What does that mean?

Must Be....
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I left the boys at the building and went back to the office.

_Oh! Hyemin-ah you're back! - Exclaimed Jihyo, she like the Happy virus of the office yet she is a little.... weird, it's just my first day and i know that she has a temper.

_Yes, i'm back. Something new about the case? - I asked going to sit at my desk.

_Yes, who attacked you, he was spotted several times across the street by the CCTV of the victim building, always hiding his face, but we got a partial image of his face and put at system to see if we find something. - Said Dongwook approaching my desk.

_And i got the results. - Said Jongki joining us. - He's a ghost, there is no birth certificate or any other document about him, but we have a lot of videos and images of him in others countries.

_What countries?

_Scotland, England, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Ireland and Greece, he spend 3 to 5 years in these countries. - Said  Jongki.

_They are specific and different places, so why is he here now? - Asked Wonbin joining us.

_That's a good question,  Jongki and Jihyo continue to look for more information about or victim and the agressor. - Dongwook said and the two went to the glass room on our floor that have multiples monitors all around the room and a table in the center with some notebooks. - What did you two found in the address? - He asked  to Wonbin and Jongsuk.

_It's abandoned, we scour all the place and didn't found any signal that someone have been there. - Said Jongsuk.

_So the Girlfriend of our victim don't exist. - Said Dongwook thoughtfully. - Something isn't right. Wonbin and Jonguk  go to the address and keep an eye out to find if someone appear. - They both nodded and went out at same time that Jaehyun e Soohyuk appeared. - Good that you returned, i want you two  and Hyemi to go the morgue to find more about the death of our victim.

We nodded and went on our way in silence until we entered the elevator.

_So ... are y

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