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3. Realisation

Then realisation hit her like a twenty pound sledgehammer, she remembered seeing this exactly same butterfly in one of her dreams as she stood alone in the middle of a countryside with many fluffy wollen sheep running across the field. Then similar she was approahced by this butterfly that made her realise that her life wasn't that boring, dull, uninteresting as it seems, but something incredibly beautiful just waiting for her to explore them. However, at that time she felt that this was only a dream until it met her again in real life. Back to reality she found herself truly smiling for the first in many years after moving here just looking at the butterfly, seconds later the butterfly gracefully danced away back into the skies where it came from. She watch as it flew higher and higher one flap at a time till it was no longer in her line of sight anymore. Then struck back into the moment and realised that this wasn't th beautiful life she had expected to live or be living, she grabbed her black apron tightly against her hands as she thought to herself " Maybe... it is time i live the beautiful life i have always wanted in my childhood and stop telling myself to save it for the future because the future is now!" 


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