Can't Lose You

Soonyoung is so into hotpot. He took me out to a hotpot restaurant one night.


"Do you want it cooked by yourself or us?" the waiter asked. Soonyoung immediately answered, "We'll cook it by ourselves, thank you." He stirred the hotpot. "Tonight, I'll be your chef," he told me. I chuckled.




Jeonghan, Wonwoo, and Mingyu took me out for dinner that night. They said it had been too long to not go out on a Saturday night for me. I had no other choice but to go with them.


Jeonghan was in full spirit that night. He kept cracking jokes. Wonwoo found it funny and he was laughing all night. Mingyu also invited her girlfriend along. He put his elbow on the table and his fist on the right side of his head. He stared at her like she was the most amazing creature.


"What?" Tanya asked to Mingyu. He just smiled. "You looked on point."


She laughed. "You're weird, Mingyu.”


“Yeah, but I’m your weirdo.”


Watching them kind of made me cringe, but when I put myself in Mingyu's shoes, it really is actually the best thing. Admiring the girl you love, letting her know she's beautiful without having to hide it because you know it would make both you and her happy. Which, reminded me of her face when I gave her the burgundy dress. How happy she was, but I was happier to see her happy expression all over her face.


"Seungcheol, what do you think of the soup? It's delicious, right?" Jeonghan said, suddenly waking me up from my thoughts.


"Oh, yes, yes, it's delicious," I said.


"Come on, Seungcheol. Get over that girl. She's not good for you," he continued.


"Girl? What girl? Pft, I'm over her," I lied.


"If you say so," he said as he took a sip of his drink.


Meanwhile, in front of me, Mingyu and Wonwoo were now debating over something. “Don’t look! He will know!” Mingyu whispered to Wonwoo loud enough for me to hear.


“Yo, what’s up over there?” I asked them. They looked at me, terrified. “Nothing! It’s just… the soup is delicious, right?” Mingyu said. “Yeah, it makes me feel warm!” Wonwoo added. Hm, fishy. What’s with all this malarkey?


“Sometimes, I think Wonwoo is his girlfriend instead of me,” Tanya said. Mingyu pouted and quickly scooted closer to her. “Aw, no, Jagi!” he said while cuddling her. That’s when I saw her. The one thing Mingyu and Wonwoo had been blocking from my view.


“Rachel…?” I said to myself.


“Seungcheol…” Mingyu called me but I abandoned him. I kept staring at her. In front of her was a blonde guy. It must be Soonyoung, the School of Performing Arts guy. She was laughing. Why is she laughing? What did he say that make her laugh like that? She made the same expression like when I told her my jokes: her eyes sparkle, her nose cringe, and her teeth were all shown. She used to laugh at my jokes that way!


“Seungcheol, eat up your soup before it’s cold,” Jeonghan said. I looked at him then I continued eating my soup while peeking her every once in awhile.


After I finished my soup, I pretended to get an urgent call so I could go out and have some fresh air.


“Sorry guys, I have to pick this up,” I told them then I went outdoors.


Rachel Song. The first girl who actually knocked my heart and I freely let her in. We have two years gap difference, but I thought we got along pretty well. She cheated on me but I don’t know why I still care for her, probably more than I should. Maybe love has got me being blunt and such a fool. Maybe… because she was my first love.


I turned around in a bad timing. The couple went out of the restaurant while holding hands and she caught my eyes.


“Seungcheol?” she asked. She and him came to me.


“H-hi,” I greeted her back, feeling awkward and all caught up.


“What are you doing here?” she asked.


“I… I just picked up a call from my mom,” I lied.


“By the way… this is Soonyoung,” he introduced him to me. He handed out his hand for a hand shake. I shook it.






“Alright, I guess… See you,” she said as they left.


“See you, Rachel,” I murmured under my breath.




“So, was that that Seungcheol?” Soonyoung asked when we got into his car.


“Yeah,” I answered simply.


“He seems cool,” he commented.


“Is this a trick?” I asked him. He chuckled. “No, I’m just saying.”




A week after that night on a school day, I left school later than usual because I had to finish the last period’s assignment. I waited for Soonyoung to pick me up at the school gate. Suddenly, a guy approached me.




I didn’t actually have to look at him, I could recognize him just by hearing his voice.


“Seungcheol,” I greeted him.


“Why are you still at school?” he asked.


“I had to finish the last period’s assignment,” I explained. “You?”


“Oh, you know… basketball practice.”


I nodded. “Of course.”


“So… are you and Soonyoung a thing now?” he asked.


“Yeah,” I answered without looking at him.


“He seems nice,” he commented.


“He is,” I answered simply, once again not looking at him, afraid his reaction would take over my mind. How awkward the situation was. We used to always have something to talk about. I used to feel free to talk about anything to him. Now, we're just exchanging little words.


“Well… Guess I have to get going,” he said. I turned to him. “What are you taking? Where’s your car?”


“I’m taking the bus. Lately, I don't feel like driving,” he explained. “Are you… waiting for someone to pick you up?”


“Yes,” I said.


“Alright, then,” he said, as he looked into my eyes although there was a gap between us, “take care.”


I studied his face. He said it like he truly meant it. “I will,” I said slowly, “thank you.” He smiled at me slightly then left.



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Chapter 7: Nice story! Keep writing fics okay :)