Lee Sungyeol.

Number 130727

Child trafficking victims, whether for labor, or organ trafficking, come from all backgrounds, include both boys and girls. They span a wide age range from 1 to 18 years old.


“What about a name?” Myungsoo suggested with a smile. He was too scared to frighten the other, so he continued to plaster on a large smile to relax the other.

“I don’t have a name.” He replied quietly, still avoiding his gaze.

“We can make one up! It can be your name, and only yours.”

He saw the other nibble on his lower lip, before nodding in hesitation.

“Alright, tell me which one you like, alright?”

He nodded.


His master was being kind. Something he had hardly described a person with. He was still suspicious of his mater’s motives, but for now, he wanted to enjoy this fluttering feeling in his heart. The soft toy that he had received was amazing. He wanted to hug it, but his master was still here, so he mustn’t act so foolish.

After his master had suggested to call him a name only he could have, for once, he felt special. He had been called many names, from the name he grew with to the various names his master had called him. . . Pet. . Dirt. Idiot. All these were his name. The first time his masters had called him that, he thought that he was lucky to have a real name and not a number. He had heard his master’s names, they were never numbers, so he was almost ecstatic when he was called something other than a number. Little did he know that they were devaluing names that were worse than numbers. He felt weary and suspicious of the words his master was going to call him, but he was in no position to disagree.

“Hmm, which surname do you like?”

He hadn’t known any other surname other than Lee. That was the surname of a kind old man who gave him a free apple one day, when he was forced to trail behind his past master. It was surname he wished he always had, but still, he refused to say it out loud. Instead he shrugged.

“Kim?” He shook his head.

“Jung?” Another shake.

“Nam?” And another.

“Uhm, Choi?” And another. He chewed on his lower lip. Will his master be mad?

“Lee?” His eyes travelled to the side, where he saw his master’s lap. “Yes?” His master asked.

He nodded. “Great.” He master smiled. His smile was very charming.

“Now first name.”

“Changdo?” He murmured quietly. He didn’t like that name, neither did his master it had seemed, as he saw him wrinkle his nose in distaste.

“Hyejoon?” His master wondered.

“No.” He whispered.

“Yeah, I don’t like that one either.” He agreed. There was a short pause, and he took the chance to look up, seeing his master’s focused look. His frown became a small smile as he uttered a word that made his heart flutter slightly, “Yeol.”

He liked that name. “Sungyeol.” His master concluded. “That’s a pretty good name, I think. What do you think? Don’t lie. I won’t get mad if you don’t like it.”

He loved that name. He nodded in approval.

His master smiled widely, “It means to become fierce or passionate. It suits you.” He smiled.

Fierce. He liked that. He liked to think that he was fierce. After all, he had lived in hell for 16 years. Of course he was fierce. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t have lived for so long.

“Thank you mast-” He paused, remember his master’s small request, “Thank you, Myungsoo.”

“You’re welcome… Sungyeol.”

He let out a small smile.

He finally had a name.

It wasn’t a number.

It wasn’t a degrading adjective to describe him.

No. It was unique.

He had a real name

Lee Sungyeol.

That was his name


Short update! Sorry! Hope you enjoyed it. Please do comment, subscribe and/or upvote :)

Till next time! Stay safe and well. :)

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RVTlucky07 #1
Chapter 24: Good job for this story. Heck, I'm crying many times, especially the recent chapters TT^TT
This story is amazing, you're doing a really good job author nim. ^_^

The funny thing is that after reading this, I stumbled on an article about slaves and human trafficking in my country on facebook. The girl in the article described it pretty much the same way you did, so good job on that too, for the way you portrayed this reality.
Chapter 24: Ooh it ended :'((
Thank your for this amazing fic, even the ending isn't enough for me but i really love it <3
Chapter 24: It’s to be continued…
Its still not enough..and i didn't believe this is a goodbye for this amazing story..i wish its another chapter left....(๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ〜♡॰ॱ
Thanks for the happy ending..you did well my dear writer..yes we need to let it go all the sad chapter of our life..ミ★(*・ω・)v
Hey..i read all..even the sappy author notes hahahha..(8^皿^8)
Thanks you to you too..do stay safe and well ...till the next time..i wish your write more in future to come..and its gonna be Myungyeol...and i will be your loyal reader...⑅✩♡ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏઽ*♡♬*°
Chapter 24: Thanks for finishing a great story! ♡
Fleurdesaison #6
Chapter 24: It ended noooo.
Kkkk just kidding.
Although i did find sungyeol sentence unfair i didnt complain about the sentence per se because from the little research i did, slaves are sometimes forced to sell and use drugs and, having in mind that korea law system seems to be hard on those who use it too, the sentence actually is realistic. I dont think you should apologise for the way you wrote your fic, maybe you should have explained that different countries have different laws. But although this ia fiction and people here should know happy endings not always happen in real life and there is not a rainbow and a prince in every end as well, they get upset. My thoughts concerning the way you ended your fic are: it seems that although yeollie went through worse i found him a bit too resilient about the news of the sentence almost as if he knew he wouldnt be there for long. But aside that ,hearing they scaped together to start a new life it was the best that could possibly happen in their circunstances if they wanted to stay together.
So in the end congratulations for writing this till the end even if you didnt plan to, your fic was different and entertaining. I hope to read more from you in the future.
See ya
Chapter 24: Somehow you ended up making it a beautiful fairy tale in the middle of cruel world. Maybe you can write a special chapter on how Myungyeol settled down somewhere peaceful :3
su_j85 #8
Chapter 24: they run away???? wah..too fairy tale... actually i wish they just face the sentence and myung wait and live happily ever after...
but its good story though...cant wait for your new story!!
Chapter 24: Thank you for the amazing story I love it and you choose the topic well ... And I hope to read more myungyeol stories from you
Chapter 23: i just read last two chapter and oh it is so emotional ;_;
poor sungyeol he is a victim but must have to go to jail for longest period :'(
myungsoo must be very guilty for make two close people in his life go to jail..
btw thanks for this update, ILY <3