
MT Mishaps

Thanks to lightningwolfie, velvetiris, evil-onho, kekekexo, RinRin_Amoii, Krisyeolkindofthing, Jessica24680, luhuns-, Mickael, CelestiaTaehyung, ReadTheGems, wolfiester, Keyna_Cube, Panda_Taoris_lover, mariaexofi, MissKorea14, Danynou, flowerbae, HappyBacteria, baconism, 4LeafsofShamrock, AstridHulst, love_kris, Sinitri, pandaexpress2808, Hidajame, HUNHAN_lover14, and Devilune for subscribing! And hugs to Lenfexion, potatobun14, sekaii, Jackiewook, and kevinoppa for subscribing and upvoting! 

After spending the last hour breaking into a cabin that they had technically already rented (it was surprising what Chanyeol could accomplish with just a paper clip), no one was in the mood to do anything and half of the guys had just collapsed in heaps on the couches in the large family room area of the cabin. Sehun was the first onto the sofas, stretching his arms and legs whilst talking to himself about how nice it felt to relax in peace. Seconds later he was dog piled by Jongdae, Chanyeol, Yixing (who had tripped on his own foot in his stupor and fell onto the pile) and eventually his own boyfriend and last hope Luhan.

It was Jongin who finally saved Sehun from being flattened like a pancake and pulled the maknae out from under the pile. After that things settled down and everyone managed to calm down and quietly lounge around the room… for about five minutes before Jongdae got bored.

Minseok had gone to help Kyungsoo stock and organize the kitchen, Yixing was in the middle of an extremely intense thumb war with himself, Junmyeon was sitting cross legged beside his boyfriend, holding a novel in one hand and Yixing’s hair with the other, Jongdae was scheming, Yifan and Luhan had gone upstairs to shower, Zitao was still asleep on the couch Yifan had laid him on and Jongin was starting to think Zitao was dead as he stared at the Chinese from his spot beside Sehun who was playing Candy Crush on his smartphone.

Chanyeol was resting his head in Baekhyun’s lap as his boyfriend was currently tracing the things Jongdae has drawn and written on Chanyeol’s face, wrinkling his nose at the particularly vulgar words that Jongin didn’t dare even think about using out of fear that Kyungsoo would come at his mouth with a bar of soap faster than he could say . Chanyeol suddenly gasped, shooting up from his lying position, only to fall back, groaning and clutching his forehead which had slammed rather forcefully into Baekhyun’s nose-said owner was currently screaming bloody murder. After being treated by Yixing’s “expert” healing, which had included a blunt “You have a pimple on your forehead” to Chanyeol and a cryptic “Think about the children in Africa” to Baekhyun, Chanyeol continued with his previous excitement. “Baek tomorrow I’m going to try to catch something with a snare trap! Like a real outdoorsman!”

“Are you ing kidding me, that’s what was so important that you had to almost break my nose to tell me?!” Baekhyun screeched. Jongdae, on the other hand, looked like Christmas had come early and eerily smiled at Chanyeol’s last sentence. Jongin was suddenly filled with an unspoken terror, knowing that was going to go down because Jongdae and ideas always resulted in-

“Sehun why’d you agree to this trip anyway? You hate nature. I mean you can hardly stand being in the school greenhouse for more than five minutes.”

Well .

Sehun stood up from his spot on the couch, taking the bait. “Excuse you, I happen to be co-advisor of the Astronomy Club. We go out into the woods once a week to look at stars and .”

Jongin looked at the maknae incredulously. Sehun? Stargazing? In the woods? Where there was no cell service?

“That’s because the other co-advisor is Luhan,” Jongdae pointed out, “you only go so you can him in the woods after all the kids leave.”

Now that Jongin believed. Out of the twelve of them, Luhan and Sehun were definitely the kinkiest when it came to the bedroom. Jongin had once gone to Sehun and Luhan’s shared dorm to deliver Sehun’s new schedule to him. When he walked in, he had found himself making direct contact with the two pale globes of Luhan’s . The so-called self-proclaimed ‘manliest of them all’ had been bent over a Sehun’s lap, dressed in what could only be described as a cosplay schoolgirl’s outfit, squealing “Ooh seonsaengnim yes! Just like that!” every time Sehun spanked him, marking Luhan’s with a red handprint as he muttered “You’ve been a bad student Lulu.”

Sehun never got that new schedule and Jongin hasn’t stepped ten feet near their dorm ever since.

Sehun sniffed indignantly, “You have no proof of that. You’re just jealous because I’m one with nature and you’re not.”

Jongdae scoffed. “Oh please. You wouldn’t last out there for five minutes.”

Sehun crossed his arms as he stormed towards the front door, a smirking and very victorious Jongdae on his heels. “You’ll be eating your words when I prove you wrong.”

Sehun definitely proved them wrong. Jongdae hadn’t even made it back to the main room when there was a sudden furious banging on the door, said one-with-nature screeching like a banshee about how there was a bee as big as his on the porch and how it was going to eat him.

“I don’t know what you’re so scared about Sehunnie,” Jongin called lazily from his spot on the couch. “If that bee is as big as your junk then it definitely poses a very minimal threat.”

“ you!” Sehun howled, beating on the door so hard Jongin was surprised it didn’t break. Actually Jongin was probably more surprised that Zitao hadn’t waken yet despite the commotion, but then again, Zitao could probably sleep through World War III and not give a damn. No one made a move to get up, and it wasn’t until Luhan shot down the stairs, hair still covered in soapy suds with just a pink towel wrapped around his waist, that a distraught Sehun was let back in. As Luhan brought him upstairs, murmuring words of comfort about how Sehun would get a reward tonight for being so ‘brave’ (Jongin prayed to every living thing out there that the rooms were soundproof), Sehun paused, stopping as he passed by Jongdae, who was laughing so hard tears were forming as he struggled to sit upright and breathe properly, “You’re ugly and I hate you all.”

“Ignore them and hold your head high babe, they’re just jealous of our mind-blowing .” Luhan said with a strange amount of pride, making Jongin choke on his spit and gag at the same time.

“No one’s jealous of your go-at-it-like-bunnies life,” Baekhyun scoffed in disgust. “Just because we’ve never ice cream out of each other’s s does not mean our isn’t as amazing, right Channie?”

Junmyeon looked aghast and close to having a heart attack as he asked Luhan, “You ice cream out of each other’s s?!”

“Ice cream, what?” Tao murmured drowsily, finally resurrecting from his slumber as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“No, we do not ice cream out of each other’s s,” Luhan stated a matter-of-factly before adding an afterthought, “but that’s a nice idea we should give it a try shouldn’t we Sehunnie?”

“What about s?” Yifan asked as he enters the room, still toweling his hair dry. His eyes lightened up at the sight of Zitao awake. “You’re awake!”

“Geeeeeeee,” Zitao whined, “I need to shower will you come with me?”

“Of course sweetie,” Yifan immediately agreed, as if the fact that he had just come out of the shower didn’t matter. Then again when it came to Zitao, all of Yifan’s logic seemed to fly out the window.

The two soon headed back upstairs, along with Luhan and Sehun, and Jongdae, after making sure that the coast was clear, coughed, “Whipped.”

However just as those words left his mouth, Minseok’s voice came from the kitchen, “Jongdae! Stop terrorizing the others and come help me carry some things.”

“Coming!” and within seconds, Jongdae was gone, off to bid to Minseok’s every need. Jongin and Baekhyun looked at each other.

“And he says Yifan is whipped.”

Ugh guise I'm so ing rusty in writing and all I want to do is update with nicely written stuff but the quality of my writing has gone so downhill since last year and I used to be so eloquent and sgkhfskavhsbjfd.

Thanks to those that wait for this story. Lowkey haven't written anything new for this; this chap is still my noob writing back in the day and I just forget to update. I'm honestly the Zitao of this fic, it takes a solid half hour to get me up lol.

Happy Thursday!

Less than three,


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Chapter 5: Oh my god! They're so funny and cute! I love it, that Kris and Chen are so whipped ^^ This fanfic is wonderful. I'm curious about the next chapters :3 (I'm sorry, if my sentences are wrong. I hope you understand me >-<)
Chapter 3: Why would you draw a on someone's forehead??
Chapter 4: I need more..... I nearly died laughing! XD
wolfiester #4
Chapter 3: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS.I DEMAND ANOTHER CHAPTER!*aggressively banging the table* lol jk but srsly this is great.Hope you update soon!
Danynou #6
Chapter 2: I've just found this fic and I can't stop laughing now!!!! It's sooo funny!! ;)
Chapter 3: zhang yixing is an adorable piece of awe
RinRin_Amoii #8
Chapter 3: Omy!!!This is soo funny.You have a really big(greattt)sense of humor!!
Ize_Kevin #9
Chapter 3: I saw my name!