Approximating the Distance between Two People

Although it is only an assumption that he cried or that he felt too hurtful about something that made him cry. Reminds me, a bittersweet memory of my childhood. Though it may seem too vague and distant for me to remember it all. He somehow greatly resemble my father before. Not in a physical appearance. Rather it's the bottled emotion they kept when they struggled on their own. Yet, at some point, gave up and silently cried on their own. It might be that their heart and soul are crying inside or that their heart and soul evidently are crying  even without people knowing it.  

Somehow, I, myself has conflicting feeling about what to do. Before I never really had a chance to comfort my father; I was a coward that time. However, something inside of me suddenly asks me question 'are still a coward' by the time I am idle in front of him. Not knowing what to do.

Conflicting myself either to say something or just let the comfortable silent drown us up. Even so, I, not knowing exactly why and what happened in me. Slowly walk towards him. Hesitantly, reaching his hand into mine. Right then, enveloping both my hands into his. Softly caressing his hand. Even though I know that he is staring at me probably asking himself why am I doing. Nonetheless, I never once dare to look at anything else but his hands between my hands caressing them. A sigh comes through my lips. 

" Are you okay?" I said concerned almost a whisper.

Catching a glimpse of Jinwoo for a second. I don't know what words I would describe that would befit him. He look like, at least for me, so dear almost like porcelain doll. 

" Is this a new...  trend of greeting?" He replies nonchalantly. I frown at his respond. "I am completely fine Seira... I just looked like a mess because of him." He continued as he watch once the kitten in the box before turning his head to me. 

I know, it wasn't the reason behind it; it was more to that extent. It is still there the scar he wanted to hide to everyone but to himself alone. A scar that reminds him of his past. It is still fresh and feels to hurtful for him to bear and act like nothing is wrong


Even though I wanted an 'answer' to his facadé. I decided to just shrug it off with a smile. 

But... Maybe.. Just maybe... With time flowing around us, with our very existence to live, with memories and words we would exchange maybe Jinwoo and I be friends or that I, possible can help him. 

For a moment, we stood at each others face. Looking deep within us. Reality and illusion seem to hard to comprehend. I hold my breath and eventually ask" Do you prefer the night than the day" 

He look up the sky. Seeing him like this made me think he was at least younger than me. Just exactly how I look when father asked me the same thing. 

"I didn't expect you to ask me such a bizarre question. And to tell you the truth I prefer the night..it's..." Before he could finish his word I cut him through and continue to say. " beautiful and tranquil to stare."

As if knowing what he would say next. Jinwoo then shows me his soft smile before asking me why I asked him that. Truthfully, I didn't know why I ask him. Perhaps, it was because he reminds me of myself before when I know and tried to ignore the cruel reality about my mother's death. A question my father gave me back then. Though I didn't know exactly why he asked me that before. Now, in this time, in this age, in this moment I know exactly the reason behind its trivial question.

" You know. It's a question my father asked me before when I was still a kid. Actually... It just felt right to ask you that question." I said. My voice trembling through the cold breeze. 

Jinwoo, then notice it and hastily remove his scarf. Thus, placing it in my neck. He's so close. So close that one move from my side his face and mine would collide with each other.  It happened too slow for me.

Like the things that surrounds us move ever so slow. Seeing him so close to me. Feeling his breath tickle me from my ear down to my neck. Those eye lashes in his eyes that closes so slow. These soft and gentle touch that feels like nothing as it slowly wrap the scarf he owned. Until then I look at him intently as he finish it up.

Soon after as I try to remove it from me Jinwoo's holds my hand stopping me telling me "it's okay". I look at him for a second.

"You're cold" he said. 

"It's okay" I argue back to him. Yet, to my surprise he lift his lips up into gently smile.

"You're cold" he insisted and before I could say another word he cut me off asking me why it felt right for me to ask him a question my father asked me before.

" What do you think is important the moon or the sun" I didn't answer him back with what he ask instead asking him again. Even though he seems to know I change his question.

He probably decided to divert his eyes towards the sky above us.  He then ask me. " That's a kind of a difficult question to answer in a few words." He stared for a while then he look at me. Likewise, I did the same for him. Looking directly into his eyes before I speak to give him an answer.

" Although moon and the sun are strangely similar to each other. Moon is, by itself, a light through the darkness. If the moon is gone who would give light the darkness needs?" I rhetorically asked him. I took a deep breath before I continue.

"Oddly, Humans is, itself is an exception. The surrounding around us is the darkness itself.  Being a live, itself, is a kind of solution solver. We create and repair the surrounding to light up the darkness we are afraid of." My voice trembling from the weather while slowly picking up the kitten Jinwoo is taking care of. As well as a good thing to distracted from what I said to him. 

Later he steps back and just then gives me warm smile of him.

"I know more than anyone else that you're being a kind and thoughtful person. And, I sincerely thank you for that. Actually, you don't have to do this for me. But, I guess friends do worry for each other. " he said before turning back ahead and started to walk away.

Perhaps I'm acting like a kid. Wanting to know what lies before me. Looking for every detail as much as I can to satisfy myself. But, This time, I wanted to be there for him; for Jinwoo. I'll be his shoulder if he needed to. A hand ready to reach him. Just like how he told me. A friend he can look up to.

"See you Kim Jinwoo" I shout at the top of my lungs just for him to hear. He stop at his track and look back. He wave at me and smile before turning back. A smile plaster in my face, 

Still thinking about what happened awhile ago. How Jinwoo has many personality inside of him. How each one of them still reminds you his still being himself. How he can be so calm, collective, composed, be mysterious and secretive.

Every time we met. Whether he acts like that to everyone or that he choose to act indifferently as he met people. I know deep within in him. That those personalities inside of him are just trying to protect someone. And that it was just trying to protect the vulnerable Jinwoo. Although those personalities are just trying to protect him. The real Jinwoo is still there.

"Why are you wearing my scarf?" A deep and husky voice ask me. It is no wonder a guy. This kind of deep and manly voice is definetly him from my back. I didn't turn around to face him just yet. And scaned everything in me about what he said his own scarf.

"Why are wearing the scarf I lend to Jinwoo?"


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An update will be release tomorrow; tuesday.


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Chapter 2: Seira's point of view in Jinwoo and her words expressed is so beautifully written.
I hope people would read and know this amazing fic exist...
Wow!!! You're really great. The way seira describes Jinwoo and his feelings as if they're one. Amaze me..
ChelseaKim18 #4
Chapter 3: Can i found a better word to describe this story more than 'awesome'? I always waiting for updates, remind me to my own life story hahahah xD
hwaiting author-nim! ;)
Pretty interesting.. waiting for the next update
honeysound99 #6
Chapter 2: :D This is so nice so far~ I'm really enjoying it!
Chapter 2: The story is daebak.... Waiting for next update....
ChelseaKim18 #8
Chapter 2: Its really good! Like it so muuuuuucccchhh! ><
Chapter 1: Oh my god, I love your writing style so much! I'll wait patiently for the next chapter, fighting!
This is amazing!!! Fighting sis!