An Unknown Ending.....

Number 130727

Jail. He heard it was a bad place, but probably not as bad as where he’s been before. He stared at the lawyer who seemed so lost. Whose insanity had seemed to already slip away from him as he begged the judge to change his mind.

He isn’t smart, but even he knew that it was the end. The decision was made, and there was nothing left, but to do as they said.

He was allowed a few minutes to bid farewell to his friend, but as selfish as he sounded, he didn’t want to. Because bidding farewell meant that he would never see them again. He didn’t want that.

H smiled widely at the lawyer who looked dejected and stressed, “I’m sorry.” He muttered, breaking down as the same two words was the only thing he muster up.

He was bowing to him, as though he was someone important, but he wasn’t. He ran his fingers through Myungsoo’s hair, calming him.

“It’s only a few years.” He said. “I’ve gone through much worse.”

“No, it’s my fault. I promised to protect you.”

“But you did.” He smiled, “Jail doesn’t sound too bad. We still get to see each other, right?”

He nodded, “Every day. I promise.” He smiled through the tears.

“You promised it!” He grinned, “Besides, I’ll be with Sunggyu from most of it.”

Myungsoo sniffed, and stared at the other who smiled warmly.

“Why are you crying?” He asked, wiping away his tears, “I’ll be fine.”

“I’m going to miss hugging you,”

He smiled, “Me too.”

“Myungsoo.” Dongwoo piped up, gaining the attention from the both of them, “Sunggyu wants to speak to you.”

He nodded, “Will you be okay?”

He nodded, “I’ll be with Dongwoo.” He smiled widely, showing no signs of sadness.


“Hyung.” He croaked, diving in to give him a hug. “Why did you do that? I hate you so much.”

Sunggyu chuckled, “Sometimes it feels good to be the hero for once.” He replied. “Why are you crying? I’m the one going to jail here.”

“I just can’t stop them though. They just keep on falling down.” He croaked, “I should replace you. I can tell them right now. It’s not even fair. Why did they conclude to that? They should have at least organised a trial for you so you can defend yourself. It’s not fair!” He protested.

“I’m not letting you go to jail.”

Myungsoo chuckled and looked down with teary eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s funny.”

“What?” Sunggyu stared in confusion.

“I’m not letting you go to jail.” He mimicked, “When we were looking for Sungyeol the other time… when he was missing. Someone said the exact same thing to me.” He glanced over to the male who was pleading with the judge, “I’m sorry for breaking you guys up. I know it was my fault, so don’t tell me otherwise. But, he really loves you. And don’t say you’re seeing someone, because we both know you can’t get over him either. Thank you for helping me, but I think you should help yourself for a change. Both of your lives became horrible the moment I stepped in.” Myungsoo chuckled, and more tears spilt out, “I made you lose your job. I sent you to jail. I ruined Woohyun’s only happiness by breaking you guys up. I made him get shot. I said really cruel words to him, and I can’t even apologise to him. I killed Sungjong. Yet, even though I hurt the both of you over and over again, you guys always seem to forgive me. I really don’t deserve it.” He looked down and began to shake softly as he sobbed.

“None of this is your fault. It’s what I call destiny. If it weren’t for you. I would have never met him. I would have never fallen in love. And I wouldn’t have actually lived. Everything that’s happened in the past year had seemed so surreal, I can’t thank you enough for making my life interesting. Besides, 3 years in jail Is nothing. People usually spend much more. Just promise that you’ll send me letters every week.”

He nodded, “I promise. I’ll send you messages every day.” He said sadly in defeat.

Sunggyu chuckled, “Okay, you can do that.” He hugged the other male, “Come on, this isn’t what a lawyer is supposed to act.” He teased.

“Sorry.” He laughed through his tears.

Sunggyu smiled sadly, “Here,” He said, handing him an envelope.

“What is it?”

“Open it when you get out of here. And just follow everything on it.”

“What is it?”

“You’ll thank me later, so you’re welcome.” He grinned.


“Remember, I’m only great at my job because I go against the law.” He smiled, “Now go talk to Sungyeol. He’s waiting for you.”

He nodded, “Thank you, for everything. Hyung.” He said, “And you go talk to Woohyun. Get his heart back.” He sniffed.

“That’s what I plan to do.”


“Are we going to talk now?”

“Do you want to?”

“I think we both know what we’re going to say though.”

Sunggyu sighed, “My feelings towards you were obvious, weren’t they?”

The policeman nodded, “But so were mine.”

“Then why couldn’t we make this work?”

“Because we’re both stupid.” Woohyun began to list, “We care about our work more than each other, or so we thought.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not too late to get back together.”

“I’ll be gone for four years.”

“I can wait.”

“Can you?”

Woohyun nodded, “I can.”

Sunggyu grinned at the other, “Then I hope you keep your promise. If I come out after 3 years, and you’re still waiting, then I’ll confess to you then.”

“Do you promise?”

“I promise.”

“I can’t wait for it.” He smiled widely.


It was time. The two males were cuffed and led outside and into a car.

“Are you scared?” Sunggyu asked.

He shook his head, “Not really.”

“What are you thinking?”

“Myungsoo.” He confessed.

“Oh really? What about him?”

“If he would be safe. He cries a lot.” He pointed out making the other laugh.

“He does, doesn’t he?”

Sungyeol nodded, “Are you think about Woohyun?”

“Hm? What makes you think that?”

“People usually think about who they like.”

Sunggyu smiled, “You’re pretty smart. I like you.”

“Really?” Sungyeol beamed.

“Really. And to answer your previous question, I am thinking of him.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“Hm, how to confess to him, once I get out.”

“Oh, just say, ‘I love you.’ That’s what Myungsoo said.”

“That would work, wouldn’t it?”

Sungyeol nodded, “It’s straight to the point.”

“I like that. Straight to the point. It matches my personality, don’t you think.”

He nodded, “In a good way.”


Myungsoo saw the police car drive away. Driving away with his friend and lover. He had promised Sungyeol that he wouldn’t cry. But he felt that he was already about to break it.

“He’ll be fine.” Dongwoo said softly beside him. “I promise.”

“He will be. He’s a strong person.” He agreed. “You should go home. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“We’ll be flying back tomorrow, Myungsoo. I’m sorry.”

He shook his head, “That’s alright.”

“Are you guys going home?” A new voice interrupted.

“Dongwoo and Hoya are. I think I’ll stay for a while.” He replied to his best friend.

After bidding their farewells and wishing them a safe flight, silence enveloped the duo as they stared at the sun that was setting.

“Guess it’s just us against the world, hey?” Myungsoo said.

“Not quite.”

Myungsoo looked at him, “Are you leaving me too?”

Woohyun chuckled, “It’s more the other way around.”


“Have you read your letter that Sunggyu gave you?”

He shook his head.

“Read it.”

Myungsoo stared at the envelope, slightly afraid to read of its contents, but nonetheless, opened it.


If you receive this, then you would know that things didn’t go the way you wanted it to. Don’t worry. Obstacles like these are inevitable. But there’s always something or something that could help you go through it. I’d like to think that that person is me. But, maybe it’s my obsession of sticking my nose in our people’s business’. You’re a good lawyer Myungsoo. If this is the route that you want, then I think that you could become the best. Even greater than me, without conning people like I do.

You might think me going to jail is your fault, but really, it’s a sentence long overdue. I’ve climbed up to where I am because of the illegal things that I’ve done, so I asked for this. None of this is your fault, so never blame yourself.

I’ve written 3 letters. All letters written in ways that I’ve predicted the case would end as. You receiving this letter would mean that Sungyeol is also arrested. That is my fault. I promised to keep you safe, but I have failed. I’m sorry. But my job doesn’t end here. I will keep my promise.

Attached to this letter, there is a plane ticket. To anywhere that you want. 6 hours after the sun sets, you are to depart. Go wherever you want. Relax. I will look after Sungyeol.


“I’m leaving.”

Woohyun nodded, “It’s best for you.” He laughed, “I guess it’s just me against the world.”


“I’m going to be promoted.” He said. “I’m going to become the chief in a week’s time. I’m pretty mad that you can’t make it.” He finished, trying to lighten the mood.

“I’m sorry.”

“Hey, you still owe me a drink. Once you come back, or if I visit you, you better buy me that drink.”

Myungsoo smiled, “I will. And we’ll go and meet some girls.”

“Hey, I only have eyes for one person now.” Woohyun laughed, “And I’m pretty sure you do too.”

He chuckled, “I do. But I’ll remember this drink I owe you. It’ll be just like old times.”

Woohyun nodded, “Now, go, or you’ll miss your flight.”

“Will you be okay by yourself?”

“I have more friends than just you guys you know.” Woohyun laughed.

“It’s hard to believe.”

“Yah, you brat.”

The two men laughed, and the mood was lightened up slightly.

“I’ll miss you.”

“Me too.”


There was 30 minutes until he had to board the plane.

Myungsoo sighed, staring at his watch. He wanted to feel happy, but all he could feel was a heavy weight on his chest, resembling his sorrow and unhappiness. He stood in line, holding his ticket and passport, as he waited to get it stamped.

“Myungsoo!” He heard, instantly making his head snap back. But there was no one. He was obviously hearing things. His friends were either packing to leave, or in jail.

“Myungsoo!” He heard again, this time ignoring it. He sighed for the nth time. It sounded so real.

There was a buzzing, and he quickly reached down for his phone, checking the messages that were just recently sent.

A sudden realisation hit him, as he checked his hand and realised that he was only holding his plane ticket. He checked his watch once again. 25 minutes before boarding. There was only 4 more people in front of him, before his turn, but he couldn’t even get in without his passport. Leaving the line, he ran around the room, knowing for a certain that he had dropped it there.

He might have received strange looks from strangers, but at the moment he didn’t really care. He needed to find the passport, or else he couldn’t leave.


“Yes!” He shouted, hitting his head in the process as he jumped up. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes as he stared at the other.


The man nodded, his hair dishevelled.

“W-What are you doing here?”

“I ran away.”

“You what?!” He exclaimed.

“The police car. It came here, and Sunggyu told me to run. I-I didn’t know what was happening, and then I saw Dongwoo and he helped me get in, and then they told me to find you bu-” His distressed blabbering was cut short as Myungsoo kissed him hard, tears flowing from both of their cheeks.

You say that it’s not fair.

And you’re right.

Which is why you two are leaving.

Running away from this cruel world.

People say running away is cowardly, but I think it’s not. Running away is taking initiative and starting anew.

I trust you to be safe.

When the time is right, we’ll meet again.

But in the meantime, begin a new chapter of your life.

I will take care of the rest.

Myungsoo needn’t to know who the recipient was. Although it was an unknown number, there was only one person who would bid him a farewell like this.

“Am I in trouble?” Sungyeol whispered shakily as he they parted.

“No.” Myungsoo replied, still in proximity, “We’ll go someplace beautiful. And we’ll start anew. It’ll be our new beginning.”



People say that the struggle that you’re in today is only developing the strength that you head for tomorrow.

That a struggle that you face in the past, will flourish into something beautiful.

Life has many ways of testing someone’s will.

I am Number 1-3-0-7-2-9 . I am Lee Sungyeol.

I was given this life, not because I was a failure, but because I was strong enough to handle it.

This is my story.

My story is to enlighten people of what happens beneath our feet. I cannot force you to act. You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.

My story is to give hope, but not fantasy. Because although I may have made it a happy ending here, my life doesn’t stop there.

It’s to be continued…









~3 years later~

Sunggyu walked out, squinting as the sun entered his eyes. Blinking several times, to get used to the bright light, he was instantly greeted by a familiar face that had never failed to visit him every day for the past 3 years.


“Hi.” They conversed awkwardly, as though it had been years since they met.

“I waited.”

Sunggyu nodded, “I know.” He smiled.

“Well are you go-”

His sentence was interrupted, as the other pulled him by his collar and planted his lips onto the his. Sunggyu loosened his grip on his collar and his hands dropped too Woohyun’s arms, as they parted only to breathe, “I love you.” Sunggyu whispered, his eyes still on the policeman’s swollen lips.

“Well it’s about time.” He smiled, leaning in for another kiss, “Because I love you too.” He mumbled against his lips.





Okay, so there were some discrepency about the sentencing of Sunggyu and Sungyeol in the previous chapter. I understand that it was really unfair, but the reason why I did it like that was because I wanted to emphasise that. I'm really really sorry for making people angry or sad and everything, but I hope you all understand T~T This whole story was merely based on the research I made, so many of these things, I admit, were unrealistic, and I apologise for that. As I had said to a couple of people, I wasn't planning to finish this story, or even spend so much time on it. When I started, I wrote about it, seeing red. Like normally when people are angry, they would punch a wall, or they would curse at another... stuff like that, but when I get mad, I like to write, so I first read about human trafficking and things about it, and I was so mad at what was going on, that I thought that I would write it in the form of a story. At that time, I was thinking that even if I could talk about it to a small group of people, at least it could lift some weight and anger off my shoulders, and well it did. I didn't really expect so many readers, and well I felt bad to just stop there, so I continued writing, and before I knew it, I became to enjoy it, and looked forward to writing this story.

The 'happy ending' as one might put it, was short, and I like to believe that it was the most realistic part of the story. I wanted to show that the problems were solved, however not permanently. They would still be runaways technically, however, at the same time, it was their happy ending because to them, it was living a new life and throwing away the past. I planned to finish it there, because although I am a fool for happy endings, I still believe that a happy future seemed much more beautiful than one that is ended. :)

Nonetheless, it was a great pleasure working on this and talking to a few of you. Thank you so much for reading, subscriing, upvoting, commenting, everything! It really meant a lot to me. This story actually brought me a lot of joy, as sappy as that sounds. I don't think a lot of people read the author's note, but that's okay, I just want to write this all down. 

Anywaysss thank you so much! Till next time! Please please Pleaseeee do stay safe and well :)

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RVTlucky07 #1
Chapter 24: Good job for this story. Heck, I'm crying many times, especially the recent chapters TT^TT
This story is amazing, you're doing a really good job author nim. ^_^

The funny thing is that after reading this, I stumbled on an article about slaves and human trafficking in my country on facebook. The girl in the article described it pretty much the same way you did, so good job on that too, for the way you portrayed this reality.
Chapter 24: Ooh it ended :'((
Thank your for this amazing fic, even the ending isn't enough for me but i really love it <3
Chapter 24: It’s to be continued…
Its still not enough..and i didn't believe this is a goodbye for this amazing story..i wish its another chapter left....(๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ〜♡॰ॱ
Thanks for the happy did well my dear writer..yes we need to let it go all the sad chapter of our life..ミ★(*・ω・)v
Hey..i read all..even the sappy author notes hahahha..(8^皿^8)
Thanks you to you stay safe and well ...till the next time..i wish your write more in future to come..and its gonna be Myungyeol...and i will be your loyal reader...⑅✩♡ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏઽ*♡♬*°
Chapter 24: Thanks for finishing a great story! ♡
Fleurdesaison #6
Chapter 24: It ended noooo.
Kkkk just kidding.
Although i did find sungyeol sentence unfair i didnt complain about the sentence per se because from the little research i did, slaves are sometimes forced to sell and use drugs and, having in mind that korea law system seems to be hard on those who use it too, the sentence actually is realistic. I dont think you should apologise for the way you wrote your fic, maybe you should have explained that different countries have different laws. But although this ia fiction and people here should know happy endings not always happen in real life and there is not a rainbow and a prince in every end as well, they get upset. My thoughts concerning the way you ended your fic are: it seems that although yeollie went through worse i found him a bit too resilient about the news of the sentence almost as if he knew he wouldnt be there for long. But aside that ,hearing they scaped together to start a new life it was the best that could possibly happen in their circunstances if they wanted to stay together.
So in the end congratulations for writing this till the end even if you didnt plan to, your fic was different and entertaining. I hope to read more from you in the future.
See ya
Chapter 24: Somehow you ended up making it a beautiful fairy tale in the middle of cruel world. Maybe you can write a special chapter on how Myungyeol settled down somewhere peaceful :3
su_j85 #8
Chapter 24: they run away???? wah..too fairy tale... actually i wish they just face the sentence and myung wait and live happily ever after...
but its good story though...cant wait for your new story!!
Chapter 24: Thank you for the amazing story I love it and you choose the topic well ... And I hope to read more myungyeol stories from you
Chapter 23: i just read last two chapter and oh it is so emotional ;_;
poor sungyeol he is a victim but must have to go to jail for longest period :'(
myungsoo must be very guilty for make two close people in his life go to jail..
btw thanks for this update, ILY <3