
Annoyingly Sweet

It was a beautiful Saturday when somebody decided to take his lovely “Ms.Yoon” out. Seungcheol faced the mirror as he styled his hair and fixed his outfit. “Wah. You’re really handsome Choi Seungcheol.” He praised himself as he winked at his own reflection. “Time to go.” He adjusts his watch and he quickly grabbed his phone and wallet before leaving his room. As he got down, he saw his mom back facing him so he hugged her mom from the back. “Hi mom.” He greeted. Mrs. Choi turned around and saw her son clothed in a black pants and a plain white shirt with a flannel hanging on his waist. “Date with Jeonghan?” She asked her son. “Yup, gotta take my princess out.” He replied. “That’s good. It’s better rather than annoying him.” She stated as she ruffle her son’s hair, earning a whine from the other saying that he styled his hair perfectly. “You should go, kiss Jeonghan for me.” His mom added. “Right, I’ll go now. Love you.” Seungcheol kissed her mom’s cheeks before leaving.

Meanwhile at the Yoon’s household, Jeonghan was planning to stay on his bed the whole day since he’s too lazy to go out. As he lies on his bed, he cuddled with his big teddy bear named “S.Coups”, Seungcheol named it for him saying that it sounds cool. The bear was a gift from Seungcheol during their 1st anniversary given to him at the amusement park. Oh how he missed those moments. As he enjoyed his me time his mom that was busy cleaning heard the doorbell rings so she stopped for a while and open the door. “Oh, Seungcheol-ah.” She greeted the boy. “Hi mom.” He greeted back. “Where’s Jeonghan?” He asked. “In his room. Come inside.” Mrs. Yoon ushered Seungcheol to come inside. “If you’re planning to take him out just do so, I have a house to clean.” Mrs. Yoon added. “Thanks mom.” Seungcheol head towards Jeonghan’s room and he opened the door quietly and he saw his “Ms. Yoon” cuddling with S.coups so he entered quietly and closed the door behind him.

He walk towards the bed and launched himself to the other boy. “I’ve got you.” Jeonghan turned to see who invaded his room and it turned out that it was his own annoying boyfriend. At first he ignored the other’s presence. “Yah, you’re just going to ignore me?” Seungcheol poked the other and start tickling the other. “Yah! Stop!” Jeonghan squirmed as he tried to stop the other. Seungcheol stopped and placed a quick kiss on Jeonghan’s lips. “Change. We’re going somewhere.” Seungcheol stated but the other complained saying that he doesn’t want to leave his bed. “What am I going to do with these then?” Seungcheol asked as he showed two tickets to an amusement park. Jeonghan quickly got up and tried to get the tickets but Seungcheol of course won’t let him. “Change quickly.” Seungcheol demanded. He knows that his boyfriend will not say no to amusement parks. “Fine. Go out.” Jeonghan replied. “Why?” Seungcheol asked. “I need to change idiot.” Jeonghan answered as he tried to push the other but Seungcheol was stronger than him. “Just change, it’s not like I didn’t saw everything before.” Seungcheol plant himself to the bed with his arms supporting his head. “Fine. You’re so annoying.” Jeonghan stood up and change into more comfortable clothes not noticing the hungry stares from Seungcheol.

After Jeonghan was done the two bid their byes to Mrs. Yoon and head to the amusement park. As they arrived at the amusement park they bought a couple headbands and rom around hand in hand. “Let’s ride that one.” Seungcheol suggested pointing at the roller coaster. “I don’t want that.” Jeonghan replied looking so awfully nervous. Don’t misunderstand it but the boy was scared at those kinds of rides even though he likes amusement parks. “Let’s ride it.” Seungcheol dragged the poor boy towards the ride. The two sat the back most part of the ride. “Don’t worry you have me.” Seungcheol held Jeonghan closer to him. When the ride starts, Jeonghan kept his eyes shut, too scared to open one. As they reached the highest part, Seungcheol quickly cupped Jeonghan’s cheeks and kissed him on his lips to help the other lessen his fear. The kiss last until the end of the ride. Seungcheol pulled out and both of them looked at each other’s eyes. “That wasn’t bad.” Seungcheol smirked before heading out of the ride followed by the blushing Jeonghan.”

They had their dinner after some few rides. As the sun sets down completely, Seungcheol dragged Jeonghan into some horror ride experience which Jeonghan was not happy to do. Soon as the ride starts Jeonghan’s screams were heard. “Get me out of here!” Jeonghan shouted as he latched himself to Seungcheol’s side as if his life depends on it. Seungcheol smirked liking the contact from his boyfriend. Just like how he planned. After the ride, Jeonghan became soulless and Seungcheol couldn’t stop smiling. After a few minutes Seungcheol decided to take Jeonghan home. “Let’s get you home, you look tired.” Seungcheol pats Jeonghan’s back and the other just let his boyfriend lead him.

After Seungcheol brought him home, Jeonghan couldn’t stop smiling. He hugged his bear so tight and he let a squeal out, just like a teenage girl. He really enjoyed their date earlier he even remembered Seungcheol’s line before going, ‘Don’t dream of me too much.’ Soon he fell asleep, but not for the other. Seungcheol on the other side kept on turning around his bed. He really enjoyed their time together but something keeps on making him awake. He couldn’t sleep; it feels like he has forgotten about something that he cannot think of. He tried to think what it was for some minutes that turned into hours. “I love you.” He suddenly blurted out. He shot up as he realized what he has forgotten. He forgot to tell Jeonghan his ‘I love you.’ It has been his routine to say that line to the other everyday but he forgot about it today, so as an annoying boyfriend he is he decided to text his “Ms. Yoon.” at an ungodly hour.

Jeonghan woke up from his sleep as he felt his phone vibrated. He tried to ignore it but it was continuously vibrating and it annoyed him so he pick his phone to see who was texting him at this hour. It was Seungcheol, Jeonghan groaned as he replied to Seungcheol’s messages.

From: CHOI <3


From: CHOI <3


From: CHOI <3


                LOVE OF MINE! <3

From: YOON <3


From: CHOI <3

                I love you.

From: YOON <3


From: CHOI <3

                Your idiot. Only yours.

From: YOON <3

                I know. I love you too.

With that Seungcheol finally fell asleep same with Jeonghan and both of them have this sweet smile on their lips.

A/N: Bonus jeoncheol shot for all of you. <3 I just like them being annoying sweet together. XD




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DnaForJeonghan #1
Chapter 1: look at.... look at.。 look at.... if i were yoon Jeonghan, i would kick seungcheols
Chapter 3: Ok..seriously, I think I would get diabetes from all the sweetness in ur fic authour-nim..this is too adorable >< love it so much! Tq for this awesome fic..
angel1209 #3
Chapter 2: I can't!!!!! OHMYGOSH!!!!! JeongCheol MYGOD !!! You're killing me!!!!!
Chapter 3: i think i just exploded....
ishipyunjae #5
Chapter 3: Aaakkk this is seriously too sweet...
My teeth huurts

Unwrap the gift later.. unwrap the gift.. unwrap.. *mind goes haywire*
WAT #6
Chapter 2: THIS IS SO CUTE!!! Relationship Goals
maluoliver #8
Chapter 1: I have friends like that. Its really annoying. But I will forgive them because they're Jeongcheol, anyway.
seunghanim #9
Chapter 1: Bickering each other..thats make they really look like old married couple..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is soooo gooodd... love it
sabotenworld #10
Chapter 1: That scene with the note was just AWWWW UGH MY HEART