
First Day Back.

The late morning sun pounded on the students that were spread out throughout the school fields. There are four main areas on the field, all the same size, a concrete path dividing them. A small round-about is the cross road, a pretty yet dirty fountain in the middle, seats outlining it. However no student sat there for there was no shade. Instead, the one's who weren't running around playing some sport, sat under the shade of the trees that stood tall on the primetre of the verticle path. Some layed sprawled on the concrete, only slightly warm from the shade, while others sat against the trunks, most eating or on their phones. The occasional person was studying, almost all were third years.

Luna walked past hosts of students on her way to the back right field where the courts lay. One was a tennis court while the other two were for basketball and netball. Again she fiddled with the locket that would usually thud between her s, it shined when the sun hit it through the leaves of the trees high above. If her hair was silking and at its' best quality it too would shin gold in the sun. In the other hand she held a tin bowl and chopsticks. Luna navigated around a first year boy laying with his legs crossed, hands pressing down the front and back of her skirt while going past.

Although her skirts were not as short as some of the girls in the school, it still came a few inches below her big cheeks. If other girls wore her skirt it would come up just above mid thighs for them. Luna cursed at her big hips and as she went off the path and to the courts.

As she approached, Taehyung ran around the courts along side five other boys, his group. Jungkook, Jimin and J-Hope with him playing basketball, the other two she did not know. Girls lined the fence watching, giggling. An eyebrow lifted at the sight.

"Holy mother of god..." Luna whisptered to herself in English, slightly ajar. She stopped at the gate.

Jungkook and Jimin were shirtless... Their muscles glisening from sweat... Holy !

It made sense for them to take their skirts off, it was boiling hot today. It was just to allow them to not ruin their uniform, Luna was sure of it. She fiddled with her hands.

"Taehyung!" Luna called crossing to the other side of the court outside of the basketball lines.

His long legs came to a swift stop, his eyes roaming for the source of the voice. Eventually he spots Luna and jogs over, sweat dripping down his back, chest and armpits. His hair is slicked back again, now just stuffed under a snapback. Stuffing the locket back under her blouse she opened the tin bowl and began eating white rice.

"What's this? You're not stealing Jungkook's food?!" He held his hand to his mouth in fake surprise. "Good job!" He clapped.

"Hey! I might still steal some food off him later," She joked back, pointing her chopsticks at him that has some rice stuck to it.

Taehyung smiled that weird smile of his and laughed that weird laugh of his. If she heard that laugh randomly somewhere she would immediately know Taehyung would be nearby.

"So where do you live?" He asks leaning on the fence next to her.

Luna told him as well as discussed what was the best time was for them to go to her house. They agreed to pick up his little sister before going back to her apartment after school on Saturday, their half day off. Luna asked what she should talk to his little sister about but he just replied with "lady stuff", as if she knew exactly what that meant.

In the mean time Taehyung's group played their game now two against three, a tall guy with bleach blonde hair and Jungkook verse Jimin, a guy with around cheeks and hard, and J-Hope. Although they were a man short the boys still played well, getting a few shots here and there. Luna could not help but steal a glance towards Jimin and Jungkook every once and a while, while talking to Taehyung. It was hard not to!

It turns out that apparently one of their friends lives in the same building as her, his name Jin, and worked close by in a fancy restaurant that she definitely had not heard of let alone been to. When he described him she racked her brain to tell whether or not she had seen him around. She might of but she doubted it.

"So what will I get in exchanged for teaching Jongsie lady stuff?" She eventually asked, curiousity biting at her.

"What ever your want." He answered running his fingers through his hair before putting his cap back on.

She took a moment to consider it. What could she possibly want? A violin? New clothes? Art supplies? ... She took a big clump of white rice and stuffed it in as she looked down at herself. The first detail Luna took in was the long dry hair that ran down to her hips.

"A haircut... " She finally told him, her eyes averted to the tin of white rice she held. "It needs some repairs." She added as second thought.

"Yeah, I can see. I didn't want to say anything because I thought it might offend you." He admits as she began playing with her food.

"It's okay, it wouldn't of offended me. I already know it is pretty bad." Luna flixed her eyes to his. He looked straight back. "Hold this," she held out the tin and chopsticks. He took it.

Luna bent over, pulling her hair into a ponytail before twirling it around the base into a bun. She could not stand to have it on display anymore, no longer caring if people noticed the bruise and cut on her cheek.

"Okay I'll take you to get a haircut but no hair dying. That is too expensive." He agreed through a mouth full of rice.

"My rice!" She said slapping his shoulder but she beamed nonetheless."So... Why don't you have your mother around?" She asked carefully.

"She died while giving birth to Jongsie." Taehyung answered casually, handing back the tin and chopsticks.

"Oh I'm so sorry to here that." Luna said.

"It's okay," He said, waving her off. "Anyways, I've got to get back to my game. Cya."

"Cya." She called after him, already jogging back on.

She left, focus on the delicious rice in the tin or what was left of it thanks to Taehyung.

Rain splattered outside. Onto the windows of the classroom, the field below and onto surround buildings. Dark grey clouds cloaked the sky, so dark outside it seemed later than it was. It was just past six o'clock, the last break of the day before hometime which was less than four hours away now. An occasional car could be seen from the almost empty classroom, splashing water up as it drove down the road. Business and apartment buildings glistened in the distance as if gel had been dumped on them. 

Luna slerped a large grib of wheat noodles into , adding to the sound of rain. She sat on her desk, feet just grazing the tiles beneath. Facing the windows she watched the outside world wishing she was not here, stuck and locked up like a prisoner. She supposed she was guilty of a few crimes... Days have passed since being in the pits, her bruises healing nicely but for the cut on her arm... It had not become better since and if it did not start healing soon Luna would have Man-Shik check it out, just to make sure everything was fine. It probably was nothing.

In the past few days Luna had not gone to the courts nor caused any trouble for Jungkook. Honestly, it was hard for her not to mess around with him. He often was hanging around Jimin, Taehyung and J-Hope so she saw him around regularly. Every damn time Jungkook was around, him and his boys would become so loud! She thought Jimin, Taehyung and J-Hope were loud enough on their own! At least their taste in mu-

A sudden ruckus of a moving chair and table echoed to her from across the classroom pausing her mid thought. Luna twist her back to the door of the classroom to see what the commotion was. Three girls stood half way into the room to her. One held a hand against the moved desk that took a chair with it, giggling like crazy, another went to her asking if she was okay inbetween laughing fits. Their voices echoing off the walls. The last one just looked at Luna, a weird grin on her face. All of them taller than her. Keeping her face blank as best she can Luna watched them carefully. Something felt off, very off, about this.

Without warning darkness engulfed her.

When conciousness reclaims Luna the first thing she notices before opening her eyes are cold tiles beneath her legs in the shape of small squares. The second thing is a dampness in her hair, warm and sticky, immediately recognising it as blood. A headache ruptured through her skull. The third thing are hands. One on each of her ankles, two pairs holding her up in a sitting position by the shoulders, and finally one hand grasping her hair. Four people in total.

Luna opened her eyes.

The girls bathroom surrounded her. The sinks to her right, three cubicles to her left, the girl who had looked at her with that weird grin held Luna's ankles. Her cheeks were chubby like Luna's and her lips thin. Light brown hair flowed in soft waves over her shoulders, long enough to just go past her s which were bigger than Luna's.

"She's awake." The girl told whoever gripped her hair.

"Good." Said the girl behind her.

Abruptly snipping echoed off the tiled walls and floor, a cutting sensation rippled through her hair and over the pain shredding her skull into pieces. Luna could feel a clup of hair become loose.

She launched into kicks and elbowing, trying desperately to loosen the girls grips, yells of 'let me go, let me go' echoing.

"Shut it! I am helping you! A little birdy told me that you wanted a haircut so I'm giving you want," She said a little too sweetly, as if this was an act of kindness.

"The is wrong with you?!" Luna spat.

"Of course for exchange I need you to do something for me." The girl behind her said, ignoring Luna's question. More snipping sounded. "You need to stay the away from Jimin of course."

"The ?" Luna breathed. "I don't even know you!" More clups of hair became loose.

"Do not speak to him. Do not look at him! In fact it would be best if you just moved seats." She ordered.

"You're ing crazy!" She yelled at her. "Let me go you ing !" Luna harder.

The girl pulled her hair back so she could look into her face. "You seriously want to say that to me, to us, when you're in this position?" It was the girl that did not let her sit in the seat next to her on that first day. Her silk black hair forever in a tight ponytail.

She paused before shoving her head back up and chopping more off. "You know I think I am being quite generous with the amount of length I'm letting you have left." Luna stopped fighting.

Soon the last pieces of hair came loose, Luna's head sagging from lack of support. The hair cutter arounded the girl holding her left shoulder to look into Luna's face. Her skin was slightly tanned, eyes big and brown with gold flexs, pink nose pointed as well as her lips. A wavy fringe sat neatly behind her lobbed ear that held a black pearl hanging from it. Blonde hair covered her.

She took a hold of the forearm that was wrapped with the bandage. "Out! I want to beat her myself." A smirk on her coral lips.

As the three other girls let her go Luna did not kick or thrash, the grip on her arm holding her at bay. Once they were gone the girl squeezed down, digging her nails in, her thumb right above the cut.

Luna could not help but scream as pain rippled up her arm, into her shoulder and to her chest. The stitches that held the wound together ripped apart, blood gushing out once again. She squirms in her hold, tears wet on her cheeks.

"You're going to listen to me you ing little-" Her speech was cut short as Luna punches her in the uterus with full force.

Blood quickly soaked through the bandages. She punched the girls arm away, forcing her to let go. Like lightning she was on her feet snatching for the girls fringe before she could registering anything. She brings her head down before slamming her right knee into the girls' short bridged nose. She snapped back, hitting the floor with a thud.

Blood began dripping onto the tiles.

Swifty Luna was out of the bathroom and into the hall only to find the girls minons outside, waiting. In front of them was a J-Hope and one of his basketball friends, alert. Possibly because of the screaming.

Luna lept for J-Hope.

Luckily he caught her, holding her tight to him and turning his back to the girls as if he were a shield. His uniform instantly started absorbing her blood but that did not stop him from holding her.

"What the have you girls been doing to her!" J-Hope's friend yelled at the three girls who stood there, dumbfounded. "The is wrong with yous!... Jesus crist what did they do to you, Luna?" He asked gently, more to himself than to her, while picking hairs off her back.

"We need to get her to the school infirmary." J-Hope snapped as he reached down to wisk her off her feet.

Luna cries into J-Hope muscular shoulder as they took her away from the girls, who were now retreating into the bathroom for their leader. 

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yayitsjong #1
good <3 !!
animelover4everyfish #2