A Happy Morning (The Chwe Family's Side)

A Morning With The Hong Family

Junhui opened his eyes at the sound of his very loud and annoying alarm clock ringing. He let out a small whine as he reached over to turn it off and looked to see it was only 8 am. The boy rubbed his eyes and yawned, getting out of his bed. He wondered what he should do alone since his parents never woke up this early in the morning.

Junhui smirked to himself, maybe today could be different!

The young boy quietly went out of his room and approached the other bedroom door across the hall. Junhui shook his head with a snicker, he could hear snores even from the outside.

Maybe Junhui was going to give his parents a break and wake them up nicely?

Or maybe not...

Junhui quickly slammed the bedroom door open, looking at the large mess of a bed for any sound.

No response.

Junhui pouted before he ran up to the bed and started climbing the large mess of blankets.

He held in a giggle as he stood between the two lumps (aka his sleeping parents).

He quietly counted off “1, 2, 3!” before jumping on the bed, screaming “WAKE UP!” every two seconds.

Seungkwan and Hansol’s eyes shot open as they felt their bed shaking.

“HANSOL, WE’RE GONNA DIE!” Seungkwan screeched before the two looked up to see Junhui showing a toothy grin as he kept jumping around the bed, not caring when he accidentally stepped on his parents’ legs.

Hansol and Seungkwan looked at each other with annoyed, yet smiling faces. It wasn’t exactly the first time their little pride and joy, Junhui, had decided to start an earthquake on their bed.

“Junhui Chwe.” Hansol calmly said. He gave Junhui an evil look before reaching up to grab the boy, but he was too late because Junhui had been expecting this and had already screamed while jumping off of the bed to escape back to his room.

The couple watched as their bedroom door was slammed again and sighed. They stared up at their ceiling, laughing when they heard Junhui screaming along to his favorite cartoon theme song in his room.

Hansol snorted. “You know he gets his loudness from you.”

Seungkwan, without even looking away from the ceiling, flicked Hansol on the forehead. “Um, excuse me, he definitely gets it from you.”

“Whatever you say, Mr. Screams-all-the-lyrics-to-every-single-Girls' Generation-song-in-the-shower.”

Seungkwan his side and narrowed his eyes at Hansol.

“You know you should feel honored that you get to hear my beautiful voice. I don’t even practice that much, hmph.”

Hansol turned his head and winked at Seungkwan. “Boo, you can practice diction on my lips, tongue, and teeth whenever you want.”

Seungkwan rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. “Gross. Someone needs to stop eating Junhui’s cheese sticks.”

He began to pull the blankets away to get out of bed, but was stopped by two arms around his waist pulling him back down.

“Can I help you?” Seungkwan raised an eyebrow and asked.

Hansol leaned his head on Seungkwan’s shoulder and spoke with a muffled voice. “It’s warm, don’t leave.”

Seungkwan rolled his eyes again (Hansol’s romantic behavior had turned rolling eyes Seungkwan’s new hobby), but still turned around so that his body was facing Hansol’s.

“You have really bad bed hair, Chwe.” Seungkwan snickered as he ruffled Hansol’s hair.

Hansol scowled and swatted at the hands. “Excuse me, my bed hair makes me even more endearing.”

“Sure.” Seungkwan teased.

Hansol, deciding to get payback, quickly leaned in to give Seungkwan a sloppy, wet kiss on the cheek.

Seungkwan yelped and rubbed his cheek.

“EW! THAT’S GROSS!” Seungkwan whined to the laughing Hansol.

“You deserved it.”

Seungkwan reached over to return Hansol’s “love,” until he was interrupted by Junhui screaming for the two to make him breakfast.

“I’m pretty sure he gets it from you.”

“No, he gets it from you!”


Junhui sighed as he watched Seungkwan balance three bowls of cereal on top of each other while walking over to the dinner table. After about an hour, the two parents had finally exited their room to go and feed their starving child.

“Alright, some fruit rings for Junnie and me, and corn flakes for Papa Chwe.” Seungkwan said as he handed out the bowls before sitting at the table with the other two.

Hansol pouted. “Why do I get corn flakes?”

“Because you’re the one who forgot to get more cereal yesterday.”

Hansol blinked as he thought. “Oh. OH! I knew I forgot something!”

Junhui let out a small giggle as he watched Seungkwan and Hansol fight over their cereal. Hansol was currently stealing Seungkwan’s fruit rings while Seungkwan kept hitting Hansol’s wrist with his spoon.

Junhui cleared his throat, making the couple stop and look at him. “Papa Boo, I have dance class soon.”

“Dance class.” Seungkwan repeated before taking a bite of his cereal. “DANCE CLASS?! He choked on a fruit ring before slamming the bowl down to look at the clock. It was already 9:30 which means they only had thirty minutes to get ready to send Junhui to class.

“Oh - shmoop! Hansol, we’re late!” Seungkwan yelled to Hansol, who had his mouth wide open because Seungkwan almost swore in front of Junhui again.

“Seungkwan, we need to get you a swear jar!” Hansol exclaimed as he quickly got up to clean everything.

Junhui 'oomph'ed when Seungkwan suddenly lifted him up.

Seungkwan waved at Hansol before running to the bathroom, Junhui uncomfortably bouncing in his arms. “Not important right now!”


Junhui jumped out of the car and ran up to the main doors of the dance studio. He watched his parents struggle to get out of the car with an amused look on his face. Being late had always been an issue for the family, but somehow they always managed to get ready in time.

“We’re coming, Junnie!” Seungkwan yelled as he and Hansol ran over to the main doors.

Junhui smiled, his family was certainly exciting.

“Are we late? Oh, let’s just hurry and go in!”

The three walked into the quiet dance studio and looked around. It was empty.

"Huh, where is everyone?" Hansol asked.

“Wow, what are you three doing here so early?”

The family turned around to see Soonyoung, Junhui’s dance teacher and their friend, walking in with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“Early? I thought we were late.” Seungkwan said, looking at an equally confused Hansol.

Soonyoung pointed to the clock behind them. “No, you’re actually thirty minutes early. Wow, guys, this is a first. I need to mark my calendar when I get home.”

Hansol gaped at Seungkwan. “SEUNGKWAN, DID YOU FORGET TO FIX THE DAMN- I mean- DARN CLOCK?”

Junhui rolled his eyes before running away to go stretch.


Soonyoung snorted at his two friends. “Wow, you guys amaze me. Sometimes I wonder how Junhui even deals with you two children.”

“Ha, trust me, it’s gotten to the point where it’s surprising for us to be actual mature parents. And anyways, we're more fun than everyone else!” Seungkwan said with Hansol nodding in agreement.

“Whatever.” Soonyoung shook his head and walked away to go talk to Junhui.

The two watched as Soonyoung and Junhui started stretching together. They then turned to look at each other with the same looks on their faces.

“So, how many times have you almost sworn in front of Junhui now?” Hansol asked.

Seungkwan rolled his eyes. “You know you just almost swore, too! It’s not just me who should be punished!”

“Then we should get a swear jar!”

Seungkwan shook his head. “We’re going to become bankrupt if we have a swear jar.”

Vernon snapped his fingers after he had suddenly thought of an idea. “It can be Junhui’s allowance.”

Seungkwan stopped to think. He sighed after looking over to see Vernon giving him the puppy eyes and nodded.

“Fine, we’re getting a swear jar.”

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Just doing some editing since this fic is old and my writing style has really changed. Unfortunately I have no more material ;;


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Chapter 2: Why do i enjoy verkwan household more? Im a jihan shipper, tho... but that’s exactly how i imagine verkwan would be in the morning.. lmao
This story is so cute!!! Chibi minghao and jun are too adorable!!!
WolfGang #2
Chapter 2: Omg this is too cute i'm squeling real hard now thanks for writing this author-nim! ❤❤
Chapter 2: Aaaah so cute! Lol, jun's gonna be rich. hansol and boo are so adorable omg
drkstangl #4
Chapter 2: What a happy morning omg
momo1997 #5
Chapter 1: CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
karlsaintclaire #6
Chapter 1: [Time of death...9:37, cause of Death: Heart-Attack brought by extreme fluff--]
WAAAAAAAAAAAAA! That was so freaking fluffy and adorable and pink and fluffy and cute and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!