly! They have an extreme amount of authority, even more than the disciplinary committee and student council combined!" 

Now that was impressive.

"Alright, got to go, see you around Eunsoo!" She waved a small wave as Taehyung rushed through the halls disappearing in the crowd of students.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful and Eunsoo was elated when it was over, she hurried to the school office to see if her stuff had arrived from home so she could start unpacking in the dorms. Looking around she saw a box labeled "LEE EUNSOO" finally, she thought to herself.

"Here's your room key, you're Dorm A104." The slightly older looking male behind the front desk said, she turned around a gave him a small smile and nod after taking the key. "Thank you."

She started towards the dorm rooms slightly in a rush as she had to get to her part time gig soon. Becuase it was always her dream to do something involved with music Eunsoo had already made a name for herself prior to coming to the academy. She previously had done a couple of gigs as a DJ in a couple of clubs and the members had loved it. Slowly she was offered work in better situations and more populat places, problem is that was back when she wasn't attending S.M. and the Academy didn't allow part time jobs. Eunsoo went against her better judgement and instead of quiting her job she decided to continue with it, disguesed as the female version of herself. What could go wrong?

Too much it seems...


Eppp thank you to my first two  three  four (!!) subs ever! Shout out to you~

Super psyched, also hoping the story isn't too boring with all the cliches ;D I also hope you guys will stick with me through the ride.

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