A Violin

First Day Back.

The last class of the day was music, an excellent way to finish the school day in Taehyung’s opinion. They had to get into group of four, pick an idol group’s song and practice it as a mini-assignment. The students could use instruments or their voices, it is up to them. They are supposed to present it to the class next Saturday; if they wanted they could add a dance to it just for fun. So it was only natural that J-Hope, Jimin and Taehyung would be in a group and because they were a member sort, invited Luna to join. And naturally the boys decided to do a girl group’s song, Sistar’s ‘Touch My Body’. By the time the bell had rang home time Jimin and J-Hope were dancing to the song as it had been on repeat for the third time.

After collecting their bags, Luna and Taehyung walked to Jongsie’s middle school before going off to Luna’s place. On the way they had cracked jokes, discussed school with the youngling as well as homework. Outside of her Dad’s apartment Luna had told them that there was a slight change of plans, which the Dad wanted to go shopping, for some occasion she did not mention, and that he was also paying for the haircut so Taehyung did not have to pay (also telling him that he owed her nothing). Although Taehyung were invited to go with them, he had to decline because it is September 12th and he was staying at Nam-Joon's house for the night because it is his birthday. Immediately after entering Luna dragged his little sister into the bathroom leaving him and her Dad in the kitchen, in which they worked. Taehyung did English homework and her Dad did stuff for whatever he worked as.

“At the drop of a hat”

“A penny for your thoughts”

“Barking up the wrong tree”

“Bite off more than you can chew”

Taehyung looked at the idioms, a pen in hand hesitating to put down their meanings. Just four out of ten, these are the ones he is having trouble with. Out of all the things he did not understand about the English language, idioms are at the top of the list. He had memorized the other six, easily could put what the meanings are but these four are a pain in his . What? Is the only thing that went through his head as he looks down at them.

“Kim,” He said to Luna’s Dad who sits two seats to his left. “Do you know any English?”

The man looks up from his laptop and notebook, a large hand scratching his bearded jaw that gets longer the closer it gets to his chin. His upturned eyes looked at him beneath angular eyebrows, the focus he was in broken.

“The English I knew I have mostly forgotten.” He answers voice like a double bass.

“Why?” Taehyung asks.

“I no longer had use for it.” Kim politely says. “If you need help with English you should ask Luna for help. Her mother was a foreigner so I’d imagine she would have had to use it at home.”

Taehyung’s left hand played with his the strands of hair that make up his fringe as his turns back to the notebook in front of him, the new information being of no help to him besides an explanation of why Luna has natural blonde hair. The weather still had not dropped for hot to decent for autumn, yet that was expected, for that season did not really exist in Korea along with spring. It seems that everyone is done with the heat, wishing for those two weeks of fresh mornings and colourful falling leaves before winter cold rushes in over a month early. But for Taehyung, the part he missed the most is floor heating! And his bunny jumper of course.

“I would appreciate it if you did not say anything else to him about my Mother.” A female voice said from beside him. “By the way ‘Barking up the wrong tree’ means looking in the wrong place and/or accusing the wrong person.”

Luna grabs for her satchel with damp hands, head slightly turned towards her Dad. He could only imagine the look she was giving him! The corners of his mouth tugged upwards.

“‘At the drop of a hat’, meaning without hesitation. Instantly.” Luna told him, reaching into the bag now.

While she searches through, Taehyung unintentionally searches her. His eyes flicking from one part of her body to the next out of the corner of his eye, maundering at those long legs of hers, while his right hand writes down the answers she just gave him.

“A way of asking what someone is thinking is what ‘A penny for your thoughts’ means.” Giving up rummaging through the bag, Luna just picks it up. “And I don’t mean offering someone an actual penny.” She added.

She turned around, leaving the boys to their work for her own. Taehyung watched her leave, watched how the usual sway in her hips is missing. Luna opened the second door to the left of the back wall of the joining Kitchen and Lounge room, and stood in its’ frame, hands braced on either side.

“And ‘Bite off more than you can chew’ means to take on a task that is way too big for your skill level.” Luna says the same time as a knock comes from the front door.

Automatically Luna crossed the wide room to answer the door, basically rushing for it to not keep the person behind it waiting too long. Taehyung and her Dad’s attention lingered at the small hall opening as she disappeared through it.

“Luna Nina Civa!” a high pitched voice squeals. Calmer now the voice says something in English.

Although Taehyung can read in English speaking is something that he cannot do or understand.

After a few moments go by a big pair of s enter the room, bouncing with every step. Bouncing along side one of them are big brown waves of hair that stretches down to a small waist. Bellow is wide hips with long, so, so, long legs. They seemed to go on forever. Hugging her s, but in no way hiding, is a white blouse that ends just before her biceps with an inch of lace. That same lace pattern is sown at the end of the collar but two inches longer, beneath is a golden bow. Line detailing is on either side of the buttons. It is tucked into a simple black, pleated skirt; or is it navy? The woman holds a violin case in her right hand.

Attached to the hair is a wide heart shaped head with a strong jaw line and sharp cheekbones. Grey upturned eyes looked at him beneath straight eyebrows, scaling up and down his body the same as he had done for her.

“So are you going to introduce me to these people or not, my little food thief?” The woman said in Korean, squeezing Luna’s arms through an embrace, the case making it more awkward than it would have been.

Gesturing a hand towards her Dad, Luna said “That’s my Dad,” she moved her hand a few inches to the right, “and that is Taehyung.” She put her hand down. “This is Min, Lee Min-Sung.”

“What’s your age?” Luna’s Dad asks, Min answers twenty two.

“Okay which is your room Little Food Thief?” Min asks Luna. She gestures to the far left door. “Great!” Min grabs her by the good arm and drags her towards it while saying something else in English.

Luna and Min sat there, on the golden bed looking out of the window on the other side of the room. Min’s arm drapes over Luna as she rests her head on one of Min’s large s. They were always great pillows and no matter how old Luna would get she would forever rest her head on them. She never cared anyways, so why would she in the future?

Rain still poured outside, heavier than it was earlier, no different than it was yesterday and the day before. It only seems to have breaks at night when the city lights up the sky and the slums wake up.

They had been in this position for at least ten minutes, rain the only sound in the room, but now Luna had to continue teaching Jongsie more of what she need to know, the cuddles have maxed out its’ time. She leaned off Min’s and kissed the middle of her cheek as a ‘thank you’ which turns into a huge mistake as cosmetics gets onto her lips, Min pulling Luna in tight, kissing her all over the face. No matter how hard Luna wiggles Min will not let her go.

Ultimately Min let her go after leaving many dark red lip stains all over her face. Luna went for the door.

“You aren’t even going to look at it?” Min said as she steps off the bed. “It is your present after all.”

Luna turned her low hanging head to the violin case on the bed.

“Min, I- “ Luna started, tears threatening to come. She started again, “I...” The tears came.

“It’s been a year Luna.” Min tells her, guiding her away from the door. “And about time you begin start playing again. I get today isn’t the best of days but when else can I get you a present.” She grabs a handkerchief from her pocket and whips away both tears and lipstick stains. “You are sixteen today after all.”

A light knock comes from the door.

Taehyung’s pretty head pokes in, his big ears peeking out from his tuffs of hair, his even lips slightly ajar from whatever he was about to say upon entering. However he saw a crying Luna before he could say a word. They had been in this room for a while and Jongsie came out of the bathroom wondering where she had gone.

Mouth still ajar he closes the door behind him, close enough in the tiny bedroom that he pulls Luna into a tight hug, her equally as strong arms automatically wrapping around his neck. Taehyung leans down a little so she does not have to be on her tippy toes as much. Despite his strength he is soft against her, warm as well. So, so warm. Even his breath is warm, it tickling her neck since he’s nuzzled his face against it, his lips so close to a hotspot of Luna’s.

Soon he lets go of the embrace, hands on her neck and jaw as he whips tears away.

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yayitsjong #1
good <3 !!
animelover4everyfish #2