Dinner with Shinhwa.

The weird fan

After about 20 minutes Junjin drives up to a restaurant and stops the car in front of the door, immediately a guy in a red vest opens the door for him and he steps out. You quickly start to fumble to get the safety belt loose, meanwhile Junjin has already walked around the car and opens the door for you, getting even more nervous because of that you have trouble with getting the damn thing loose. "May I?" you hear Junjin ask, it sounds like he's smirking and when you look up you see that it is indeed the case. Without waiting for your answer he bends over you and reaches for the button of the safety belt, you feel your face turning red and warm because he's way to close. The belt clicks loose and Junjin starts pulling back only to stop halfway and looks at your face, a grin spreads over his face, it looks like he wants to say something but then he apparently changes his mind when he looks into your eyes, the moment seems to last forever. 
Only one thought quickly passes true your mind before it go's completely blank "This doesn't happen when i go out with my friends...", Junjin's face slowly comes even closer to yours while he's still looking in your eyes, you sit completely still not able to move. 
Suddenly you hear someone clear his throat on the other side of the car, Junjin jumps in surprise and his head bangs hard against the roof of the car, while he tries to muffle some curses he pulls back out of the car. You notice the guy in the red vest that is still holding the door of the driver side open, he was the one clearing his throat, you totally forgot about him and obviously Junjin did as well.
With an even redder face you quickly get out of the car while tripping over your own feet, luckily Junjin is there to grab your arm so you don't really fall, while he grabs your arm he softly says "Sorry about that", surprised you look at him, he looks really embarrassed and has a slightly red face.
At that moment another car pulls up behind Junjin's and Eric and Minwoo get out of it, the moment Minwoo see's you and Junjin he looks puzzled and grinning he asks "What's wrong with you two?", Junjin looks at you for a second questioningly and then understands why Minwoo might think that and stammers "Nothing..nothing..i just had the heat in the car a bit high." he quickly says and starts fanning his face with his hand, and after a few seconds he starts fanning your face in the same way...only making you feel warmer. You decide you can't take it anymore and quickly move away from Junjin to greet Eric and Minwoo as an excuse.

The four of you enter the restaurant, you let them get a bit ahead so you can marvel at the beauty of the place. You already had expected it to be fancy, because of the guy outside to park the cars, but this is absolutely amazing. When the guy behind the counter sees the Shinhwa members he nods immediately and asks them to follow him, he opens the sliding door of a small private room. You trail after them still admiring the place, when you want to enter the room the guy clears his throat and steps in front of you, surprised you let out an "oh" and back up. Junjin, who was walking in front of you, turns around when he hears your gasp and then says slightly annoyed "She's with us!" while he holds out his hand for you.
The guy looks you up and down and then with a disapproving shrug, that only you can see, moves out of your way. While ignoring him you take Junjin's hand and he helps you to take the high step up to enter the room. Once in the room he holds your hand to guide you to the table, it is a low round table set for 7 people. While looking around the room you hear Junjin smirk beside you, you turn towards him and give him a questionable look, he says while smiling kind of proud "It seems like you like the place?", "Oh yes," you answer "it's beautiful. But am i that obvious?". "Sort of" he says still smiling "You're looking everywhere except for where you are going. But it's good, i'm glad to see that you like it so far.".
When you sit down at the table Junjin sits down next to you on one side and Eric on the other side, Minwoo sits down next to Junjin. Not much later Andy also arrives and soon after Hyesung and Dongwan also enter the room. The drinks are getting poured and you toast to a fun evening, while thinking to yourself "Out with friends...out with friends...just like friends...". Actually you are kind of glad that Junjin is sitting next to you, at least you don't have to look at him every time you look up, that would really be uncomfortable, you're fine with facing Dongwan and Andy who are sitting across from you. Although you need to watch out not to laugh to much about Hyesung and Eric who are sitting next to each other, for the first time you regret reading all those RicSung fanfics...they make you think of weird things. "oh well" you think "let's just hope they will never find out about that...that would be way to embarrassing".
Then Minwoo asks "Ra Young, do you have the Vapp?", you nod your head "yes, i do..", "Then did you see Junjin's Vapp this morning?" he continues, you answer "Yes, i did, but why? I couldn't understand it, there weren't subtitles yet..." you smile apologetically at Junjin. "Of course" Minwoo laughs "sorry, i didn't think of that. Well, it was actually about what happened at the concert, the story was all over twitter and such, and he cleared up any doubts people had. There where some people who though others just made the story up and we didn't want people to think like that about what you did." he explained with a smile. You look at him a bit confused and bewildered "Thank you" you say, and then turn toward Junjin to slightly bow your head in thanks. Junjin sees your confusion and also tries to explain "We just wanted to officially explain what happened, and thank you for what you did." that explanation makes more sense to you and you smile relieved, "Oh was that it," you say "I'll watch it again when there are subtitles" you add with a smile.
Then the waiters enter with the food and soon the table is packed with bowls of all sizes containing all sorts of weird and tasty looking dishes. Most of it you don't recognize and have no idea of what it is, curiously you look over the table while waiting for someone to start eating so you can follow after.
"Go ahead" Junjin says while he looks at you, "But i have no idea where to start" you say still looking at the dishes "you guys go ahead.". Eric, who sits on your other side, doesn't need to be told twice and starts putting things on his plate from the bowls closest to him, and right after the others also follow suit. Hyesung smirks "Don't take to long with deciding, otherwise all the good stuff is gone" while he quickly grabs a bowl that Eric was about to get, at that Junjin gets up and grabs a bowl that's almost on the other side of the table "here you at least need to try this" he says while putting some of it on your plate. While watching them suddenly almost attacking the food you laugh "Thank you, Junjin." and you join in with quickly grabbing a bowl that contains stuff that seems nice. You free your left arm with the cast from the sling around your neck so you can hold the bowls with it and with your other hand put the food on your plate. After putting some of it on your own plate you turn to Junjin "Do you also want some of this?", surprised he looks at you for a second "y-yeah...thank you" you put also some of it on his plate and then put the bowl back to it's place. You take another bowl and also ask Junjin if he wants some of that, again a little surprised he nods "yes, i do", again you put a some of it on his plate and then on your own. Apparently gotten over the surprise, this time he does the same, he takes a bowl and also offers you some. You both keep doing that until you decide there's enough on your plate for now and start eating.
While everyone is eating there isn't much talking, except for asking for bowls from each other and giving compliments about the food. Junjin asks you what you think of things after you tried them, which ones you like and which you don't, and why you like them or not. Once in awhile one of the other members also asks if you're liking the food, but they hardly get the chance because of Junjin. After having finished two full plates of food they start to eat slower and chat a bit more. You just finished one plate and are already starting to feel full, that isn't anything weird so you know you need to slow down you pace. Junjin takes another bowl and asks you if you want some of it again, you shake your head "No thanks, I'm starting to have had enough food.". He looks a bit disappointed "But you really need to try this one. I think you'll definitely like it.", then he smiles carefully and he takes one piece out of the bowl with his chopsticks and holds it out to you while glancing at you to see your reaction. You see Minwoo, who is sitting next to Junjin, elbowing Dongwan silently and when he turns his attention to Minwoo Minwoo nods to Junjin to make clear there's something to see. You feel your cheeks starting to flush and decide to quickly act before things get even more embarrassing, so you lean forward a bit and open your mouth to carefully eat the piece of food held out to you, "hmm you're right, it is very good" you quickly say, hoping it won't get to awkward. You already hear Dongwan and Minwoo snicker and mumble to each other. You're glad you can't see the other three and just pretend that they didn't see what just happened, although you doubt that that's the case.
Carefully you lift your eyes to take a peek at Junjin, his cheeks are a bit flushed as well but mostly he's smiling very contently, and when he notices you peeking at him his smile grows even bigger. You quickly lower your gaze back to your plate and pretend that it's suddenly really interesting, you decide it's also a good idea to have a drink and take your glass. After that you don't dare to even acknowledge Junjin who is sitting next to you and keep your gaze lowered.


Drat, I'm stuck again, that always happens when it gets a bit awkward in the story...i don't know how to "save" the situation. LOL
Don't worry, I'll figure it out in a couple of days, for now this will have to do because i promised a new chapter this weekend in the story feed, and yes it is still weekend here...barely, but still.
Anyway hope you're still enjoying the story, we're slowly progressing to something bit more romantic right?...I did warn you it would go nice and sloooww :P


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I'm writting the ending...not that i'm there yet, but it suddenly popped in my head how to end this story...kinda sad feeling though.


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Chapter 22: Very nice story, honestly I convert my bias to Junjin because of this story. Great job
finmin #2
Chapter 22: Nice story ^^ Every shinhwa changjo dream come true <3
championmugger #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this! Found this via your post on tumblr and thought I'd check in ; u ; I'd be reading them in a bit but good luck on this! :D