Chapter 3 : Unbidden

Promises (A SasuHina)

Chapter 3 : Unbidden

When the last of her tears finally dried, Hinata had managed to pick herself up and left the house for some fresh air.

She had to be strong for her baby.

But yet, her head was trying to reason with her heart.

Possibly if Sasuke knew about the baby, knew that soon he would become a father finally and that there would be another Uchiha in the world, he would love her again, she would gain his adoration and his heart, she would be his everything again.

A tear drop dripped down her face, staining her cheeks with their bitterness.

No, he would hate her. She would get fat, and ugly, and disgusting to look at, he would just fall back into Sakura's awaiting arms while she was left to her own misery.

As she walked past the dairy aisles, she quickly wiped her tears off her cheeks, choking back the last of her sobs when her vision caught sight of bright blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Hinata-chan!" Naruto Uzumaki had literally hollered across the convenience store as he galloped up to her with his baby wrapped securely in his arms, the strawberry blonde hair making her sick to her stomach.

She hated the color pink now.

She absolutely loathed it.

His lips curled up into a brilliant smile as she tried not to shy away from him.

He was completely oblivious to the fact that she wanted to be as far away from them as she could, that she wanted to do nothing more than scream in his face for his wives heinous acts of debauchery.

His lips moved as he talked but she couldn't seem to hear anything that was coming out of him. The sound of static and her heart breaking has been the only thing that she could hear after all.

She quickly forced a shaky smiled onto her lips, and tried to push down the horrid feelings of bitterness and anger.


She wouldn't tell him that his wife was cheating with her husband.

No, because that would hurt him.

If only she had married him. Then they would have been very happy together and there would be no cheating, no lies, and no never ending heart ache.


That's a lie because if there was a chance, Naruto would also cheat on her with Sakura. And it all came back to her.

It all came back to Sakura.

Because everyone loved Sakura, she thought bitterly trying to keep the bile down by biting onto her tongue hard enough to stop herself from breaking down and sobbing brokenly in front of the husband of her enemy.

He continued to talk and laugh rather animatedly as she nodded along, pretending that everything was okay when in fact she was only this close to falling apart in front of him.

She wouldn't tell Naruto, not because she didn't want to hurt him.


But because she was bitter.

Because he deserved the hurt and pain that she did.

He deserved to find out himself and become as devastated and as broken as she was.

He deserved every single little bit of it.


That was just the bitterness in her talking.

No one deserved to be treated that way.

No one deserved to have their closest loved ones betray then so painfully.

No one deserved what she had received from her supposed love ones.

But why, what had she done to deserve this?


Eight more days passed and Hinata was weary and tired, feeling defeated inside her head to the point where she felt like going into an insane screaming fit like a child on a rampage.


It ached, and gnawed and scratched at her until the unbidden tears came streaming down.

Strangling her.

Choking her off until she was left with nothing except bitterness. Nothing except pain and hurt and never ending tears.


She wanted to scream, shout, yell at him, hurt him the same way he was causing her to hurt, tear at him for his betrayal, stab him for his unfaithfulness, ruin him how he had ruined her.

But yet, when she came face to face with him, her damned heart would still feed her the feelings of undying love, undying loyalty, and undying adoration.

It spoke lies to her, filled her with it till she couldn't remember what was reality and what was just a figment of her obtrusive imagination.

This was a never ending nightmare.

She would run and try to hide but it never ceased chasing her, every bit of her was weary from the chase, every bit of her felt like breaking down and giving in.

She was going mad and she couldn't bear to stop herself.

"Hinata?" she heard him speak, handsome face shining before her vision while she felt like a wilted corpse flower upon it's perch, deadly to the touch and ready to strike like a ticking time bomb.

He had startled her again, he could tell as he took the time to take in her curled position by the window, watching outside like she usually would when he would leave the house, unblinkingly watching as his figure disappeared into their family car until she no longer was able to make out his face.

Until she no longer felt the hurt and betrayal ebb at her sanity.

Only numbness and acceptance remained.

Numb enough to accept that she no longer held his unconditional affections and love.

But yet the phantom of his kiss still lingered on her lips like some sort of addiction, like the bitterness of a withered rose that was bestowed upon her.

"Hinata, I'm going to go get some milk at the market, did you want me to get you something?" he asked, wearily watching her for a reply, for any signs that proved she was okay.

She slowly forced a soft demure smile onto her lips, tears collecting on her lashes yet she swallowed them down along with her pride.

His presence affected her emotionally and he knew it.

Hinata shook her head, long strands of hair fluttering about, bangs hiding her teary eyes from his view. He frowned, lips pursing before solemnly nodding his head and grabbing the keys to leave her again.

And once more, she was forced to watch his back as he left her to her own nightmare. The front door creaked shut and she could clearly hear the sound of his engine run before he pulled out of the driveway and sped off to a destination she already knew so well.

She wasn't dumb, no, she was just crazy enough to let her husband continue to cheat on her, to continue to hurt her the way he was.

She must be insane.

She had to be insane.


The old clock that belonged to her grandfather clicked and chimed for the 2nd time already.

Two hours passed by like spilled water upon the kitchen's linoleum surface and still she hadn't seen any signs of him.

The milk that he was supposedly getting had took over 2 hours to get. Any minute now and he was going to call her and tell her that there was some sort of delay, that there was a train, that the cash register was broken, that the traffic was horrible, that he met a long time friend that wouldn't let him get away.

All those excuses had started to mean one thing and one thing only.

It only meant one person.

It only meant Sakura Haruno.

And that had been what had broken her into irreparable pieces.

Just like what Neji-nii had foretold her.

Sasuke Uchiha, her beloved husband, would break her and... she would let him.

How was that for drama? I hope everyone has enjoyed the story so far :) Thanks to all the readers and supporters :D


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