Am I okay.....

The One

I woke up feeling like my whole body was about to explode and I see JB standing next to me with concern in his eyes I looked at him then looked at myself .............

Wtf am I doing here I was so confused and I think he realized that and said

" Oh you faintend because of a burn so I carried you here"

Did I just hear him right he carried me


I felt like I was grabbing her to tigbt because she was not replying like her old self and I was about let her go when she fell unconscious all I could do was yell out her name and carry her to the hospital

I know I bully her but I'm not that mean but between me and my concious I have a secret crush on her





Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... don't tell her

Jeez I was so worried about her it felt like a part of me was going to die jeez if only I had the confidence to tell her that and not bully her.

your POV

" excuse me" 


" You carried me?"

" Ya and boy were you heavy"

" then why did you carty me" I said with a pout unconsciously

" Don't do that" 

" what"

" that"


"That thing you did with your lips "

"Oh you mean this" I said while pouting 

" stop" he said while chuckling

" oh my gosh you just smiled"

" did not" he said while trying to stop himself

" did too..... the great and mean JB just laughed"



while this conversation was going on all the jokes and laughter they didn't know that someone was looking through the glass listening and sEwing you this happy



Authors note: sorry if it's a boring chapter but I'm stilling thinking about whether it's jb or jongkook and next chapter preview

The brother gets mad at her for staying the night out oooooooooo

Well I'll leave you with that bye😘

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