Bittersweet Touch

Things Happen (Secret Obsession)



*Haerin’s Point of View*

I’m guessing I fell asleep because I woke up on my bed, wincing as I got up. I cringed when I saw dried blood on my clothes and hands.


You’re awake!” I looked up to see Jaejoong sitting on a chair in front of me. I unconsciously backed away remembering the events of the previous night.


You haven’t eaten so I brought you food,” he gestured to a nice looking breakfast. I eyed it suspiciously with doubt creeping up on me. Why is he being so nice?


I brought a wash cloth and bandages to clean up those cuts,” he softly said, with pain in his voice as if he didn’t know he was the cause of these cuts.


I bought you some clothes and changed you out of your old ones, but I guess those got stained too.” That’s when I noticed I wasn’t wearing the same clothes I had been wearing the other day. I shivered in disgust, afraid to think of what he could have seen.


And I got-“


I want to go home.” I cut him off.


What? At least let me finish what I have to say,” he chuckled, placing his hand on mine.


I slipped my hand away from his possessive touch and spoke louder, “I want to go home.”


But I can take good care of you.” Jaejoong smiled innocently. So innocently that it seemed like this was just a nightmare and Jaejoong was the old Jaejoong I knew.


Myungsoo can take care of me too. So can Hyuna.” I challenged, matching his piercing gaze.


I can protect you better than either of them.”


And locking me away is your idea of protection?” I spat.


I have to protect you from the monsters that you call men who will just take advantage of you and-“


The only person I want protection away from is you.”, I glared, despite the thoughts of what he was capable of doing to me.


You know what? Fine.” Jaejoong abruptly stood up, knocking down the chair he was sitting on, picked up the tray of food and walked out the door with a slam.


Maybe now he’ll think about letting me go.


I sat there silently, waiting for him to burst in with an apology speech, begging me not to take him to court. But nothing. As I waited my stomach began to growl, finally realizing how long it has been since I last had a bite to eat. I worriedly began to bite at my nails in hopes it would alleviate my hunger the least bit.


How long would it be ‘til he comes back? He has to feed me something right? What if he’s teaching me a lesson? I can’t go and knock for food… I’d look weak.

These thoughts popped up as hours went by, my hunger getting worse by the second, until I found myself knocking on the locked door.



Jaejoong…Jaejoong?” I knocked softly, afraid of an angry response.


Jaejoong, can I eat? I’m hungry…”, my mentally scolded myself at how vulnerable I sounded.




Shut up!” I heard him yell. He was probably sleeping.


Please, I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten for two days or however long I’ve been here… so please, bring me food.” I begged.


And then what? You gain energy to insult me and attempt to run away again?” I heard him respond, his voice sounding a bit closer.


Well if you starve me, I’ll eventually die.”


You are such a…” I didn’t get to hear the rest as he walked away. I sat in defeat for a while until I heard the lock rattling. Jaejoong came in with a small bowl of noodles. I held out my hands but he only shook his head.


You only get to eat if I feed you.” I gave him an “are you freaking serious” look, returning it with a heavy glare. Considering how hungry I was, I sighed and sat there glaring at him. He got a forkful of noodles, blew on it gently, and held it in front of my lips. I just looked at him.


Didn’t you say you were hungry? Go on.” He gave me a hint of a smile and I don’t know why, but I almost felt like I trusted him. I opened my mouth and he put the food in, watching my reaction.


How was it?” I gave him an odd expression and nodded slowly, signaling it was good. He gently beamed, taking another forkful of noodles and pressing it to my lips. I flinched at its warmth, touching my lips as if it’d make it all better.


Oh my gosh! I’m sorry, uh…” Jaejoong frantically looked around for something to relieve the burning feel emanating from my lip.


Let me see.” Jaejoong cupped my head in his hands, observing my burn. Suddenly he leaned in, kissing me gently. It all happened so fast, and before I knew it, his tongue lightly ran across my burnt lip and he pulled away before I could react.


Uh, I’m sorry. I’ll just leave this here.” Jaejoong awkwardly walked out leaving me in shock. Why was he sorry? Couldn’t he me if he wanted? Why is he suddenly so nice?


Thought after thought invaded my wildly running mind, but I couldn’t help but think, why does my lip suddenly feel better? I felt so disgusted. I have a boyfriend! My lips are supposed to be for him only! Yet I let a guy kiss me and I didn’t even do anything about it. I harshly wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, hoping to wipe away every trace of Jaejoong. But I knew that kiss wouldn’t be the last.


I sat beside the bowl of noodles, stirring it around a bit, taking slow bites. Every now and then the warm fork would graze across my bottom lip, reminding me of Jaejoong’s kiss. His soft lips…


No. This is wrong. I shook my head, trying to shake out his touch. I finished my food and sat with my back propped up against the wall and for some reason I wanted Jaejoong to come in. I almost… missed him. I found myself knocking on the door again, but this time for a different reason.


Jaejoong?” I heard quick footsteps and the door opened in a matter of seconds this time around.


What? Are you hungry? Do you need me to make you some food?” Jaejoong’s hair looked a bit tussled and his expression looked restless.


Well,” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down, ”I’m getting lonely… can you stay with me?” My eyes widened at my own question. Jaejoong sighed, closed the door, and took my hand. He got into the bed and scooted over.


Come on.” Jaejoong waved me over and I uncomfortably lied beside him.


I didn’t mean it this way…


I turned around to face him, only to be greeted by his back. I then realized how much I missed being held. I’ve been alone for who knows how long now.


Are you cold?”


“Yes.” I quickly answered, not really paying attention until he turned to face me, pulling me close and wrapping his arms around me. I let out a breathy gasp, relaxing a bit when I felt his deep uneven breaths as if he was nervous just as much as I was. I snuggled deeper into his arms, trying to imagine they were Myungsoo’s. Tears slipped down my face, remembering how much I truly missed him.


Hey, are you okay?” Jaejoong pulled back, shock written on his face. I nodded knowing more than well what would happen if I told him what was really wrong.


Hey, don’t cry.” He sat up, pulling me up with him. My tears didn’t stop. I wanted to get out of here so badly. And as if he saw right through me, he answered, “You wanna get out of here, don’t you?” I only looked away bracing myself for the worse.


I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll let you out of this room. I’ll let you cook or clean to keep you busy. But I have to be with you every night, meaning we sleep in the same room. And I promise there is no way out. And if you try to make one, you’ll be sorry.” His grip on my shoulders grew tighter and his expression hardened.


I guess this is a start.


I gulped and nodded slowly, wiping my tears.


Come on, let’s go.” He took my hand and unlocked the door slowly, his grip getting tighter by the minute. We walked through the hall leading upstairs. I shivered at the peeling paint of the hallways.


Welcome home.” I flinched, knowing I was far from my true home. I took a long glance at the nice kitchen, and the living room that screamed “home”.


I decorated it myself.” he proudly beamed, eyeing his work.


Yeah, it’s nice.” I unconsciously mumbled, pulling him around, giving myself a tour.


What’s this room?” I asked seeing a nice king sized bed and a large mirror with a small bathroom on the other side of the room.


Our bedroom.”I practically choked on my own spit at the word “our”. I quickly closed the door and opened the door across the hall. It was a small closet full of beautiful blouses, jeans, pajamas, and undergarments.


These are your clothes.” I felt a shiver go down my spine as I wondered how exactly he knew my sizes.


I took out one of the shirts and held it up against my chest. It looks like it would fit perfectly. I didn’t even bother looking at the more feminine articles of clothing. I stepped back observing the colors of clothes. I furrowed my eyebrows. How’d he know I liked wearing black? I gazed at all the black clothes. How’d he know I hate skirts? I shuffled through to find no skirts.


I shut the door, afraid of what else he could have found out about me. My eyes landed on a door with a single “Do Not Disturb” door hanger.


I looked to Jaejoong who was fixing the clothes I had slightly messed up. He looked so concentrated as he neatly hung and folded each piece of apparel. I quietly slipped away, completely focused on opening the ominous door. I opened the door a crack to peek in. All I saw was a simple, hanging red light. I went in and saw numerous pieces of photo paper stuck on the wall.


He’s into photography? I looked into dozens of clear tubs of water to see developing pictures that were put in recently. "I wonder what types of pictures he likes to take?" I thought in wander.


I walked up to the first wall and saw a picture of a girl with a purse that looked like mine, wearing platforms in front of the high school I used to attend.


Wait… isn’t that my bag? I’m the only one that has that bag, and those platforms look exactly like the ones I imported from Tokyo. I moved to the next group of pictures to see that it was me at the mall waiting for Myungsoo. I saw one photo of me hugging someone but that “someone” was torn off.


I felt all the blood in my face rush away as I looked down the wall. Every single picture was a picture of me. At the mall, from the window of my room, school, work, even a picture of my shadow when I was changing. My knees grew wobbly as I saw the most recently developed picture. A picture of me on the ground, the night I was kidnapped.


Beautiful, huh?” Jaejoong smirked, leaning on the door frame.


This is wrong.” I whispered, my voice cracking here and there.


You’re mine now so it shouldn’t matter.” Jaejoong walked in, hanging up the pictures that had been soaking in water.


This is wrong.” I spoke up, a bit more firm.


You’re in them so they’re beautiful.” Jaejoong smiled, gazing at his horrendous work of art.


How long have you been doing this?” I asked, my hands shaking.


Long enough to know you more than you know yourself.”



Hey guys! Thanks so much for being patient and sorry I didn't update yesterday, I went to a sleepover >.< Hope you enjoy this chapter and tell your friends about this story, please?:) If I get more subscribers it would SOOOO make my christmas! 

Btw....MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU! I hope your christmas is blessed and enjoyable! Enjoy~~~~ 

And a shout out to all my subbies! You guys so make my day:3 AND NO SILENT READERS PLEASE! Comments make my day, and I'll do my best to reply to you! Thanks again you guys!!!! And lets be friends!<3 


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Yo_Smile #1
I'm so happy you uploaded.
D: is Hyuna going to be evil to her bestfriend?!
TwinSoul #2
@missukiss7 I'm glad you like it :)
@asian_ninja712 don't worry, I'll put up a picture you'll LOVE this time ;)
wah~^^ unnie u need to teach me how to write that well... kekeke onew...
TwinSoul #4
I'm glad you like it:) and I'll update as soon as I get the pesky school tests out of the way, which will be soon!<3
Thanks for leaving me a comment~!
this is so intense.. i love it!<br />
i oddly liked the scene with hyuna&myungsoo.. hopefully there's more? ^^
TwinSoul #6
lol I'm glad you liked it!<3 <br />
lol everyone is cheating on everyone T_T haha~ <br />
WHAT TO DO?! <- wait for next update;) <br />
<br />
I'll update asap :)
Yo_Smile #7
Yay i'm so happy you updated! :D<br />
Haerin's cheating on Myungsoo D:<br />
But Myungsoo also kissed hyuna :D<br />
Update soon!^^
TwinSoul #8
Lol, thanks for reading and commenting ^_^ and I'm sorry about the font, I didn't notice it until yesterday:/ <br />
And you'll have to read to find out ;)
hanzxxx #9
those fonts are so smalllllllllllllllll O.O hehehehe XD why did he kiss hyuna? X\
Yo_Smile #10
Omg!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!<br />
D: You left us with a cliff hanger!! Arg!!<br />
xD I really enjoyed the Hyuna/Myungsoo moment~~ ^^<br />