A Happy Morning

A Morning With The Hong Family

Jeonghan woke up to feel something touching his side while making small whining sounds. He knew it was definitely not Jisoo because the last time Jisoo tried hugging Jeonghan awake, Jeonghan had accidentally elbowed the other’s nose. Jeonghan let out a small groan as the mysterious thing kept pushing him and turned to see Jisoo, who had also just been woken up, rolling his eyes with a small smile on his face.

Oh. Jeonghan thought. He knew exactly what was going on.

The two looked down to see a pouting face sticking out from under their blanket.

“Minghao, what are you doing here?” Jeonghan chuckled lightly and asked, lightly patting his son’s head.

“I wanted to come lay with Papa and Daddy.” Minghao said, with a small smile. “I can stay here, right?” He asked, using a cute tone to persuade his parents.

The two parents looked at each other and smiled. Their six year old son was, indeed, an adorable blessing.

“Of course you can, sweetie. Come up a little though.” Jeonghan said, scooching over to make room for Minghao to squeeze in between his and Jisoo’s laying figures. Jeonghan propped himself on his elbow to lay on his side and get a better view of the other two.  Minghao had a big smile on his face as he looked back and forth between the two.

“Is there something you want to say, Hao Hao?” Jisoo lightly pinched the boy’s cheeks and asked.

Minghao let out a small nod and started blushing. “I just wanted to tell you that Ireallyloveyou!” The boy shyly said and quickly hid himself under the blanket.

Jeonghan and Jisoo started laughing at their adorable son. He had always made sure to say “I love you” to them every morning, but every time it would be different.

The two went under the blanket to see Minghao was covering his face in embarrassment. Jisoo grinned as he poked the boy’s side, making him giggle and take his hands off to look at Jisoo.

“Papa, stop it!” Minghao whined as Jisoo started attacking him with pokes and tickling.

“I can’t, you’re just too cute!” Jisoo chuckled and said.

Minghao looked at Jeonghan with a begging look. “Daddy, help me!”

Jeonghan grinned and nodded. “Alright, alright. Come on, Jisoo.” He held Jisoo’s hands, Minghao letting out a small sigh of relief. “Let’s do it together!” Jeonghan yelled, attacking Minghao with more tickles, along with Jisoo. The poor boy was laughing while his parents were now on their knees, tickling everywhere they could.

After the tiring session of tickling, Minghao managed to escape from the “evil demons’” hands and ran to his room.

Jeonghan and Jisoo looked at each other with the same happy smile.

“Why is he so cute?” Jeonghan yawned and said. He really should go make breakfast now that everyone in the house was up.

“He probably got it from me.” Jisoo smirked and said. He fake winced when Jeonghan hit his shoulder.

“Whatever, Mr. Hong, I’m going to go make some breakfast.” Jeonghan said as he moved over to sit on the edge of the bed. As he was about to get up, he was stopped by Jisoo wrapping his arms around his waist with his legs on both sides of him.

“Mr. Hong, our child is going to starve~” Jeonghan sang.

Jisoo only responded by leaning his head on Jeonghan’s shoulder. “Can I have a session with Mr. Yoon, too? Not tickling, but maybe some kissing?”

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow and turned his head. “A kissing session? It’s a little too early for tha-

Jisoo lightly smacked Jeonghan’s arm. “Not like that, you . Just kissing.”

Jeonghan rolled his eyes. “But Mr. Hong, I could really go for some pancakes right about now. And I’m pretty sure we don’t need Minghao opening the door and screaming for food again while we kiss.”

Jisoo pouted and pushed Jeonghan away from him. “Fine then. Those pancakes better be good, then, if they won over kissing me.”




“Food, food, food!”

“Food, food, food!”

Jeonghan sighed as he flipped another pancake while listening to Jisoo and Minghao chant at the same time.

“I’m done now, so stop with your weird chanting.” Jeonghan said, carrying the plate over to the dinner table. He snorted as he was met with the sight of Jisoo and Minghao sitting, fork and knife in each hand, and a napkin on their laps. “How hungry were you two?” He asked, watching the two cheer and put a pancake on their plates.

“Very, very hungry, Daddy.” Minghao said, syrup all around his mouth.

Jeonghan wanted to punch Jisoo because of how cute his son was and he needed to feel manly. “Jisoo, could you wipe-” He looked at Jisoo and gaped to see Jisoo also had syrup all over his mouth. “Jisoo, you’re 26, not 6!”

Jisoo set down his pancake and sheepishly smiled. He reached for a napkin and wiped his mouth, quickly proceeding to wipe Minghao’s next.

“Oh, hey, Hao hao, you have dance in an hour, don’t you?” Jisoo asked. No, he wasn’t trying to distract Jeonghan.

Minghao proudly nodded, shoving another small piece of pancake in his mouth.

“Do you like dance class?” Jeonghan asked, cutting more pieces for Minghao.

Minghao nodded his head and grinned. “Mmhmm! We’re learning B-Boying this month and Mr. Kwon said I was the best in the class, well also Junhui hyung, but that’s okay we can both be the best, since he’s my best friend!”

Jeonghan and Jisoo grinned as they watched Minghao light up as he talked about dance class. It was Minghao’s favorite thing in the world, well more like third after his parents and Chwe Junhui, Minghao’s best friend.

“We should go get ready for class now, Minghao. It’s going to take awhile since we’re going to have to clean your face up and Papa’s, since he can’t eat pancakes like a regular 26 year old.”

Jisoo only gave him a cheeky smile.


“Ready? 1, 2, 3. Whoo!”

Minghao giggled as he was lifted in the air again. Every time they walked him to dance class, they would each hold his hand and lift him up like he was flying. He loved it so much because he was holding his favorite people’s hands and it was so fun.

“Again!” Minghao cheered, laughing when he was lifted up again.

Jeonghan and Jisoo smiled as they waved Minghao’s hands in the air while walking across the street.

“Oh look, there’s your dance school. We came very quickly today.” Jeonghan ruffled Minghao’s hair and said.

Minghao pouted, he really wanted to walk with his parents more.

Jisoo, sensing the boy’s disappointment, lifted Minghao up in his arms. “Don’t worry, Papa’ll hold you until we get into the doors, alright?”

Minghao smiled and cheered.


Jeonghan and Jisoo smiled as Minghao ran over to the dance room door to look for Junhui. They looked to see Junhui’s parents and also their friends, Seungkwan and Hansol, talking to each other.

Minghao smiled as he saw Junhui stretching and waved to the older, the other smiling back. He was about to walk in when he remembered that he had forgotten to say goodbye to his parents. Minghao turned around to see his parents talking to Junhui’s dads and quickly ran over to them.

Seungkwan and Hansol chuckled as they watched Jeonghan and Jisoo crouch down to meet Minghao.

“What’s the matter, sweetie?” Jeonghan asked. Minghao only smiled.

Jisoo ‘oof’ed as Minghao jumped onto him to hug him. He smiled and patted the boy’s back. “Have fun, Hao hao.” Jisoo said as he kissed Minghao’s forehead. Minghao nodded and pulled back to go walk over to Jeonghan. Jeonghan ran his hand through Minghao’s hair and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Make sure you’re careful and listen to Mr. Kwon, okay?”

“Mmhmm! I promise, daddy.” Minghao grinned and waved to the two. He bowed to Seungkwan and Hansol, who waved back with smiles, before running into the dance room to go play tackle Junhui.

They smiled and then looked at each other, standing back up while holding hands.

“I swear, that kid’s getting cuter by the day. I’m jealous, hyungs.” Seungkwan sighed and said.

“Hey, but Junhui is getting real handsome now. Girls are going to be all over him when he grows up.” Jeonghan laughed and said.

“I doubt he would talk to any girl. That kid’s so shy and I’m pretty sure he’s going to stay with Minghao even in the future.” Hansol shook his head and said.

“Ah, young love.” Jisoo sighed and said.

The couples talked more before looking in the dance room window to see Minghao and Junhui stretching together. They said their goodbyes with Seungkwan and Hansol heading out first. Jisoo and Jeonghan walked out, hand in hand, smiling at each other.

“So, how’s about that kissing session now?”

Jeonghan rolled his eyes and gave Jisoo a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Alright, Mr. Hong, lead the way home then.”

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Just doing some editing since this fic is old and my writing style has really changed. Unfortunately I have no more material ;;


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Chapter 2: Why do i enjoy verkwan household more? Im a jihan shipper, tho... but that’s exactly how i imagine verkwan would be in the morning.. lmao
This story is so cute!!! Chibi minghao and jun are too adorable!!!
WolfGang #2
Chapter 2: Omg this is too cute i'm squeling real hard now thanks for writing this author-nim! ❤❤
Chapter 2: Aaaah so cute! Lol, jun's gonna be rich. hansol and boo are so adorable omg
drkstangl #4
Chapter 2: What a happy morning omg
momo1997 #5
Chapter 1: CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
karlsaintclaire #6
Chapter 1: [Time of death...9:37, cause of Death: Heart-Attack brought by extreme fluff--]
WAAAAAAAAAAAAA! That was so freaking fluffy and adorable and pink and fluffy and cute and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!