Heated Glances

Wall of Fire


Sehun laughed as he saw the boy with rose-colored hair kneel onto the floor after presenting his middle finger to the sky. Only when he turned around did he notice that the boy had shockingly stricking features, and well that he seemed very upset. And only after he glared at Sehun did he notice the weird thumping feeling in his chest.

"You're stepping on my textbook," the boy stated cooly, interupting Sehun' thoughts.

"Oh sorry, here," Sehun said as he leaned down to grab the book.

"No need," the boy said quickly and picked up the book first, then turned his back and walked away.

Sehun was frozen in his place, then burst out laughing. That was a first, Sehun being the dance talent he was, normally had people of all genders fawning over him and desperately hoping for attention. But not the rose-haired boy, Sehun would have to remember him.



Eunsoo sighed as she walked away from the male, 'it must be the pink hair' she thought to herself. However Eunsoo liked her pink hair, its the only thing that well...reminded her that she was female. The first day of school was already off to a rough start, and here she was hoping that things could be better. Then again, it was an all male school which would make things difficult and whihc was why she tried to keep an aloof attitude all the time.


Her parents had wanted her to go to a private school for studies, yet she wanted to go to a school to pursue music. S.M. Academy was the solution to both problems, but it presented Eunsoo with a entirely new situation, the school was an all boys school. Therefore, Eunsoo persuaded her parents she would attend while pretending to be a male and if she got found out she would drop out and comply with any of her parents' wishes. And after some thought, they eventually agreed.

Eunsoo had spent weeks watching people in the streets and working on ways to adjust her speech, and her walk, and all the little things she noticed guys did. She cleared out her entire wardrobe to replace it with clothes that would hide her feminine features, which wasn't hard considering she was already flat chested and had broad shoulders. When she was younger she used to get made fun of for having an evident "adam's apple" although she was a female. Although that used to bother her everytime, she now appreciated it as it made her seem more masculine which helped with the whole facade. 

She worked on creating the perfect persona up until the day of transfer, a couple of days she even spent hitting on women to see their reactions. Eunsoo laughed as none of them realized she wasn't the bad-boy that she pretended to be, and with that confidence she had walked into school that morning, only for it to slowly fade away as she walked into the hallways. 

When she looked around her shoulders slowly but evidently slouched forward, as she noticed the definite difference in her figure and the silhouettes of the people around her. Of course this wouldn't work, she swore to herself. 'Oh well, hwaiting Eunsoo!' she mumbled halfheartedlly to herself just as she stumbled spilling her things all over the floor.




"I swear to god if I see another bee in my life, I'm going to die," Sehun chuckled as Lu han complained for the upteenth time. 

"Alright, alright, I understand, bees are terrifying creatures now lets get to class," Sehun said while the rest of the Exo members behind him nodded in agreement. Suddenly he paused as he noticed a familar boy standing in front of their room talking with their professor.

"Who's that?" Baekhyun asked while jumping up to see why Sehun had stopped.

"I'm not sure, but I think we're about to find out," Sehun mumbled as he remembered the hair and finally entered the classroom.

waahhhhhh first fanfic sort of, I'm so unsure of how to go about this haha. Eunsooo oh Eunsoo what have you gotten yourself into?

Please a comment because I'd love to hear opinions! Also sorry it started with a short chapter, I felt I would've made it too long if I added the next scene.

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