
Chasing Who
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[CONTENTID2]After they had broke probably the longest embrace ever, Yoongi took

 Rachel by her hand, sat her down on the couch and sat next to her.
"Now tell me, why did you try to kill yourself?" Yoongi said

 as he wrapped his arm around her.
"I feel like I can tell you everything, with no fear of judgment" She said

 as she softly rested her head on his shoulder.
"Then please do" Yoongi said.
"I love my sister Yoongi, my heart was broken the day I saw her do that, I mean commit suicide, and

 since that day, I became lonely, all I had was you, in my head, for me that

 was enough, for reality, it wasn't" She spoke.
"Continue" He said.
"I needed somebody, I always felt like I needed somebody, I could always turn to you and you'll be

 there, before it was my sister, I hated being alone, though I always showed that I preferred

 loneliness, I'm nothing without somebody beside me" She said.
"I think that too, sometimes" Yoongi said.
"When Hee Jo showed me that picture of you and her" He cut her 

off "Who is Hee Jo?" He turned to her.
"The girl who you kissed" Rachel sighed.
"I didn't kiss anybody" Yoongi looked at her funny.
"Really? Last week I guess? Her dad works in BigHit" Rachel stared at him.
"Yes, the fan, she asked me to kiss her" He said.
"Yeah, I guess when she showed me that picture, I felt like I was just hit by reality, it hurt so bad, I realized

 then you are not real, so I felt all alone again, like I didn't have anybody so I decided that I wanted to

 kill myself" Rachel stopped to take a breath and continued "I went to that cliff, but I couldn't, when

 I thought of my sister and what she said, she said 'Promise you won't do this one day' I did not


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Chapter 17: Ohmygod i cant believe im crying ;-----; the part when she said yoongi was not real omg that hits me real hard. But wait so he actually came because her mother asked him to or he was "real" before she said he wasnt real im still a bit confused. But this story is amazing omfg good job authornim
Chapter 17: Authornim!!! i love your story , great job , the last 5 chapters were amazing . thank you
Chapter 17: Wow. You've unexpectedly inspire me to write something about character with mental problem.
Anyway, you've did a great job writing this.
When the last line "You're to young to stop/give up" it reminds me of the Intro:Nevermind. I automatically thought that the nxt chpter would be that Yoongi composed a song (Intro: Nevermind) dedicated to Rachel..but, it's already the author's note. ::>_<::
Nevertheless, i had a great time reading your fanfict.
Don't stop writing coz it's only get better ↖(^ω^)↗
Hwaiting author-nim~~
ah. its ok.
you did your best.
did you get the cover for your story?
Chapter 2: dear, I really want to read your story but it's not well-organized. Some of the parts are hide behinds the layout :(
Chapter 8: YAY, more update authornim!!
the plot sounds good, interesting even. Yoongi that she talk to isn't the real one right? She developed 'Yoongi' due to her state of not trusting anyone. can you adjust the paragraph a bit, so that we don't have to scroll to the left too much. thanks and nice story!
Chapter 7: Thanks authornim!
plz update soon T_T