Bottled Emotions

Things Happen (Secret Obsession)



*Hyuna’s Point of View*

I carpooled in Myungsoo’s car to an urbanized cafe near his apartment called InSpirit. The scenery was dramatic and a bit gloomy but I assumed it was because of the mood I was already in. A waitress approached us before we could even sit comfortably in our cushioned chairs.

I’ll have two decaf americanos, to stay.”, he bluntly ordered, not even asking me for my request. Haerin liked decaf americanos; she never ordered anything else.

The waitress kindly wrote down his order and left us to organize our cluttered thoughts. Silence rained over us as we both sat concentrated on one thing: Haerin. I tried to remember the last time I saw her. We were at the graduation party. I pursed my lips and tightened my eyes hut, hoping the motions would ease the difficulty in my terrible memory recovering. If only I had not taken those awful drinks, I could’ve easily regained the events of the party.

Before I could dig deeper into my thoughts, the waitress that had greeted us returned and stood patiently at our table’s side. She slowly placed our steaming drinks on the table, obviously aware of our need to be left alone. Something beamed of light from the corner of my eye and I turned to realize it was the waitress’ ring reflecting off the bright lights above us. It was an elegant ring with gold t and a well sized diamond firmly hooked. Where have I seen this ring before? 

“I like your ring.” I shyly smiled, still having my eyes plastered on the shiny object. 

“Thanks. A friend gave it to me as a graduation present.”, she chimed and wiggled her fingers around the ring. We smiled at each other once more and then she walked away. 

“What was that about?” Myungsoo asked, eyeing me suspiciously. 


“It’s just a ring.”, he shrugged.

He was right. It was just a ring. It was something about the ring that—

“Ah-ha!” I shrieked making Myungsoo jump in his seat. 

“This better be good…”

“The ring!” I snapped, my face lighting up in glee.

“What about it?” he tampered, seeming a bit annoyed for not getting straight to the point.

The night of the party Haerin was given a ring…” Myungsoo’s eyes widened and his jaw slightly dropped. Was he angry? Surprised? Jealous?

“And what does that have in common with our situation?” he said, emphasizing “situation” as to redirect me back on topic.

“Because that was the last thing I remember from that night and possibly the last time I saw Haerin. I took too many drinks and my memory is a bit… weak.” Instantly, my face flushed with red and I placed my head down in shame. If I hadn’t of gotten drunk it would have made this easier. 

Myungsoo looked at me with another odd expression I could not make out, but judging from his body language, he seemed tense and annoyed. He was probably blaming all this on my foolish actions. 

I closed my eyes once again and tried to concentrate on that night. 
A ring? What was so special about that ring?

Slowly images flashed in my mind, some quicker than others. The first one that appeared was of us at the drinks and liquor booth having our first drink that lead to all this drama. Why do I have to remember all the dreadful things? Why can’t I remember all the good times?

I tried retracing my my steps after the drinks. We took some drinks and then danced— well, for the most part. Haerin went to dance with Myungsoo for awhile. After a few hours we met up again when Haerin had been given the ring. But from who?

“After Haerin and I danced, she went looking for you.” Myungsoo shockingly announced, interrupting my thoughts. How was he able to do that: say the right things at the right time? 

I lifted my sulking my sulking face at him and for a moment, our eyes met. A warm tingly sensation danced in the pit of my stomach and I wondered if he felt the butterflies too.

She went straight to me?” I asked. 

“Yup. Straight to you. And I let her go… I should’ve pulled her back to me. Or at least gone with her to make sure she would be safe.” Myungsoo’s head lowered and he stared at his shoes beneath the transparent table. A rush of guilt swarmed to my body and my face burned hot. He really is blaming me for Haerin’s disappearance. I shrugged my shoulders even lower as he continuously stared downwards, his face frozen like he was in a trance or coma. I guess this was the face of a broken-hearted man, and I was the blame for it all.

I tried, for the last time, to regain memory of that night. Images flashed once more through my head. Haerin and I drinking, Haerin and I dancing, Haerin and I laughing, and finally Haerin and I staring at a ring.

“Who gave her the ring?” I accidentally said out loud and enough for Myungsoo to hear. 

“I don’t know, you tell me.” he snapped back at me. What was his problem, now? Where was all his anger and frustration at me coming from?

“I can’t remember anything.”

“It’s not hard. Just think about it.” he arrogantly responded. I could feel the blood boil in my veins. He made it seem like we were trying to find a pair of keys and not my best-friend and his girlfriend. I wish he would at least try to understand it from my perspective.

“If it’s so easy, why haven’t you said anything?!” I shouted. I had never gone off on anyone the way I did at Myungsoo. I saw it in his face, a bit of shock, embarrassment, and guilt. 

“I already told you, the last time I saw her was when she went looking for you. I never saw her after that…. you did!” 

I squinted my eyes and stared at him in disgust. He was piling all this mess on me as if it was all my fault she’s been gone. 

I furiously stood up from our table and walked out of the cafe leaving my untouched cup of coffee and an emotionally bruised Myungsoo behind me.

I headed towards his car hoping my built-up anger would cool off along with the calming breeze. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and stared at the brightly lit screen and dialed Haerin’s digits for millionth time. I hoped she would sense my desperate need for her, and finally pick up. I waited to hear her voice. I needed to make sure she was okay. I didn’t even care is this was a joke, I just wanted to be sure she was safe. 

“Hey this is Haerin,”, her voice rang from my cell and my heart stopped at the sound, “leave me a message after the tone and I’ll definetly get back to you A.S.A.P. Muah!” 

“Stupid voicemail.” I cursed and hung up.

Fresh tears coiled in my eyes which then crawled down my cheeks as I sobbed alone in the cafe parking lot. 

“Hey,” a subtle voice whispered behind me, “are you okay?”

I wiped my watered eyes and cheeks ad turned to face Myungsoo standing behind me, face down and his hands in his pockets. 

“Yeah.” I whimpered, trying not to let my emotions show.

“No, you’re not…”, he said, taking baby steps towards me. I looked up to stare at his emerald eyes as they glistened against the sun.

“You seem tense.” he said again. 

“Yeah, well.” 

“Well, what?”

Was this point where I’d spill my heart and mind out to him hoping for in return he’s understand and tell me everything would be alright and Haerin was safe? 
I hope so.

“Well, to tell the truth, I don’t know what’s going on. My best-friend is supposedly missing and I’m here with you trying to find her at a cafe. I’ve asked her dad, her mom, you… still she’s no where to be found. She hasn’t replied to anyone not even her mom. I-I just don’t know what to do.” Myungsoo looked at me again and for once I could read his facial expression. He sympathized for me but more especially, he understood. He wasn’t judging me, he was agreeing with me. 

He heaved a heavy sigh, “Well I guess I haven’t been much of a help either.”

“You guess?” I raised my eyebrow and smirked.

“Fine. I haven’t been any help at all. I guess I’ve been bottling my hurt and letting it spill on you.” he sighed. A ton of weight uplifted from my chest. I now regretted my childish act inside the cafe and walking out on him. Deep down inside Myungsoo was someone I could relate to. I guess I just had to chip through his barrier before getting to him. We could both agree that we let the the stress and our emotions get the best of us. 

“I’m sorry.” I cried, curling my face into his chest and letting my tears soak into his shirt.

“No, I’m sorry. None of this is your fault.”, he shushed me whilst combing my hair with his fingers.

“Yes it is. If I hadn’t of—”, he let go of our hug and cupped my chin in his hands. My heart melted and my knees softened to jello.

“Everything is going to be alright.”

“You promise?”

A moment of silence passed and for a minute I thought he was going to tell me “no”. Instead he tilted his body towards mine and whispered, “I promise.”


And kissed me....





Sorry for not updating T_T comment guys! It makes me happy! 

Have a wonderful new years! And I'll be heading back to school monday, meaning goodbye break, and hello finals! So I'll update as much as possible! Thanks for subscribing ^_^ and yes, I do keep count of my subscribers and who they are o.o 

Alrighty, have a blessed new years!!!!!!<3

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Yo_Smile #1
I'm so happy you uploaded.
D: is Hyuna going to be evil to her bestfriend?!
TwinSoul #2
@missukiss7 I'm glad you like it :)
@asian_ninja712 don't worry, I'll put up a picture you'll LOVE this time ;)
wah~^^ unnie u need to teach me how to write that well... kekeke onew...
TwinSoul #4
I'm glad you like it:) and I'll update as soon as I get the pesky school tests out of the way, which will be soon!<3
Thanks for leaving me a comment~!
this is so intense.. i love it!<br />
i oddly liked the scene with hyuna&myungsoo.. hopefully there's more? ^^
TwinSoul #6
lol I'm glad you liked it!<3 <br />
lol everyone is cheating on everyone T_T haha~ <br />
WHAT TO DO?! <- wait for next update;) <br />
<br />
I'll update asap :)
Yo_Smile #7
Yay i'm so happy you updated! :D<br />
Haerin's cheating on Myungsoo D:<br />
But Myungsoo also kissed hyuna :D<br />
Update soon!^^
TwinSoul #8
Lol, thanks for reading and commenting ^_^ and I'm sorry about the font, I didn't notice it until yesterday:/ <br />
And you'll have to read to find out ;)
hanzxxx #9
those fonts are so smalllllllllllllllll O.O hehehehe XD why did he kiss hyuna? X\
Yo_Smile #10
Omg!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!<br />
D: You left us with a cliff hanger!! Arg!!<br />
xD I really enjoyed the Hyuna/Myungsoo moment~~ ^^<br />