Chapter Four

We Meet at Four in Room Seventy-Three

The cold bit at Jihoon's face as he and Jeonghan shuffled through the Kingston high street, scarves wrapped around their necks and hands feverishly rubbing together, looking through their hair the wind blew into their faces for a pink and green sign.

'Found it!' Jeonghan shouted over the sudden gust, pointing at the bubble tea place across the street from them.

As if they were trudging through a hurricane, they slowly made their way to the store-front, wiping at the glass to see inside.

'Behind the counter, with hair like Jared Padalecki from twenty-thirteen?' Jihoon asked, cupping his hands around his eyes to get a better look.

'That's our girl alright,' Jeonghan responded, swiftly opening the door, almost blasted back by the sudden heat.

Jihoon inched his way along to the counter, suddenly very nervous at the prospect of frightening Jinhwan. Fortunately, Jinhwan noticed them first.

'Hey,' she said sheepishly, a shy grin on her face, stepping away from the machine that sealed on the lids for a minute.

'Hey,' Jihoon replied, voice quiet as a mouse. He stopped talking, stopped thinking, as he looked at Jinhwan, because although she looked content and happy, Jihoon could see the unease caused by disphoria painting her face in a ghastly way.

'So,' Jeonghan butted in, trying to remove the awkward atmosphere, 'Jihoon here has a few things in the trunk of his car that he thinks you may want,' they elbowed Jihoon in the shoulder, an easy feat, and gestured for Jinhwan to follow the two out.


Chan was texting Dongyeol again, but this time he had appointed himself his personal neighbourhood watch officer. If this kid made any comment that seemed slightly homophobic in the least, he would jump on his in a second. Everything was going calmly for the moment, just discussing homework and- oh no. Dongyeol had just mentioned Blue Neighbourhood. Chan did not think anything would come from this, because he thought it would be difficult to be homophobic and like Troye Sivan at the same time. But Hell, the world can surprise you.

Xiao💙🏡: So you like Blue Neighbourhood, right?

DinoIsTheMan: I mean, yeah, I guess. Why?

Xiao💙🏡: The uh

Xiao💙🏡: "Themes"

Xiao💙🏡: What do you think of them?

DinoIsTheMan: Well it partly drives his inspiration

Xiao💙🏡: Yeah, yeah

Xiao💙🏡: I get that

Xiao💙🏡: Just wanted your opinion

DinoIsTheMan: I don't

DinoIsTheMan: Really

DinoIsTheMan: Have one?

Xiao💙🏡: No

Xiao💙🏡: No

Xiao💙🏡: I get it

Xiao💙🏡: Bye


'I done ed up!' Chan proclaimed as he strolled into the ICT room, unceremoniously dumping his bag on the floor.

'Save it for next session, kid,' Jeonghan replied. 'Today we're doing queer-baiting.' Cheers erupted amongst the club members.

'Destiel! Destiel! Destiel!' Mingyu and Wonwoo chanted from the back of the room, spinning on their chairs.

'Isn't canon! Isn't canon! Isn't canon!' Soonyoung replied, sticking his tongue out.

'Okay, y'all need to chill,' Seungcheol interrupted, rising from his very important-looking seat at the front of the classroom. 'We're discussing Phan first.'

'What about them?' Chan asked.

'What else?' Jihoon countered. 'Their PR.' A grin spread across his face slowly at the incoming debate that Chan could feel pressing down on his very lungs.

'You're not possibly suggesting they're a brand, are you?' Jun asked out of nowhere, slightly glaring at Jihoon.

'Maybe,' Jihoon teased.

'What's your angle?' Minghao asked, genuinely confused.

'Oh, y'know, only that they're so famous as a duo by this point that everything's public and calculated for business, including how 'friendly' they are, so, uh, clickbait? Maybe?' Jihoon suggested. An audible gasp echoed around the small room.

'You didn't,' Jisoo replied. 'You didn't just.' He looked off into space, his gaze cloudy.

'Ah , we've broken Josh,' Seungcheol sighed.

An awkward silence insued, only interrupted by an even more awkward ringing from Chan's phone, indicating a text message from his mother. The message told him to hurry home, and so he did, exclamations of Johnlock following him out of the room.


Chan lied once again on his bed, staring up at his ceiling fan, upon which paper dinosaurs were taped. It was whirring around, so none of the dinos were unrecognisable, but it was just as well. Chan did not particularly wish to concentrate on anything, especially his French homework, or Dongyeol and his ever-so-slightly homophobic . He really did not wish to think of that. Alas, wishes rarely come true, and just as Chan was reluctantly finishing his French homework, he received a Whatsapp notification.

Xiao💙🏡: You still up?

Chan was arguably the most conflicted he had ever been in his life. Answering would result in more awkwardness and confusion on both sides, but he wanted to speak to Dongyeol so badly. Maybe they could reconcile? Chan doubted it. Frustrated at himself, Dongyeol, Troye Sivan and society, Chan went to sleep, ignoring Dongyeol's message.


A/N: Ok, so this is slightly shorter than my usual length, and considering how long you waited that is definitely not on, and I'm sorry, but the cause of quite literally all of the delay is a glitch on mobile where the screen begins to disorient itself after there is a substantial amount in a chapter. Fortunately, we're going to get my laptop treated for a virus very very soon, and when we do that I'll be typing so much you'll get sick of me. Thank you so much for your patience!

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However, this will be updated as soon as exam season shuts itself up, or as soon as revision seems manageable, so don't lose hope!!!!!!!


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Chapter 4: nice one!!! ^^
Elea123 #2
I love this story! I look forward to reading more of it ^^ (but please don't rush yourself)