The visit

Number 130727

“URGH.” A loud groan could be heard from the office, gaining attention from a few of the workers outside.

Myungsoo dropped his head onto his hands in frustration. He was getting nowhere with this case. Staring at the documents that were displayed in front of him, he decided that he should organise it all in the way that he was going to present them on the day. After all, all that he had to do now was prepare the speech and rehearse.

“How you going?” He looked up, smiling when he saw Sunggyu holding two cups of coffee, handing one to him.

“Thanks.” He said, accepting the beverage, “It’s awful. There’s less than two weeks, and I’m having a mind blank.”

“Well you’ve got everything, right?”


“Well, that’s good. All you have to do is rehearse.”

He nodded. “I’m not too stressed about my bit, but…” He trailed off.


“Yeah.” He looked down, “I’m worried that he’d get too scared. I gave him things to practise with, but it seems like he just keeps getting traumatic memories when he starts, and also he’s never had nightmares, but now, he gets them whenever he falls asleep, to the point where I can’t leave his side.” He said in one breath.

“So what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.” He muttered. ”But if he can’t do it, I’m not going to force him into doing anything. We still have the evidence on paper, and Dongwoo’s story.”

“But will that be enough?”

“I hope so.”


“How are you?”

“I’m good.” He replied, holding the phone firmly to his ears.

“Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Hm, but you should still eat. I don’t want you to get sick.” His master said softly.

“Okay…” He bit his lower lip, “Have you eaten?”

“Not yet, there’s just too much work. I can’t really go out to eat.”

“Can’t you eat inside?”

He heard a small chuckle, “I could, but I have to go out and buy some first. It’ll waste my time. I need all the time I can get”

He kept silent, “Okay, then I’ll stop talking to you so you can continue with your work.” He said.

“No wai-” He had heard his master say, although he had already hung up.

He stared at the phone for a short while, thinking about what he should do next. With slight hesitation, he scrolled up his contact list, before clicking on an ID.

“Hello?” a voice called out from the other line.



He nodded, before realising that the other wouldn’t have been able to see this gesture, “Yes.”

“Oh, how are you?”

“I need your help.”

“H-Huh? Alright. Uh, do you want me to come over?”

“Can you?”

“Of course.”


Myungsoo yawned, and stretched, and then yawned once more as he stared at the clock. Time had seemed to be ticking so slowly. It was only 4PM but it had felt like a whole day.

His stomach was grumbling, and his eyes were drooping.

He was completely exhausted.

Deciding to take a short break, he rested his head on his arms and closed his eyes, his break being cut short almost instantly as a phone call rang loudly in the office. He jumped and banged his head onto the desk, groaning.

Reaching over for the phone that continued to obnoxiously ring loudly in a high frequency he yawned for the nth time, finally picking up.

“Hm.” He muttered.

“There are two visitors who have requested to see you.”


“Uh, are they allowed?”

“I don’t even know who you are talking about.” He snapped.

“U-Uh. Two men who have requested for you to be their lawyer.”

“For what?” He knew that he was being to harsh on the receptionist. She was only doing her job, but he was too tired to care about other people’s feelings at this point in time.

“That’s why they are here, sir. They want to discuss it with you.”

Myungsoo sighed. He really did not need another case in his hands right now, but he agreed nonetheless.

“Tell them they have only 30 minutes, then send them up.” He muttered.

“Yes sir.”

After hanging up, he sat up, brushing his hair down with his fingers to at least look semi- presentable. He fixed his computer, keyboard and then the picture frame right beside it, pausing slightly to admire the photo. He cleared his throat and shook his head, and continued to fix everything up to look professional and not like he had spent days in his office pulling his hair and freaking out.

His office was made out of a tinted glass, so he was able to see the people outside, without them knowing. That was a benefit, because as his clients made their way to his office, he was able to judge them from head to toe and prepare himself for what kind of treatment he was going to be receiving from each client.

But this time, he was more than confused.

He blinked.

He rubbed his eyes.

He slapped his cheek.

Shaking his head to wake himself up.

But he kept seeing the same person.

They entered the room, and Myungsoo still couldn’t understand what was going on. His tired brain was obviously playing tricks on him. The taller male who was clinging onto the shorter one in fright, let go, shouting his name before running to hold tightly onto his arm.

“S-Sungyeol?” He asked, as though he had seen a ghost.

“Huh?” He asked nervously, before staring at Dongwoo, who waved his hand in front of the scared looking lawyer.

“Hello? Earth to Myungsoo?” Dongwoo sang, as he laughed at the other’s reaction.

“I’m going crazy.” Myungsoo muttered, before going straight to the phone, dialling a number had memorised.

“Woohyun, you wouldn’t believe what’s happening to me.” He said once the other had picked up, “I think I’m going insane. I’m literally seeing people.” He paused, before staring at the tall male holding onto his arm, before whispering, “I could even feel him holding onto me. What’s happening to me?”


He paused, “I can hear him too, Woohyun.” He whispered.

Dongwoo sighed, shaking his head before snatching the phone and hanging up.

“What the-”

“Aren’t you going to greet us?”


“Is he okay?” Sungyeol whispered to Dongwoo, “Is this what happens when you leave the house?”

“No, nothing happens when you leave the house. Myungsoo’s just being an idiot.”

Woah woah, wait. Are you guys actually here?” Myungsoo asked in shock, his eyes widening as he stared at Sungyeol who was still clinging onto his arm. He tilted his head slightly to the side, holding up his free arm and poking the other’s cheek. “Amazing, you look so real.” He whispered.

“That’s because we are real.” Dongwoo laughed.

“Wait, but how? S-Sungyeol…” He trailed off, looking at him.

Sungyeol stared back in confusion, “I wanted to see you.” He said simply, “I haven’t seen you in 2 days.” He pouted.

“Hey what’s this?” Dongwoo said loudly, making Myungsoo snap his head back at his direction, diving in to grab the picture frame that was in his hands, however tripping over a cable in the process and falling down.

“Why do you have this?” He laughed.

“No, put it down!” He yelled, under the piles of paper that had fallen on his face.

“What is it?” Sungyeol’s timid voice asked in curiosity.

“No! Dongwoo, don’t show him!” He yelled again, trying to scurry back up. “No!” He yelled, jumping up and snatching the frame, and pressing the picture to his chest tightly.

Sungyeol pouted, as he tried to see the picture, but to no avail.

 “S-Stop! T-This must be a dream.” He said loudly, slapping his head, “Wake up Myungsoo, you’re embarrassing yourself.”

“Why do you have a picture of him?” Dongwoo asked, still in peals of laughter and ignoring Myungsoo’s unnecessary assumptions.

“You must be going insane.” Myungsoo muttered to himself. He took deep breaths, before staring at the two males in front of him, “I’m not seeing things aren’t I?”

Sungyeol smiled, “Dongwoo helped me cook!” He replied.


He nodded.

“Oh, okay.” He mumbled before shoving the picture frame into the drawer.

“Why are you putting it away?”

“I don’t need it.”

Sungyeol frowned, tilting his head in slight confusion, “Isn’t that the person you like?”

Dongwoo coughed, as though he was choking, “What?”

“Hoya told me how people have picture of someone they like framed so that they wouldn’t miss them much.” He replied naively.

Dongwoo glanced at the other, who was avoiding their stares, “Uh, Myungsoo?”

“Haha.” He laughed awkwardly, “Let’s eat, I’m hungry.”

“Do you like that person?” Sungyeol asked curiously.

“Uhm.” He looked at Dongwoo, as though asking for helping however he refused to a utter a word as he stared amusingly at the couple. “Uh yeah, I do.” He replied, missing the slight pout made by the other.


Myungsoo scoffed down the food, trying to avoid the looks thrown at him.

“You should slow down.” Dongwoo muttered.

“If you want, you can have the picture out.” Sungyeol added, making the other groan. “Did I say something wrong?” He asked worriedly.

Dongwoo snorted in response, “Why do you say that?”

He shrugged, “Hoya says that sometimes he eats in front of a picture of you when he’s lonely so he can feel like your presence is there.” He replied back innocently.

Dongwoo blink, before blushing a crimson red, “He actually said that?”

Sungyeol nodded his head rapidly. “He says he has a lot of pictures of you, so when you’re gone, he doesn’t feel lonely.”

Myungsoo began to snicker at Dongwoo’s bashfulness, stopping instantly when the other shot him a playful glare. “You should take out your frame too Myungsoo.” He teased.

He cleared his throat in return before facing Sungyeol, “So, why did you decide to go outside?” He asked, changing the subject swiftly.

“I wanted to see you.” Sungyeol whispered, looking down in guilt.

“I’m glad you came to see me.” He smiled, “I really wanted to see you too.” They smiled. “Were you scared? I’m sorry I couldn’t be the first to take you out.”

He shook his head, “I was really scared, but I wanted to see you, so I was able to go.” He beamed. “I only stayed in the car for most of the journey though.”

Myungsoo smiled, “Maybe we could go to the park one day, we can play and enjoy the outside.”

He nodded back excitedly, “Tomorrow?”

Myungsoo chuckled, “Maybe.”


He woke up extra early the next morning with a large smile on his face as he heard the birds chirp outside.

Looking around, he remembered that his master had still been at the office working. His smile was quickly replaced with a frown at the sudden realisation as he sighed and picked up the papers that were sprawled on the bed beside him.

He had remembered most of the words that he had to memorise for what his master had described, one of the most important thing to him.

He sighed, and decided to get ready, and once finished, brought the sheets of paper to the kitchen to continue reading over, his heard rapidly beating, as his mind continued to drift back to his past.

But he was distracted. He continued to think about the events that played out the day before, where he had gotten the courage to leave the house with the help of Dongwoo. It would have been a lie if he had planned that the first time he would go out would have been with his master- because he thought that it would have been special- but leaving the house to see him was just as special in his opinion.

But he continued to think about the image that his master had hidden so well.

It was someone that he liked, that was what he had said.

It made him pout and feel sad, but he couldn’t say that out loud. But, maybe this feeling just proved that he did really really really like his master.

He heard a knock on the door, making his heart stop. He wasn’t expecting anyone. Had the bad people come back for him?

A louder knock was heard. He knew that Myungsoo would have had a key to the door, and Dongwoo would only come if he had called beforehand. Other that those people, there were no one who would come here.

Slowly, and cautiously, he walked towards the door and opened it, ignoring the bad thoughts that had now surrounded his mind.

He opened the door to an unfamiliar face.

“Who are you?”


Myungsoo pulled up at his beloved house. He grinned as he arrived. After 3 days of staying in the office, he was hungry, and he stank. But aside from all that, he had missed someone that he knew would be waiting for him.

It felt good to know that someone was waiting for him.

To come home and be greeted by them.

It felt even better when the person was someone you liked.

He opened the door, only to be greeted by silence. He frowned slightly. “Sungyeol?” He called out, thinking that maybe the other had gone to sleep early.

The silence felt eerie and cold. It made his hairs stand up and sent shivers down his spine. He didn’t like the feeling, and something just didn’t feel right.

He decided to make his way to the bedroom, expecting to see a cute, peaceful male at rest. His eyes widened, and his heart became more frantic.

He ran out. Checking every single room. Screaming the other’s name frantically.

His hair now dishevelled and tears smeared everywhere he dropped onto his leather sofa, his eyes still wide and his head spinning around.

An obnoxious ringing brought his back to reality as he pulled the device beside his ear.

The male on the other side of the line calling his name, yet everything sounded like a blur. His name sounded foreign.

His breathing became deeper as realisation hit him.

“Sungyeol’s missing.” He whispered.



Ha...ha....ha....... Guess I can't really complain if you guys actually choose to murder me xD Gosh, author, you decide to update 2 weeks later, when you promised to update quicker AND you decide to make more problems when you say that the stories going to end soon? Good job xD But hey, look on the bright side, this is a long-ish update.... right? XD

Anyways, I'm sorry I made it all sad at the end like I legit planned out this chapter to be fluff, like pure fluff where they'd go to the park and play with dogs and Sungyeol would be all happy but nup I'm a horrible person who knows no such happiness >~< I sincerely apologise!!! And I promise it's not all that bad. I thought for an hour about how to make it not bad and I would like to reassure you guys that THERE WILL BE A HAPPY ENDING DESPITE MY ANGSTY LIFE (And I won't make him gone for more than a chapter so don't worry, please don't kill me yet!)

Till next time! Stay safe and well you all xx

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RVTlucky07 #1
Chapter 24: Good job for this story. Heck, I'm crying many times, especially the recent chapters TT^TT
This story is amazing, you're doing a really good job author nim. ^_^

The funny thing is that after reading this, I stumbled on an article about slaves and human trafficking in my country on facebook. The girl in the article described it pretty much the same way you did, so good job on that too, for the way you portrayed this reality.
Chapter 24: Ooh it ended :'((
Thank your for this amazing fic, even the ending isn't enough for me but i really love it <3
Chapter 24: It’s to be continued…
Its still not enough..and i didn't believe this is a goodbye for this amazing story..i wish its another chapter left....(๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ〜♡॰ॱ
Thanks for the happy did well my dear writer..yes we need to let it go all the sad chapter of our life..ミ★(*・ω・)v
Hey..i read all..even the sappy author notes hahahha..(8^皿^8)
Thanks you to you stay safe and well ...till the next time..i wish your write more in future to come..and its gonna be Myungyeol...and i will be your loyal reader...⑅✩♡ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏઽ*♡♬*°
Chapter 24: Thanks for finishing a great story! ♡
Fleurdesaison #6
Chapter 24: It ended noooo.
Kkkk just kidding.
Although i did find sungyeol sentence unfair i didnt complain about the sentence per se because from the little research i did, slaves are sometimes forced to sell and use drugs and, having in mind that korea law system seems to be hard on those who use it too, the sentence actually is realistic. I dont think you should apologise for the way you wrote your fic, maybe you should have explained that different countries have different laws. But although this ia fiction and people here should know happy endings not always happen in real life and there is not a rainbow and a prince in every end as well, they get upset. My thoughts concerning the way you ended your fic are: it seems that although yeollie went through worse i found him a bit too resilient about the news of the sentence almost as if he knew he wouldnt be there for long. But aside that ,hearing they scaped together to start a new life it was the best that could possibly happen in their circunstances if they wanted to stay together.
So in the end congratulations for writing this till the end even if you didnt plan to, your fic was different and entertaining. I hope to read more from you in the future.
See ya
Chapter 24: Somehow you ended up making it a beautiful fairy tale in the middle of cruel world. Maybe you can write a special chapter on how Myungyeol settled down somewhere peaceful :3
su_j85 #8
Chapter 24: they run away???? wah..too fairy tale... actually i wish they just face the sentence and myung wait and live happily ever after...
but its good story though...cant wait for your new story!!
Chapter 24: Thank you for the amazing story I love it and you choose the topic well ... And I hope to read more myungyeol stories from you
Chapter 23: i just read last two chapter and oh it is so emotional ;_;
poor sungyeol he is a victim but must have to go to jail for longest period :'(
myungsoo must be very guilty for make two close people in his life go to jail..
btw thanks for this update, ILY <3