
First Day Back.

A strip of sunlight caresses the side wall and the golden bed of the small room, peeking through a heavy cream curtain so long it touches the white carpet floor. The crack from the curtain and the crack beneath the creamy wood door are the only light sources for the room without the ceiling light on. Beside the bed is a wooden nightstand, low to the ground and made of birch. Laying atop it is a vase of coral, pink and white tulips, a plain picture frame of a gorgeous Australian woman holding an old book in one hand while doing the victory sign with the other to the camra man in an ancient library, and placed with precision is a soft golden, oval locket. Depicted on it is a white gold hand holding a rose gold heart.

A knock disrupted the peacefulness of the little bedroom.

"Get up, it's five past six." A deep male voice said, muted from the door.

Luna pushed herself up by the palms of her hands, lightning pain rippling through her left forearm up into her shoulder, and onto her knees before flopping onto her lifting the golden sheets with her. Her hips appeared much wider than they were.

"Okay." Was her only response to her father.

Luna choked down a groan as she looked down to the bandage wrapped around her arm, under side stiff from dried blood. Her nose crinkled at the slight tang of it. A shudder rippled through her when the ache of her muscles hit her with full force as her upturned eyes drifted to the locket.

She is still in her uniform from yesterday, now crinkled from sleeping in it, and her worn school shoes nowhere to be seen. Luna could not hold back a groan at realising who had come in last night, taken off her shoes and stuffed her under the covers.

Ignoring it for now Luna rubbed her eyes, bracing herself for the incoming pain of getting out of bed. Sore muscles or not.

"You didn't have to take care of me last night, you know." Luna said to her Dad as she limped into the kitchen.

"You would've ruined the sheets, besides you should've taken them off at the front door like a decent person would." He retorted over the sizzling of bacon and eggs.

Luna just opened the fridge door and grabbed a water bottle. She leaned her wide hips on the counter as she drank. Although tap water was drinkable now it did not taste as great as bottled.

"How did you sleep?" She called to the little kitty in the lounge room playing with two animal plushies.

"Good" The only answer Luna would ever get regarding small talk.

"Go have a shower. You smell putrid." Her Dad ordered her. Wow, that was so nice of him to say. Asswipe. "There are some bandages in the cupboard, you need fresh ones on." He told her spying the dry blood.

"Isn't breakfast going to be ready soon?"

"Shower, now!" He ordered again, sterner now.

Luna obeyed, too sore to argue.

"Jesus in' crist. The hell happened to you while you were in the pits?" Jungkook hissed into Luna's ear as he came up beside her.

"You're very polite you know." She told him, sarcasm dripping from , the shadow of the plain school loomed over them. He grabbed her by the elbow of her good arm and turned her to face him, the smile she wore fading at the look of concern in his eyes. "Two of the people I fought broke the rules, one more badly than the other." She held up her left arm in example, the fresh bandages covering the base of her hand as well as the wound, to look like a sprain.

"," was all he said. He said after a few moments of staring at the wound, "How many kids did you fight?"

They were the only ones who stood around talking, other students went straight to the front doors of school as it was about ten minutes to the bell. Some students were cheerier than others who walked with a bit of a spring in their steps despite how many hours they have to spend here.

Luna tilted her head up to look at him, "Three. Two girls, one a boy." She paused, recalling the pathetic fight the guy put up. She had dominated him. "Do you know how ing brutal those girls are? God damn."

A handsome boy struted pass them, Luna's eyes followed in interest.

"What were you thinking going into such a filthy place like that?" Jungkook asked, pulling her attention back to their conversation.

She pushed his hand off her elbow that was still holding her, instead of replying. He asked too many questions.

"You're not poor to be dropped off in a mercedes, so why the hell are you fighting for money?" He said, jestering to the car he must of saw her Dad drive. "Or are you some rich kid wanting to defy their family?"

Luna's temper boiled.

"I don't owe you my family situation. It none of your damn business." Luna leashed her temper. "All I can give you is the guy I live with doesn't take care of me properly or how like most parents would." She said quieter as students walked past them with too curious much curiousity for her liking.

"What's that suppost to mean?" Jungkook asked. Another damn question?

She began walking past him, waving her hand for him to follow. They went off the main pathway to the school and to a drooping tree. Luna leaned against its' trunk, her hair getting caught in the bark, Jungkook stood in front of her with his arms crossed. His sleeves were yet again above his elbows, the first few buttons undone revealing his collarbone and then some, his black backpack slung over one muscular shoulder. Sharp cheekbones were covered by youthful chubbyness, his nose bridge tall unlike most of the people in Korea.

Rolling her eyes, ignoring her attractiveness to his, she told him what it was like at home, only leaving out the arguements, focusing on the finacial aspect of things. Besides the essentials of toiletries (a toothbrush, toothpaste and pads) Luna's Dad didn't spend much more money on her. Not even shampoo and conditioner, or at least the kind that helped with dandrift from spending a year of rarely washing it, no new shoes for school, clothes which she definitely needed, along side art supplies. Besides the school uniform and some school supplies those were the only luxuries he ever bought her. Of course she had a nice apartment to live in as well as food from the kitchen cupboards and a place to do her business, thank god, but it wasn't enough. Not when Luna needed things to have a comfortable living until she was able to go out into the world to work.

Luna didn't know why she told Jungkook this but if it got him to understand than that was fine with her for now. She would likely regret it later but for now she just told herself  it! 

When she was finished he just looked at her, those dark eyes wide and beautiful mouth slight ajar. Luna looked at the ground next to his feet, her bandaged hand holding her rib cage that now hurt from every breath she took, while the other held her neck, heat rising to her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice, as he gently touched her bandaged hand, his fingers softly grazed hers. He must of detected the pain in her side.

Luna swipped her hand away and said, "Okay your turn, who needed those sleeping pills last night Jungkook?"

"That's none of your business." His face returned to its' usual disgust.

"Like how my home life is my business?" She pointed to herself, "Tell me or don't tell me just know that you owe be, ."

Jungkook merely strode away, a growl rumbling from his throat. His shoulder blades could be seen through the white folds of his shirt. Luna wasn't about to let him get away with that information and it was her turn to grab him anyways. Taking him by the upper arm before he got too far away she pulled him back to the tree, his bicep flexing. Luna ed him into the tree trunk, a hand on his chest or should she say pects.

"You will tell me why or so help me I will follow you home and find out by myself!" Luna hissed into his face, so close now that their breaths mingled.

When Taehyung shuffled into class his eyes were instantly on the back right corn of the classroom and the two nerds sitting there. Two dancing nerds that was. J-Hope was known around the school for his street dancing just as Jimin was known for his contemporary. What the school did not know however was how much of dance nerds they were, they could just see a dance on a screen and copy it almost with precision.

As he closed in on his boys they looked at him, mouths open, eyes wide and brows high in fake shock like they'd done yesterday.

"What is this? He's not late?!" Jimin gaped.

"Oh dear joy, he's here on time!" J-Hope said as greeting, his large hands in the air above him as if he were embracing some heavenly light.

Luna giggled at them, her attention on the boys. Her straight eyebrows curved upward that says 'what the hell?' Her right chubby cheek discoloured in purples and blues, a small cut at the peek of it.

"I'm not always late." He yawned. "What happened to you?" He asked taking her bandaged arm in as he ploped down into the wooden chair, ignoring the on the wall behind him.

J-Hope and Jimin stiffened slightly, warry eyes on her.

She let out a sign as she answered, "I fell down the stairs at the front of my apartment building. Happy?" She added to the boys behind her.

"Awh ouch!" Taehyung expressed, a fist to his month.

Luna just nodded reaching into her bag to pull out that little sketch book of hers as well as a pencil case. Blonde hair drapped onto the desk beside it as she leaned over it, focusing on the book in front of her. She always does that, pull her long thick hair to the front whenever she sits in her desk. Taehyung likes to think it's because Luna likes to look at her own hair for it's not that traditional black like so many around her, but he has seen her hair up close. It is damaged, dry, possibly from lack of washing it. Was she lazy or just did not have enough many to buy shampoo and conditioner? He didn't want to ask, afraid he might offend her.

"Can I see it?" Jimin asked, leaning towards the girl, holding out a hand for the sketch book.

Luna hesitated, "I don't see why you would want to," She paused, "but alright." She bit her bottom lip, it was adorable, as she handed the open book over to him.

"Wow," Jimin said in english, apart of the little english he knows really.

J-Hope stood and leaned over behind him, staring at the drawings below. Taehyung rested his hands on the back of his chair before placing his chin on them. His eyes drifted to Luna, to her pale thighs crossed one over the other, to the curve of her hips and up to her chest, the uniforms yellow and brown striped bow tied at the cuffs of her white blouse, to her right hand fiddling with a golden locket she pulled out from around her neck. Taehyung's brows crossed. Had she worn that necklace yesterday? He could not recall.

"Hey Luna," Taehyung said to her. "Can you come over this weekend?"

"I'm sorry?" Luna turned her attention to him, eyes wide and brows high.

"For my little sister I mean." He tried to explain, "She's thirteen and we don't really have anyone around to tell her about lady things."

"Oh, uhh." She tried to find her words, "I'm grounded, mind if she comes over to my place? Than it'd be better to explain to my Dad."


"Morning Class," The homeroom teacher yawned as he opened the door to the classroom.

"Sure that's fine." He whispered to her, turning his attention to the front same as she and the boys behind her. "Figure out the details at lunch?" Luna noded as Jimin handed back her sketchbook.

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yayitsjong #1
good <3 !!
animelover4everyfish #2