Approximating the Distance between Two People

In this world, individual is are largely differenitiated into two types of norm. Either were normal or a different person.

But, truthfully no one seems to act like a normal person.


Because everyone just wants to survive this cruel world of reality. And in order to survive they sub-conconscious created a world of illusion where they can be safe. Temporarily, that is.

As they create an illusion they were able to hide those darkest secret,

words they couldn't speak,

Even emotion they couldn't express.

Neither it was their way of protecting someone nor for their own self satisfaction.

In the end of the day it was all for their own benefit. Honesty, In this world we live no one is actually classified as a normal one. More likely, most of all of us only assumes we're normal because most of all of us are afraid of admitting it's true. If only people would admit they were rather different than painting themselves as normal. Amidst of everything that is happening around us.

I guess I didn't have it hard in life.

Although people might address me as an ordinary person or a normal person. But, candidly speaking, I'm not one. 
Yes, I do have secrets here and there and words I can't speak. Yet there is one thing that I couldn't hide and it's my emotions. And maybe it was because of what my father used to say to me that always be kind to anyone. Growing negative feeling within you doesn't do you any good at all. Perhaps that is why I never lied with my emotions. Or that I never doubted that much about people's feeling.

However, without knowing why. It seems like I subtly notice something about it. Ever since I met this grey hooded guy.

At that moment, It felt like it was flowing. Just like how a waltz dance felt like. That kind of moment where it emitted a longing and emptiness I couldn't describe.

As the gently powder of  snow falls down ever so slow outside this coffee shop.

It was as if time had ceased to stop at that very moment. And, that the interval of time felt so empty. Similar to how an old television works; a pure black and white scenario.

Watching him speak those familiar words as if he was programmed to do so. 

Behind these calm, stoic face he had. Lies a beauty and a voice of an angel.

Since then I begin to question a lot about him. I keep on wondering about him. About why he keeps on staring at the window as if someone was there. About how he keeps on staring at the door as if someone's coming. About how he keep on sighing and how his eyes shows an expression opposite to his calm stoic face he has. And most especially, that one moment where I could somehow share the same feeling as he was when I saw him silently crying over a picture he was holding. Although he didn't shred a single tear. I know just by looking at him. He was in pain he couldn't bear. 

It was obvious that he was having a hard time. Seeing those dark circles and tired eyes when I came up placing his order in the table. It happened so quick that I didn't notice him, saying a soft whisper of 'thank you'. All I remember seeing was those glittering doe eyes of his. Those eyes that never lie about what he felt inside.

In spite of all the things that happens around this coffee shop. I know that Joohee and Seorin have already noticed my keen interest about this grey hooded guy ever since he stop by. They noticed the way I stare at him most of the time.  Even though, we never shared a conversation before. 

A guy who comes and go every late afternoon in this cafe. Always ordering the same thing brewed coffee. Always sitting beside this glass window on the right side. 

The guy that wears grey hooded jacket so frequently.

The guy whose  eyes solely focuses on the ground not even attempting to look into someone's eyes.

A guy full of mysteries to solve. It was like staring into the deeper and darker universe. So long that it felt like he was tempting you to go deeper.

Today is a bit rainy. It looks as though what the reporter said was true. And it made the cafe look so busy. Everyone keeps on giving orders and asking what their order are. As I look around the corner, I catch him closing his eyes while tapping his pointer finger into the table listening to the music that comes from his headphone. This was one of those times where he looks as though he was at ease. Although I didn't  know what he was listening at or it was as if he was trying to escape from this world. It didn't matter as long as he looked at ease this moment.

The next second comes abrupt. It feels like my heart was trying to get off my chest. All I could think right now is just one thing. ' I was caught '. He caught me staring at him.  Honesty, I didn't know what to do. Either I look down the ground or just turn around. But what comes next surprise me for a second even question why it did happen.

He looked at me for a minute, then he quickly take his cup of brewed coffee in his hand. As if trying to toast it and he smiled for split of second. It was a brief moment. It was the first time I saw him smile so gently. I would even say he looks more like angel smiling.  That is when I begin to ponder upon him even more. He noticed the sticker note I left with his cup of coffee. I didn't know he would notice it because the note always came back the same way I placed it before.  


I shifted my gaze towards Jane as she hand me out a piece of sticker note.' why is she giving this to me'. I was about to ask her why when she passed over me when someone called her  to get an order. I stare at it for a while contempting on whether I should open it or not. I look towards him again, only to be left empty sitted.  As I open it It showed me the one I wrote before to give him and a new written one below mine. It all said a six letter that consist with 2 words saying. 'I'm fine'. It wasn't like I expected him to say the opposite. I understand, him saying his fine but totally isn't. I, too might find it too hard to reach out for someone. However, one thing is for sure. he was caught in  the middle of his own abyss. It might have caused him distress. He was lonely, left all alone in the middle of an uncertain distance. Walking through a complete labyrinth path without any shreds of light cutting through the path. Helplessly seeking for that exit he might find but couldn't. If what he experience isn't sadness, then what is it then?

Next update will be posted next week tuesday...!!

Enjoy reading!!! hope you like it...

Updates will always be posted every tuesday....


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An update will be release tomorrow; tuesday.


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Chapter 2: Seira's point of view in Jinwoo and her words expressed is so beautifully written.
I hope people would read and know this amazing fic exist...
Wow!!! You're really great. The way seira describes Jinwoo and his feelings as if they're one. Amaze me..
ChelseaKim18 #4
Chapter 3: Can i found a better word to describe this story more than 'awesome'? I always waiting for updates, remind me to my own life story hahahah xD
hwaiting author-nim! ;)
Pretty interesting.. waiting for the next update
honeysound99 #6
Chapter 2: :D This is so nice so far~ I'm really enjoying it!
Chapter 2: The story is daebak.... Waiting for next update....
ChelseaKim18 #8
Chapter 2: Its really good! Like it so muuuuuucccchhh! ><
Chapter 1: Oh my god, I love your writing style so much! I'll wait patiently for the next chapter, fighting!
This is amazing!!! Fighting sis!