Chapter 1

The One

* 7 years ago*

     I was 9 years old and sitting on the couch watching tv and i was so hungry i decided to make some ramyun for myself. I went to the kitchen to make myself some but my dad was a working as an engineer and had some kerosene next to the stove because he had to fix someething but fogot it there and while I was cooking the ramyun the kerosene bottle tipped over and it caused a fire in the house I was crying not knowing whatt to do and my mom and dad came because they work together and saw this happen they came inside and my mom helped me out and went back in to help my dad but never got out. I was there screaming and screaming for them them...

(loud scream)

*Now, 7 years later*

I scream from the dream I just had sweating and waiting for my heart to be back to normal. I get up and dressed for school in my unifom and hoping my i come back home before my brother does. I left to got to school without eatting breakfast so I was kinda hungry that day. When I got to school I just walked into the classroom but before I could go in someone called my from behind and I knew right away who it was it was my best friend Hara. I screamed and called her name,


" HARA-YA!!!!!"

" they are announcing the scores today for they test today"

" I know i'm freaking out right now"

" Don't worry you'll get frist like you always have"

" just because I always get first place last time doesnt mean i'm gonna get it again"

" ya it does"

"whatever lets go to class"


(Entering in to class)

I sit down in my seat waiting for the teacher when someone pour water on me I looked up and it was the person I hate the most in life Jeon Jungkook and behind him his

stupid friends. The worst person in the whole entire world my worst enemy but I also hated his friends but not as much as him. My friends Yera and Gina came into the

classroom and got mad at them


" Beak Ki-ya are you okay"

" i'm okay i just need to go into the bathroom and dry up that's all"


I left the bathroom when i got out there was JB staring at me which was scary because he was a leader of the gang at school called Got7 and they were not that nice when I

got out he grabbed me and pulled me against the lockers which hurt and said with a smirk on his face


" You okay"

" Yes"


I said while trying to get out of his grip. He pushed me back against the lockers and held my wrist a little tighter


" Where you going you dont have anyone to go to anyway because you are a lo-"

" She does have friends idiot"


I heard someone say but it was a guy's voice I ws trying to guess whose voice it could be but it sounded very familiar to me when I looked it was Jungkook. I looked in

surprise as he was walking towards us he grabbed my hand and told Jb to back off. While grabbing my hand he started walking and after awhile I stopped and Junkook looked

back at me.


" Why did you help me"

" because no one can bully you except me and besides I think the bucket of water was enough for today"


It was wierd what he said but it was true for the past 10 years he has been bullying me. That's why i will never like him in my life or my next.




                                                                                                              THANK YOU



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