Approximating the Distance between Two People

As I gaze towards him slowly drowning myself into a deeper abyss while he also gazes at me. And in a split of second our eyes had met. Through that single gaze we share. It felt as if he and I just had a unfathomable conversation through our eyes.

As if we're silently agreeing to just one thing in our mind. That one thing that made me tug my heart into something I have never experience before; Feeling as if we completely escape the reality. Of how much burden and sadness he must have carry all along.

Looking up in a vast orange-red painted sky slowly changes into a pit of darkness. While the moon shows up so bright as  those vivid colors of glittering star catches up.  It reminded me that even though in smallest ways the nature of the world, itself gently whispers an encouragements and willingness to go through life.  

And, I just hope he also sees this sky. The sky that silently cheers us. That no matter how dark and deep the path may seem there will always be a light along the way.

As I turn around the corner I saw a glimpse of someone. A silhouette of someone who is familiar to me. As I fixated my eyes towards him.

It was the 'that guy' still wearing those grey hooded jacket. Walking past the tree and eventually settling himself in a bench beside it. He tucked down his hood . Letting the wind blow his soft silky jet black hair flowing in a very leisurely as well as closing his eye lids for a moment. Perhaps it had to do with the headphone in his head or that he just actually felt relax and more calm that the usual expression I used to see back in the cafe. Soon I caught myself staring at him with a smile on my face.

Until he opened his doe eyes and turned his head facing me. Looking directly into my eyes once again. unbeknownst to me, my breathing came into hitch. And all we did at that moment was as if we got so lost in our eyes. Being caught up in the same way before. Then I realize that silence become comfortable for me... for him and for us. It was as if our eyes speak the language our mouth can't seem to speak. It's like an honest way of conversation to someone dear to me... to the both of us.

It only stop when he stood up from his seat and come towards my direction. He walks... walks..... and.... walks... He walks as if he carries the burden of the people around us. He never looked the other way or did he look at me. Rather he just walk towards me his head hung long still facing the ground. One step.... two-step... and.... finally the last step..... I would have start a conversation but it seems like words that I would want to speak simple couldn't get off my mouth. It was as if my voice didn't want to say something but wanted still wanted to talk. 

'' Why?" He said.. Although it wasn't clear enough I know.. I know what those next few words he would said and eventually cut him off saying. " I... keep on looking and giving notes to you... every time you go visit our store... right?" as I said those words I already expected him to get angry at me. Who would?... A girl who works at this cafe suddenly take interest in a guy like him.

A mysterious fellow. Instead he looked at me for the very first time. straight into my eyes. Those brown innocent doe eyes that glitters so bright at night.  It wasn't the same feeling I felt before when our eyes had met. It wasn't so depressing nor it was too empty to look at. It was as if he's saying his thankful. Even though it showed me curiosity and doubt. It made me somehow feel comfortable with his eyes. In spite  having this silence I couldn't describe at all. 

Perhaps it was because.... no.... Maybe I could call this fate doing its work.  That somehow there comes a day where our perpendicular  life will come across our way. Through spontaneous intersection of our event. Despite having different ways we're comfortable with.  

All of a sudden... Time and air is a question I could comprehend. It's as like we're trapped in a dream-like scenario. As my eyes dilate with my jaw slight open from a sudden action I didn't guess from the very start. It seems I'm being entrance by him. With the leaves slowly dancing through the soft breeze of air. Faint horns of the cars from the other side. Lights from the street shimmering brightly. Along with his gentle smile and his big frail hands on my head. Caressing ever so careful. Finally whispers words I would never for get.

" Some times people held into memories of someone because   that is the only thing that keeps them moving forward although their life seem to vanish... It's hard to let go of things easily... either ways... thank you.." 

After saying those words  as well as turning his back in front of me. His warm comfort still lingers in this place.. In this spot I stand. I could still feel his comfort and warmth never leaving me. His words... each one of it. contain so much emotions... 'Did he bear those burden and sorrow all this time' I never felt this feeling before.

The kind where you can never be able to forget some precious moments in your life. That the enjoyable life he once had vanish so quickly that he couldn't grasp the situation itself. Just, then I felt the burden and sorrow he bears for so long and without knowing why a tear eventually fall my eyes. As if I'm placed in his place. As if I know half of his sadness he had to endure through life. I never been so helpless before. So clueless about what to do next.

Thereafter, without a single pause of time. A run forwards towards his direction. In this moment on. Where I come down with a clear decision I had with my mind and heart. Wherein I set off a start to intervene with his life. I came towards him. 

Calling him once... twice and lastly... I courageously pulled his one of his hands. Searching for those glittering eyes I saw myself once again in him.

"Can you... at least tell me your name" I finally asked. 

"why" he whispers. There is a confusion in his eyes which is new to me. 

"ah.. right.. you found it strange isn't it?... I'm sorry" I whisper back, my voice trembling with awkwardness.

He was close to me with his eyes looking at me.

"it's okay... I just" he replies, "find it odd" 

A moment later he finally reaches out and softly touch my hands with his. He encloses it in a hand shake. And just like that. I am now involve with him. I could feel there is an invisible bond now linked between us. Like a breeze of magic I know there is no turning back.. This feeling  brings a certain feeling I could yet figure. Perhaps this is the beginning of a story that would span for a long time.

"Steve" he says "Steve James"

"Elizabeth' I reply "Elizabeth Stark"

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Chapter 2: Seira's point of view in Jinwoo and her words expressed is so beautifully written.
I hope people would read and know this amazing fic exist...
Wow!!! You're really great. The way seira describes Jinwoo and his feelings as if they're one. Amaze me..
ChelseaKim18 #4
Chapter 3: Can i found a better word to describe this story more than 'awesome'? I always waiting for updates, remind me to my own life story hahahah xD
hwaiting author-nim! ;)
Pretty interesting.. waiting for the next update
honeysound99 #6
Chapter 2: :D This is so nice so far~ I'm really enjoying it!
Chapter 2: The story is daebak.... Waiting for next update....
ChelseaKim18 #8
Chapter 2: Its really good! Like it so muuuuuucccchhh! ><
Chapter 1: Oh my god, I love your writing style so much! I'll wait patiently for the next chapter, fighting!
This is amazing!!! Fighting sis!