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This was supposed to be one shot but i didn't know what did i do to make this oneshot be two shots or myb three shots /sigh/

everyone! Enjoy reading ♡





It was already Sunday midnight when Kim Mingyu finally met his destiny (as he thought so) at the park near his apartment. At that time, he just bought his dinner, specifically a pack of ramen, because he was too busy, finishing his project that was assigned by his professor.



After buying the pack of ramen at a convenient store, he slowly walked along the road to his apartment, plucking both ears with his earphone, scrolling his playlist to choose one of his favourite songs.



As he was choosing the song, his eyes suddenly noticed a boy with black hair, looking lonely (in his opinion), playing on the swing. Mingyu raised his eyebrow. What the boy is doing by himself at midnight like this? Alone? Without any bad thought, he went to the swings, approaching the boy who didn’t move an inch but a sob can be heard, which was kind of scary. Mingyu nearly thought the lonely boy was a ghost.



“Hey.” Mingyu said, startling the poor crying boy who was about to stand up but halted as the said latter grabbed his soft (in Mingyu’s judgment) hand, stopping him from doing so and tell “Stop-I mean sorry, I don’t mean to scare…you.”







Mingyu stood there, speechless. Oh God, someone just fell from heaven, he thought. What he just witnessed was a beautiful looking boy; he almost assumed that the boy was a girl if it was not for the y-Okay Kim Mingyu, calm down. Mingyu mentally slapped himself. The boy’s face was ideal, his pretty eyes, his sharp nose, his cute pale cheeks with some tears on it (still cute), and his beautiful pink lip; simply perfect without flaw. You could say, Kim Mingyu was emotionally drooling. The beautiful boy was absolutely Kim Mingyu’s type.  






“So, what are you doing here, alone, in the middle of the night?” Mingyu spoke after a few minutes of silent. It was awkward and Kim Mingyu hated it since he was quite a talkative person. He was by now sat on the other swing beside the pretty boy, who was looking at him for a while but then looking down while playing with hem of sweater. Atleast the black haired boy was not sobbing anymore. Mingyu chuckled, facing the cold boy and said again. “Just tell me. I don’t eat people, you know.”



The boy swiftly sighed, glancing time to time at Mingyu. “My parents kicked me out because they found out that their only son is gay.” He muttered softly, hoping the asking boy heard him and yes, Mingyu did listen to the poor boy. Silent again surrounded the two boys. The poor boy knew it. The taller must be disgust with him now.



“Come. Let’s go to my apartment.” Mingyu stood up, smiling softly, looking at the latter.



“W-what?” The boy looked confused. “You..you don’t hate me? Or disgust with me? I’m gay if you didn’t hear me. Plus, I don’t even know you!”



“I’m gay too, so what?” Mingyu laughed when the boy eyes widen so cutely, muttering ‘How can a handsome boy like you is a gay’. “I know I’m handsome and my name is Kim Mingyu. I’m just becoming twenty this year. I really love food. What about you?” He smiled cheekily, rising his hand up to shake hands with the boy.



“Uh. Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. Twenty-one in a few months left and I love cheese burger?” the boy said, blushing when he realized that Mingyu heard what did he muttered about, avoiding the blue haired boy eyes. Cute plus what a nice name he has and-WHAT?



“So you’re older than me?!” Doom.



“Y-yeah I guess, since you’re twenty..” The older boy stuttered timidly, playing with the hem of his sweater again. Kim Mingyu almost wanted to pinch the older cheek if he too desired the view in front of him.  



“O-oh, okay then. Now, we know each other, let’s go to my apartment.” Mingyu started to walk but stopped when he sensed the other didn’t follow him. Turning his back to look at the older boy, Mingyu expressed his gentle smile as if he knew what was bothering the older because he did. “You don’t need to think about the rent, just clean the house or do the laundry are enough. Now, let’s go.”



But he failed to see the other smiled as he already turned to walk ahead.






Walking to his apartment was not taking too much time; it’s just 5 minutes from the park. Mingyu was kind of surprised that they were not awkward even though just silent lingered around them. They didn’t speak at all. Just walking side by side, a little glancing each other, smiling when the other caught the stare like a couple would do except that they were not holding hands.






Mingyu clicked his password for his apartment and opened the door. Wonwoo, who was following him at the back, seeming cannot hide his awe. He gradually walked through the living room after closing the door behind him, admiring the taller apartment that was well-designed but simple.



The apartment was neat, the furniture was arranged nicely, and the blue, black and white were perfectly suit for the wall with some pictures that were hanging there.



Mingyu stared at the latter, mentally squealing because who wouldn’t? The sight in front of him was just too cute. Darn. Mingyu shook his head, quietly leaving the living room to the kitchen. This is wrong, Kim Mingyu.



“Do you live here alone?” Wonwoo out of curiosity, asking the younger, who was begin to cook ramen that he bought. Poor, his stomach was making a loud sound while walking back to the apartment with the older.



“Yes, I lived here alone about one and half years ago, I have studies to catch up near here. My parents decided to buy this since it’s close to my university.”


“Oh.” The only respond that Mingyu got after not so long explaining. He chuckled softly and continued to cook.



“Are you hungry? Do you want some?” asked Mingyu, glimpsing the shorter boy. Wonwoo looked at the said lad for a while then nodded, smiling faintly. He slowly walked to the kitchen bar and sat on one of the stools.



“Here. Sorry though, I only have ramen that I bought earlier than before I met you at the park.” Mingyu uttered, sitting opposite the older.



“It’s okay.” Wonwoo grabbed the chopsticks and started eating. His eyes widen, looking at Mingyu who was in front of him, munching his own bowl of ramen. “It’s so delicious! How did you make it? Did you put something else in it?”



“Look who is cooking?” Mingyu smirked then laughed when he saw the other snorted. “Nah, I just put fried chopped garlic in it.”



“Wow, that’s all? It’s good!”



“Well thanks, I guess.” Mingyu smiled at the older, continuing to eat his food. “So-can I call you hyung?”



“Of course.”



“So..Are you studying anywhere?”



Wonwoo stopped eating for a while and sighed. He needed to find money in favour of his studies. After all these years, his father was the one wh

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Bunnygirls #1
Chapter 2: Why meanie so cute T__T
i love meanie T_T i love this
Chapter 2: this seriously so gooddd I love it so much ! ah ok meanie now pls kiss haha xD
chanmaina #5
Chapter 1: Update plz !!!:-)
Chapter 1: Kyaaa. Help me I can't breathe it's tooo cute nyawnyaw ;) and mingyu are u sure that wonwoo wasn't fallen angel? Hehe
omg I can't wait for more, fighting author-nim
Chapter 1: this is soooo good omg i love it cant wait update soon !
venulyn #8
Chapter 1: Awwww this fic hits my heart at all the right places. Meanie moments are so precious in this fic! Can't wait to see what's bext! Awesoms fic authorshi! :)