
The One

I was in my room waiting for my brother to go to bed and when I finally saw the lights shut off under my door I went to the drawer looking for the ointment for my burn when I stopped seeing my only picture of my brother and I together. He used to be so happy funny nice one of those brothers that you always have wanted.

 And it was all because of me I broke my brother... I have broke my brother after the accident he he has never been the same.

 Always hurting me and always telling me it's my fault that they died...... You doesn't have to tell me anymore because I know that it is my fault and that they died because of me I wish I wasn't alive but I have to be because who's going to take care of my brother has always been there for me........ just because he shuts me out does it mean is not a good brother I just need to wait but I don't know how long I can hold it........ All this guilt inside of me for killing his parents on that day

 With that on my mind I fell asleep


I woke up with an aching feeling in my eyes I looked in realized that I forgot to put the ointment yesterday. I looked at my hand and there will be food because of the rain yesterday and I decided to put a long sleeve to cover it up even though it won't cover my hands thought it was worth trying.... Anyway no it was in my hands anyway no one looks at me except my 3 friends

Ooooooooooo I wonder what they are gonna think about this I mean I can make up a lie like any other time...........I looked at the the time

" oh why was I thinking about all that it's 7 30" as I got up u felt the pain all over my body

" Fudge that's gonna hurt"

But ignoring the pain I went to school after I put ointment on and some ice thank god my brother wasn't their or else he would feel bad i know I know your thiking why he would feel bad because he knowas deep inside that I'm still his sister 

I'mnot mad that he blames because he's right............he always is

I got to school 5 minutes later than usual and I hate getting there later because than everyone gangs up on me I don't like it as I was walking into class I see JB on my right and joon kook in front of me like a mile away *exaggerating* 

As I was walkin JB trips me and I trip closing my eyes waiting to feel the ground then look up to see JB holding me

"Sorry didn't see you there"

"Ya right"

"You giving me attitude little girl" he says while grabbing my bad arm and shoving me against the locker 

I hold in the scream and he grabs it harder coming close when I feel light heafed and everthing became blurry all of a sudden everything turns black and all I hear is 








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