Seokmin Two, Soonyoung One

Calamity and Confessions


The alarm went off and Seokmin groaned. It was a Saturday and he had no classes so why the did his alarm even ring in the first place? 
He sat up for awhile rubbing his eyes, trying to recall if there was any important occasion that morning but nothing came to mind. Urgh stupid alarm, he thought. 

Seokmin sighed. By right, he could go back to sleep. But Seokmin was not that kind of person. Once he wakes up, he can't fall back asleep so easily even if he seemed sleepy. Unless he is really, genuinely tired which he wasn't. 

So he decided he would just get up and do something productive. After all, he'd just moved in two days ago and there was still a lot of unpacking and decorating he has yet to do. Now that he has his own apartment, he can let his imagination run wild and decorates as he please without his mom complaining and making unnecessary remarks about his sense of aesthetics. He couldn't blame her after all. She is a high school arts teacher.

Seokmin entered the shower and the heater, waiting for the water to turn warm. All of a sudden, he heard a soft voice, well pretty loud actually, singing. It seem to came from next door as Seokmin placed his ear against the wall. He was still pretty groggy so he didn't think about whose voice it was as he continued to listen. It was really calm and soothing to his ears as he tried to recall where he's heard the song before. 

"Taeyang's eyes nose lips?" Seokmin said to himself. "Wow, this guy's got a beautiful voice." 

And then it hit him. 


Seokmin said guy. 

The person singing is a he

And Seokmin knows that his other neighbour next door is a single mother and her daughter so there was no way it was either of them.


"Did I just," Seokmin frowned. "Oh my god, I just praised him for his singing." 

But his singing really did improve though since I last heard him. A voice in Seokmin's head seems to say. 


no. No, why am I praising him- I can't-


"Shut up you moron!" Seokmin managed to yell.


"Excuse me, but this is my bathroom and I can do whatever the hell I want!" Soonyoung shouted back. 

"You're making my poor ears bleed!" 

"Then wear earmuffs if it's killing you so much!" 

Seokmin grumbled. He didn't know what frustrated him more. Soonyoung being stubborn as he is or the fact that he just praised his arch-nemesis. 
It was just an accident, no biggie. I was still in a daze and I had no idea it was him. Seokmin reassured himself but another voice in his head seems to disagree. 

But you still praised him even after realising it who it was.   

"It was a stupid mistake, okay?! I still hate that idiot. S-so what if he can sing?" 

There. You just admitted that he can- 

"Shut up!!" Seokmin screamed as he slammed his head onto the door. 

"Yah!! What is your problem?!" 

Seokmin's eyes widened as he realised that he had been talking to himself, no scratch that, he was yelling at himself and that he was still in the bathroom where Soonyoung could clearly hear him. 

There was no way he was going to belittle himself by apologising even if he didn't intend to scream at Soonyoung again so he just shouted a mere "Nothing!" before rushing out the bathroom. 

Soonyoung rolled his eyes. Who did Seokmin think he was, telling him to shut up? So what if he sang better? 

Soonyoung cringed. Sang better than him? What is he babbling about? Seokmin can't sing and he's established that seven years ago. Or maybe not

Urgh whatever, he thought as he contemplated ordering chinese takeout or mcdonalds for breakfast. He eventually settled on mcdonalds after asking the rest in the group chat. He decided he would practice the choreography several more times while waiting for them to arrive. 

After changing into more comfortable sweatpants and hoodie, he blasted the music from his wireless speakers and began dancing. 

It's been fifteen years since he first danced so you can say that dancing is in his blood. But everytime he dances, he cannot help but recall the painful memory of his younger sister. It was a tragic and difficult loss for him considering how much time they spent together dancing. 

Having lost his both his parents at a young age, Soo Ah was his only source of strength and support, his happy pill whenever he felt down. She looked up to him and was his last piece of family left just as he was to her. After she had been gone two years back, Soonyoung can only afford to imagine seeing her dance next to him when he watches himself in the mirror. Sometimes when he's alone in times of distress, he would hear her warm, soothing voice whispering words of encouragement. Soonyoung missed her dearly and he wished she didn't have to go so soon.

He sighed, enjoying the peace when he was rudely interrupted by what sounded like a drill. "What the-" 

Soonyoung groaned, knocking on Seokmin's door. 

"The you want?" 

"Can you keep it down please? I'm trying to concentrate on my dancing here." 

Seokmin raised his eyebrows. "Wow, the mighty Soonyoung never says please." 

Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "Excuse you, I do say please. Just not with people like you who don't know about respect and politeness." 

"Excuse you but I do know about respect and politeness. I just don't show them to people who don't appreciate it." Seokmin narrowed his eyes. 

"Don't use my words against me. And as far as I know, you're the unappreciative one. Always using people to get you what you want." 

"Oh, I don't use people. I assure them that being on my side has more benefits than being on yours." 

Soonyoung crossed his arms as he felt the anger boil inside of him. "They didn't side with you because they liked you. They sided with you because they feared you." 

"Wrong. They sided with me because I convinced them that I was better than you ever were." 

"Better at ruining people's lives you mean? You took everything away from me when you transferred to Pledis High. Your aunt did what was best for you, not for the school." 

Seokmin shrugged, smirking. "I didn't take anything from you. You lost yourself trying to get back at me." 

"Because what you did was wrong!" 

"And what you did was right?" Seokmin raised his voice back. "Look, you and I both know the horrible things we did back then. And I don't think you wanna talk about it again do you?" 

Soonyoung curled his fist, averting his gaze. He knew Seokmin was right as much as he refused to admit it. He hated having to remember past incidents involving Seokmin but there was nothing that he can do to avoid the boy so the least he can do is to not talk about it. 


The blonde boy turned around to see his three friends walk out the lift. 


"Oh, who's this?" The shortest one asked, smiling. 

"Oh, he's just uh-" 

"The new neighbour. Seokmin." 

"Seok- wait. Lee Seokmin? From Pledis High?" 

Seokmin and Soonyoung looked at each other, surprised. "How did you know?" 

"I'm Lee Chan," He said, grinning. "My younger sister was in the same school as you for drama. She always told me a lot about you when she came home from school." 

"Oh. That's... uh, nice to hear." 

Soonyoung snorted. "What exactly did she tell you?" 

"Good things." 

Seokmin chuckled when Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "I am nice, you know."  

"Whatever, come on guys." 

"Wait, Seokmin why don't you join us?" 

"Woah, woah wait what no, no way." Soonyoung's eyes widened. 

Seokmin shrugged with a smug look on his face that Soonyoung so badly wanted to slap the hell out of. "Sure." 


"What no, no come on!" 

"What's wrong?" 

"Yeah Soonyoung, what's wrong?" Seokmin mocked. 

Soonyoung groaned, giving in. "Urgh whatever fine." 


He knew that Seokmin wouldn't want anything to do with him but the only reason he was being nice was so that he can manipulate his friends. This , Soonyoung thought.

Lee Chan cheered and so as the other two who introduced themselves as Jun and Minghao. 

As they entered Soonyoung's apartment, Seokmin whispered, "Seokmin one... Soonyoung zero." 

Soonyoung rolled his eyes as he muttered a " you" back. 

"Let's show Seokmin our new choreography!" Lee Chan pouted.

Soonyoung sighed, nodding. When it came to Lee Chan, he can never protest. They were all the same age but month-wise, Lee Chan was the youngest in their group and he'd always find a way around his hyungs. They can never resist his aegyo. 

"Alright Jun turn on the music, Minghao, Lee Chan, get into your positions." Soonyoung ordered. 

The music started and the quartet began to dance. To Seokmin's surprise, they danced really, really well especially Soonyoung. He frowned. All those years he's hated and criticised Soonyoung for being a terrible dancer but he's never really paid full attention to him. Now that he was actually paying attention to Soonyoung, all of a sudden he realises how good a dancer the blonde boy was. 


His flexibility and smooth transition from sharp to fluid moves. His footwork was vigorous yet delicate. 

"Woah." Seokmin breathed as he observed the deft and intricate movements. 

Every step was so quick and precise and Seokmin couldn't help but let his eyes roam around Soonyoung's body. There was just something about the way he moved that made him look so attractive

Holy what am I thinking, Seokmin cursed, mentally slapping himself. If anything, Soonyoung was not attractive. 

There were four of them dancing but even then, he found that he couldn't take his eyes off Soonyoung and Soonyoung only. 


Wow, he looks really- oh my god, hell no. He's not. What the am I saying, he ! But- Seokmin wanted to scream. It was like his own thoughts having an internal battle. what is he doing to me. 

Soon enough, thankfully, they were done with dance routine. 

"So, what do you think?" Jun asked. 

"It was attra- uh, I mean damn good!" 

Minghao grinned. "You really think so?"

"Duh." Seokmin smiled. 

"That's the first compliment I've heard from you about my dancing in seven years." 

"Don't get so happy, boy. I wasn't complimenting you. It was a team effort." 

"Which involved me." 

"You're just a small part of it."

"Still a part of." Soonyoung crossed his arms, a smile creeping on his face. "Besides, I saw you staring." 

Seokmin widened his eyes. "Wha-what n-no, I was not staring!" 

"Yes you were, you can't deny it. Your eyes were fixated on-" The next thing Soonyoung knew was Seokmin's hand over his mouth. 

"Shut it! I wasn't staring at you!" 

Soonyoung, being stronger than Seokmin, removed the latter's hand from his mouth, smirking. "Believe what you want, but... Soonyoung one, Seokmin one." 

Seokmin gritted his teeth looking ready to pounce onto the blonde boy but was quickly stopped by Lee Chan. 

"Okay, okay whatever's going on with both of you, cut it out man." 

"Stay out of this, Chan. This guy's never been good to me. He's only nice because you're all here and he's gonna use his stupid charm to befriend you."

Lee Chan raised his eyebrow. "Uh... okay?" 

Seokmin chuckled. "Our friend here's just paranoid. Don't listen to him." 

"I'm not your friend." 

"Shut up." 

Soonyoung was about to fight back when the doorbell rang. The food he ordered had arrived. After paying, all the boys digged in.

"Really now, you're gonna eat my food too?" 

"It's not all yours, Soonyoung. Why won't you share with Seokmin?" 

"Yeah, why won't you share with me, Soonyoung?" 

Soonyoung rolled his eyes. Annoying bastard, he thought. He hated the way Seokmin pronounced his name with such mockery and hatred. " you." 

"Well...Seokmin two, Soonyoung one." Seokmin winked and Soonyoung only shot a sinister look. Minghao and Jun on the other hand were too busy being romantic with the food feeding each other, half giggling and half making out, earning a disgusted look from Lee Chan.

A/N: Hey sorry for the late update! I've had a terrible writer's block which so much because I literally had no inspiration for this chapter so sorry it's a flop :( I hope you still like it though! And don't worry, more of Soonyoung and Seokmin's past will be revealed eventually ;) Anyway, I won't be updating in a while maybe around a week because I'll be away on holiday! I'll keep trying my best though so do continue to support this fic! Thanks to all my beautiful subscribers and do leave comments :) Saranghae!!<3

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cgao753 #2
Chapter 4: AHAHAAHAHAHAHA this is so cute and so hilarious in so many ways i love their hateship so much rn
lidyaS #3
Chapter 4: No its not flop, this chapter is so damn good, i like it. I hope u can update soon, and enjoy your holiday ill waiting for the next chapter. Fighting!!!!!!!
Alfabet #4
Chapter 4: Wow amazing! i really like your fanfic *cry :D update soon!
Live4U #5
Chapter 1: Damn, that escalated quickly. XD I cant wait until the next update.
lidyaS #6
Chapter 1: Lolol my lovely soonseok become enemy. XD such an interesting story sugacaramel-nim. Keep writting and fighting ^^9