I'm sorry

don't talk, whisper.
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"Wurin-ah, I heard you're going to be Music Bank's MC." Youngjae half shouted from the kitchen, scooping ice cream into a mug.

"I guess so. Just got called few days ago. How'd you know?" Youngjae is always the one to finish her ice cream. Eventhough it wasnt him who bought it. 

"I've never actually talked to Key hyung before though. But Bambam's pretty close to him. Here . . It's strawberry tea." He then softly hands her the coffee mug and sits beside her.

"Your manager finally lets you have some time for yourself huh?" He sighs

"Finally," Wurin lets out a heavy sigh and takes a few sips of the warm tea.

Youngjae sticks the small rectangular electric thermometer on her forehead and sighs. "Your fever is still high. You still have your drugs right?"

She nods effortlessly. Her face is all red and her lips looks like she's been kissed without stopping.

She groaned.

Wurin knocks on her head with her knucles, like knocking on a door. Then takes Youngjae's hand "Help," she says, her voice cracking. He can even feel her warm breath, her too warm palms.

He pulls her hands away  and massages her head. "You're lucky I'm being this nice to you because you're helpless." he laughs.

Wurin lays her head at the edge of the sofa and the neck of her loose sweater was pulled back, revealing a light shade of pink from the nape of her neck to the back of her shoulders. It looked like the wrinkly shape of the sea o

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