Mutuals and Misspellings

Calamity and Confessions
"I can't believe the nerve of that bastard." 
"What bastard? You've been like whining to yourself since you came." 
Soonyoung groaned as he neatly arranged the chairs and tables. "It's my new neighbour who just moved in yesterday."
"So what's wrong? He just moved in. You barely know him yet. First impressions don't really mean anything." Seungcheol tried to reason as he drew open the curtains before switching the 'CLOSED' sign to 'OPEN'. 
"But I do know him. He's my ing arch-nemesis from my high school days!" 
Seungcheol raised his eyebrow. "Arch-nemesis? That's a strong word." 
Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "I used it for a reason."
"What did he even do that could possibly make you hate him so much?" Seungcheol asked as he put on his apron. 
"If I were to list down all the things he did wrong, it would go on forever. So long story short, he was the new transfer student aka the principal's nephew who thought he could be superior over everyone else and was the head of the vocal club which the school happened to be ing biased to. And he had this stupid band which had girls fawning over them like they weren't even that special or anything." 
Seungcheol frowned. "That doesn't explain why you both hate each other so much though." 
Damn it, I'm gonna be late! Soonyoung thought to himself as he dashed up the stairs. He had overslept that morning and he knew he shouldn't have stayed up so late the night before trying to beat his brother to a stupid video game.
Soonyoung made a sharp turn once he reached the fourth level only to come crashing on the floor, books and papers scattered everywhere. 
"ing hell, watch where you're going!" Soonyoung cursed out loud. 
"Excuse me, you watch where you're going you bastard! And watch your language too. Don't you know who I am?" The stranger dusted his blazer as he picked up his things.
"No I don't know who you are and I don't ing care because I'm already late." 
"I'm the new transfer student and also just so you know, the principal's nephew." 
Soonyoung frowned. "And that makes you what? More superior over me?" 
"It seems that way." The stranger smirked. 
"Act all you want. I have a reputation in this school too. So you better show some respect, new kid." 
"We're in the same grade. Don't talk down to me." 
Soonyoung snickered as he held his gaze with the stranger. "Try me." 
Seungcheol raised his eyebrow. "So basically you insulted him, he insulted you and then you both hate each other?" 
"Yah, I didn't insult him okay. I just have a strong tendency to curse. He didn't have to get offended and show off." 
"For three years?" 
Soonyoung nodded. 
"But you can't hate someone forever."
"Yes I can." Soonyoung argued. 
"Well maybe you need to learn to keep that nasty mouth of yours shut sometimes, you know."  
"Yah, whose side are you on?!" 
"I'm not taking sides, I'm speaking from a factual perspective." 
Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "Factual perspective my . He got insulted that I cursed at him, he pissed me off, I hate him, he hates me back. It's a hateship okay. Not that hard to understand." 
Seungcheol sighed as he smiled at the first customer who just entered the cafe. "What the heck is a hateship?" 
"Er... a relationship where two people agree to hate each other, duh?" 
Seungcheol rolled his eyes and whispered "lame" before taking the woman's order. 
Mingyu next to him, was resting his head on his hands, staring outside across the street.
"Yah Kim Mingyu. What's up with you these days?" Jeonghan asked as he appeared from the back after taking out the trash. 
"I think he's lovesick." Soonyoung chuckled.
"Huh, lovesick? Who's lovesick?" Mingyu mumbled as he snapped out of his thoughts. 
"You've been staring across the street since just now and practically everyday for like a week now. Someone you... admire?" Seungcheol winked as he applied whipped cream onto the woman's latte. 
"Admire... what, no!" 
"Come on, spit it out big guy!" Soonyoung leaned in to Mingyu, smirking. "Who is he? Handsome?" 
"Oh, oh very..." Mingyu suddenly said, blood rushing to his cheeks. 
"Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo." 
"He works across the street?" Seungcheol asked, returning the woman her change. 
Mingyu nodded. "The grocery store. Morning shift on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Evening shift on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. He likes to wear this black ripped jeans and maroon hoodie. Oh and Timberland shoes. And the way he lets his jet black hair fall over his eyes..."
"Wow," Soonyoung raised his eyebrows. "You actually memorised his schedule and his clothes. You must really like this guy." 
Mingyu blushed. "N-no, I'm just... very observant, okay?" 
"You choose what you want to believe. But remember, wait too long and you'll regret when someone else gets to him first." Jeonghan grinned as he swooped down to kiss Seungcheol full on the lips after the woman left with her drink.
"What did I say about PDA, people? Control your ing hormones." Soonyoung rolled his eyes and they all laughed. "But seriously, go talk to him man. He's not gonna notice you if you just sit your pathetic here checking him out."
It was almost lunch as more customers arrived and they got busier. It was pretty much just like every day since Soonyoung first got a job here. The interview was not as strict as he expected considering they were desperate for workers. 
He remembered his first impression of Seungcheol, being a scary guy who'd tolerate little to no mistakes. A perfectionist, rather. Clearly, he was wrong. Seungcheol turned out to be a dumb dork, sometimes really careless and forgetful too. 
Mingyu seemed intimidating because of his height and how serious he always looked while preparing the drinks. Eventually, he turned out more of a romantic and a really naive, adorable giant whose smile can make anyone melt given his perfect rows of teeth.
Jeonghan, well, he swore he thought he was a girl and pretty much feminine in general, but was most definitely not. His flawless long hair may be just a gift from god but he can be really manly from playing a variety of sports. 
Then there was Joshua. That angel. Always sitting on the counter singing and strumming his guitar when they're free. Most times, even putting up a spontaneous performance for the customers. But he'd been on leave to visit his extended family back in Los Angeles for the month. And not forgetting Hansol, that Leonardo DiCaprio doppelganger who also hasn't been around after getting chicken pox. Two weeks they say. Nine days down, five more to go. 
Soonyoung wiped the counter just as another customer approached him. It was slightly past lunch time so there were already fewer people by then. "Two red velvet frappe, one without whipped cream and an iced latte please." 
"Yeah su-" Soonyoung looked up and the smile on his face vanished. "You." 
"You." Seokmin narrowed his eyes. "What the do you think you're doing here?"
Soonyoung laughed. "Excuse you, I work here. Unless you can't see this nametag on my shirt and the apron I'm wearing around my waist."
"Yeah, I can see it clearly. It says ugly idiot." Seokmin snickered. 
"Oh yeah? Well this ugly idiot got talent. What can you do?" Soonyoung crossed his arms.
"Other than making your so called alien noises also more professionally known as singing, I'm way more handsome and popular than you." 
Soonyoung scoffed. "Do you live in the past? Even then, I had more fans supporting my dance club than your vocal club and stupid band." 
"Well sadly, the school didn't fund for your dumb dance club as much as they did for my vocal club did they?"
Soonyoung gritted his teeth. "Because your aunt apparently did a poor ing job of being principal and too damn blind to see what pure talent is." 
"Don't talk like that about my aunt you ." 
Seokmin was about to argue back when a stranger interrupted. "Woah woah woah, cut the language!! There are still other people in this cafe you little nitwits!" 
"Seungkwan, get out of this please." Soonyoung attempted to push the stranger away when Seokmin's eyes widened. 
"You both know each other?" 
"Yeah, and Woozi too." Soonyoung shrugged, pointing to the shorter pink-haired male behind them. "They always come here to drink. How do you know them?" 
"I'm the new vocal teacher at the academy they teach at." 
This time, it was Soonyoung's turn to widen his eyes as he looked at Seungkwan and Woozi as if for confirmation. 
"Woah woah wait. Are you serious?" 
"Yes, Youngie." Woozi rolled his eyes. "What's both your problem with each other?" 
"Oh god. Oh god. I ing teach dance in the same ing asdsfghkl." Soonyoung's words slurred as he smacked his head against the wall. 
"Speak up goddammit." 
"I work there!! As a dance teacher. I told you that yesterday!" Soonyoung almost screamed. 
Seokmin was about to shout back when Seungcheol intruded, attempting to yell in a soft voice. "Woah woah whatever the ing hell is going on here, can all of you take it outside?!" 
"Are you saying we teach at the same ing place?!" Seokmin whispered. 
"That's exactly what I'm saying you dumb ." 
But before the conversation could go any further, Jeonghan had dragged them by the ear, literally, outside the back followed by a devastated Seungcheol, an annoyed Woozi, a frustrated Seungkwan and a confused Mingyu. Although poor Mingyu was chased back inside to attend to the customers while everybody was outside to sort the mess that is Kwon Soonyoung and Lee Seokmin. 
"Alright, will some kind soul tell me what in the actual is going on?" 
Soonyoung sighed as he tried to calm Seungcheol down. "That's Seokmin." 
Seungcheol's eyes widened. "Wait. The Seokmin?" 
Soonyoung nodded. 
"Gee thanks, that explains a lot." 
"Wait, what? I'm confused." 
"Look here, snob. We're all friends. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Mingyu, me and two others, we work here. Seungkwan and Woozi are vocal teachers as you know. They, alongside my other three colleagues often come here to drink and hang out. And well yes somehow, god fated us to be teaching at the same damn academy. Just great." Soonyoung flailed his arms as he spoke. 
"Wow. As if it isn't enough that I have to see your bloody face everyday."
Soonyoung sneered. "You're lucky I teach night class."
"So... I'm outnumbered in this friendship circle?" 
Soonyoung crossed his arms, a smug look on his face. "I guess you can say that." 
"What, no, no, nope. No one is being outnumbered. Since me and Woozi are friends with both of you, that makes both of you, mutual friends." Seungkwan suddenly wrapped his arms around them. 
"Huh, no thanks. We are lifelong enemies and no one can change that." Soonyoung furiously shook his head.
Seokmin nodded as it appears the only thing they both ever agreed on. 
"I cannot believe you guys." 
"You mean I cannot believe that you're friends with this jerk." 
"Youngie, Seokmin is our colleague. Obviously, we're going to be friends one way or another." Woozi argued. 
Seokmin chuckled. "I've always been a likeable person. You should know better." 
Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "Likeable my . You are by far the biggest noob I have ever met." 
"Okay, okay! That's enough!" Seungcheol raised his voice. "With respect to Soonyoung and their stupid hateship, we cannot allow Seokmin to be an official member of this circle. Happy?" 
Soonyoung grinned. 
"But," Seungcheol continued. "Given that Seokmin is a mutual friend, he deserves to be treated like one. Even if Soonyoung hates him to the death." 
Seungcheol's eyes narrowed and Seokmin smiled. "Looks like I'm not entirely on the loosing end, huh?" 
" you." Soonyoung uttered before heading back inside the cafe, shortly followed by the rest. 
He reluctantly prepared their drinks, tempted to just poison Seokmin's somehow. Until an idea struck him. 
"Sockmint? Really?" Seokmin frowned as he read the misspelled name written on his cup.
Soonyoung grinned. "It suits you, don't you think?" 
"You skunk." 
"Excuse me but the only thing that stinks around here is the stupid cologne you're wearing right now." 
"Oh yeah, well looks like someone's got a blocked nose." 
"Alright, alright that's enough! Seokmin, we're leaving right now. Come on." Seungkwan tugged the taller boy's shirt.  
"Don't be fooled by his charm and , okay." Soonyoung hissed.
"Calm down, I'm not gonna steal your friends from you." 
"Yeah, you better know where you stand in this circle." 
"Fine!" Soonyoung glared at Seokmin who eventually got dragged out of the cafe by an infuriated Woozi.
A/N: Heyy guys:) so I added a jeongcheol and meanie moment here hehehe you can look forward to more of it and possibly bonus chapters just dedicated to those two couples as they are the side!OTPs :) So... soonseok still hate each other nothing new hahaha do subscribe and leave comments!! Saranghae <3
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cgao753 #2
Chapter 4: AHAHAAHAHAHAHA this is so cute and so hilarious in so many ways i love their hateship so much rn
lidyaS #3
Chapter 4: No its not flop, this chapter is so damn good, i like it. I hope u can update soon, and enjoy your holiday ill waiting for the next chapter. Fighting!!!!!!!
Alfabet #4
Chapter 4: Wow amazing! i really like your fanfic *cry :D update soon!
Live4U #5
Chapter 1: Damn, that escalated quickly. XD I cant wait until the next update.
lidyaS #6
Chapter 1: Lolol my lovely soonseok become enemy. XD such an interesting story sugacaramel-nim. Keep writting and fighting ^^9