
Chasing Who
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45 days ago.

[CONTENTID2]Sunshine escaping her room, her dark hair glowing in the light, she heard faint footsteps.
"Seul, when did you come back last night?" Asked Rachel as she leaned against Seul's bed.
"I don't know. Just leave me alone, my head hurts" Seul turned in her bed.
"Let's hang out, I'm bored" Rachel spoke faintly.
"Okay, on the weekend, now leave me alone" Seul sighed.
"Okay, get well" said Rachel and left, Seul burst to tears.

The weekend came by fast, it has been a while since they had hung out, Rachel was excited to be with

 her sister again, despite 

of the age difference, Rachel is 17 years old while Seul was 25, they loved 

spending time with each other, that's what Rachel loved the most about her sister.

"I thought we were going somewhere fun, not a forest" Rachel complained.
"Come on, It's beautiful look around you, look over here" Seul pointed at the cliff near them.
"Hey, it's deep" Rachel took a few steps back scared.
"I love standing here" Seul said smiling at what it seemed, an endless abyss beneath her feet.
"Please get back, I don't want you to fall or something" Rachel warned feeling scared.
"Okay" Seul stood next to her sister.
"Why are we here?" Asked Rachel.
"I've grown sick of this living, I can't change anything and if I could, it's already too late" Seul spoke.
"What?" Rachel turned to her sister.
"You are my only friend, I need you to know that, I want you to promise

 you won't do this one day, ne?" Seul wrapped

 her arm around Rachel's fragile shoulder.
"Promise you what?" Rachel said confused.
"Rachel. I love you, I always did" Said Seoul.
And that's h

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Chapter 17: Ohmygod i cant believe im crying ;-----; the part when she said yoongi was not real omg that hits me real hard. But wait so he actually came because her mother asked him to or he was "real" before she said he wasnt real im still a bit confused. But this story is amazing omfg good job authornim
Chapter 17: Authornim!!! i love your story , great job , the last 5 chapters were amazing . thank you
Chapter 17: Wow. You've unexpectedly inspire me to write something about character with mental problem.
Anyway, you've did a great job writing this.
When the last line "You're to young to stop/give up" it reminds me of the Intro:Nevermind. I automatically thought that the nxt chpter would be that Yoongi composed a song (Intro: Nevermind) dedicated to Rachel..but, it's already the author's note. ::>_<::
Nevertheless, i had a great time reading your fanfict.
Don't stop writing coz it's only get better ↖(^ω^)↗
Hwaiting author-nim~~
ah. its ok.
you did your best.
did you get the cover for your story?
Chapter 2: dear, I really want to read your story but it's not well-organized. Some of the parts are hide behinds the layout :(
Chapter 8: YAY, more update authornim!!
the plot sounds good, interesting even. Yoongi that she talk to isn't the real one right? She developed 'Yoongi' due to her state of not trusting anyone. can you adjust the paragraph a bit, so that we don't have to scroll to the left too much. thanks and nice story!
Chapter 7: Thanks authornim!
plz update soon T_T