First Case

Must Be....
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After they introduce themselves to me, Dongwook handed me my gun and badge and we went to the the local of the crime with the Team cars.

When we reached the place, Dongwook started to give orders.

_Jaehyun, Soohyuk  and Hyemin will stay with me to analyze the scene, Jihyo and Jongki go ask the neighbors if they saw something strange, Jongsuk and Woobin look around the block, look for CCTV and anything strange.  - He finish and everyone stared doing what he said. - Are you ready new girl? - He asked looking at me.


We entered the room where happened the crime and the first thing that stood out was the amount of blood and the smell of the room, it wasn't the smell of a dead body or blood and nothing similar, it was some sweet fragrance mixed with the smell of medications.

_What is this fragrance? - Asked Soohyuk to us.

_It's roses, or at least some mixed rose, made by some crazy human, it's rare.

I said and started walking around the room, dodging the body in the middle of it.

_How do you know? - Asked Jaehyun and his tone indicating that he was suspicious of something.

_I had one case with the same fragrance around the room and later before i went to London i found out that the same fragrance was found in a lot of similiar cases, but a lot of them were just a copycat.

_How many cases with this same thing? - Asked Dongwook while i was still looking around the room.

_ 10, but the director didn't want to have frightened people  with a possibilities of a serial killer.

_Could you stop walking around like this?! - Asked Dongwook. - What are you looking for? - He asked and at the same time i saw what i was looking for and put my gloves and picked up the little bottle that was  with such fragrance.

_This. - I said showing to them. - Is the same type o bottle that was found in the old cases.

_Impossible. - Said Dongwook.

_If isn't the same person as before, we have a another copycat at our hands. - Said Soohyuk.

_Let's finish looking at the scene and then we meet with the others to talk about this. - Said Dongwook collecting the bottle of my hand and we started to work around the room.

_Oh god, did our guy tried to paint the room? - Asked Jihyo appearing in the room with Jongki.

_You found something? - Asked Dongwook ignoring her question.

_Yes, one of the neighbors said that around 2AM he heard some strange sounds coming from here, he tough that our victim here was fighting with his girlfriend. - Said Jongki.

_And who is our victim?

_Kim Sungho, 25 year old, no one know what he did for life, and others neighbors said that he don't have any family and nei

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