Teaser 1 [Yue]

O*M*G || YG Entertainment New Boy Group (Apply Closed)

Slowly and peacefull the snow covered the ground in the big park. It would be a harmonic and undisturbed picture, if there wouldn't be a figure, wearing only a T-shirt on top, sitting on a bench and stare at the sky.

No reaction was seen from the boy, wasn't he freezing? Just wearing a t-shirt could be kinda cold when it snowed. But the boy didn't care, he just wanted to be alone for some time because it would get rare that it was silent around him.

After the morning practice his supervisor came to him and told him that he was chosen to be the lead dancer of YGE's new boyband. He only answered with a silent nod and followed him to sign his contract.

Never did he thought that he would actually debut, before YGE every entertainment had lost their interest in him and kicked him out after some time.

Well he was happy that he could finally debut, but he was still worried. Who wouldn't be if they had gone through what he did?

Suddenly his phone started to ring and even though he didn't want to pick up, he did it.

"Yah, Yuen! Do you know how late it is? Our supervisor will look if everyone is there in 30 minutes so get you to the trainee dorms and that ASAP!" Yuen heard the loud voice of one of the other five trainees he lived with in the YG trainee dorm. No, he didn't answer he just ended the call and stood up sighing.


The city of Seoul was already decorated for christmas and on every sidewalk stood at least two christmas trees. Christmas carols could be heard from everywhere and ended up in a horrible mixture of tunes.

That's exactly why Yuen always had his iPod with him, so he wouldn't had to listen to annoying sounds from whatever.

He never really liked christmas, but he also didn't dislike it. More like, he didn't care about it because he would be alone on christmas and that since 7 years.

How is mother was right now? He didn't write her for two weeks and also didn't told her that he was chosen for a new boyband. She would definitely be happy for her son and support him as good as she could, which was a bit hard because she lived in Germany.

Well, he got used to be alone almost all the time, but sometimes it was still lonely without her or his grandmother. The boys he lived with, didn't help at all. They were loud and noisy, the kind of human Yuen didn't like much.

Was it so complicated to be a little less noisy? Why couldn't they let Yuen relax even a bit? No that was impossible for them, they had to drag him with them where ever they went. Even if it was just the supermarkt next to their dorm.

Most of the time he didn't say anything because they would annoy him even more.


Slowly the YGE trainee dorms came into his sight, as well as a really short night next to a snoring roommate. Life must hate me, he thought with a sigh and opened the door to his dorm. Messy dorm would fit better.

Every spot in the entrance room was covered with shoes and cloths, there and then one could also see some underwear. Disgusting if you asked Yuen.

"Where were you, Yuen?" asked Min Joon, who was the oldest and the first to notice that Yuen had come home.

"Since when do you care?" retored Yuen and pulled of his black violet Nikes. Neatly he put them next to his other shoes.

"I'm the oldest so I have to care for everyone who lives together with me" Min Joon got a bit angry at the emotionless look of Yuen. Normaly, Min Joon wouldn't argue with the younger but he had enough of him. Never did he like the younger boy who seemed to get everything Min Joon wanted, even though the younger got kicked out of so many entertainments before.

"Don't try to be funny now, hyung. I'm in my room, good night" with that Yuen left Min Joon standing speechless in the entrance room.


So this is my char^^

Some information, messages in dark red are from me and SweetSabry will tell you later in which color she will write.

I hope you liked the teaser :)

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walleeva #1
Cool yeah!!!
sahl-li #2
pleas updaet soonb!!
AliciaRose #3
Aww yay, debut!<br />
Freeze was a good choice, can't wait to see the boys reactions and how the fans liked it!
WHOA!<br />
Freeze is a great song<br />
I've been listening to this song for a while now ;p
yue-->u-kwon<br />
yunha-->jaehyo<br />
panda-->Kyung<br />
blade-->zico<br />
h.ki--> P.O<br />
c.sun--> taeil
Oh you used block b's freeze awesome !! But who is who??
Yay, thank you!! ^^
Cool~<br />
He seems interesting...<br />
By the way, you made a mistake my name is changsun not changsung...<br />
just pointing it out...<br />
<br />
nice teaser!!! the characters are really interesting11