
Love Lessons

unni....Unnie.  UNNIE!!!" I shook Eunji's arm.  "mnph.....5 more....minutes!"  She mumbled.  I sighed and went to put on my shoes.  "Unni, we are gonna be late for breakfast- and there's not gonna be anymore food!" I reminded her.  "FOOOD!" She finally got up and got ready.  She added a touch of eyeliner and mascara to her already pretty eyes and grabbed her keys.  "LETS GO!"  She bounced off.  I followed, racing her to the the line.  We grabbed toast, and found Eunie and Cho already there.  "Good morning!"  I greeted them cutely.  "Ah! God marh-ning!" Eunie greeted me in english.  I laughed and corrected her "it's g-ood m-oorning, Eunie, but nice try!"  We sat down and began discussing our timetables.  It seemed like the only class I had with Eunji was ballet.  Cho and Eunie were with me for drama, but I rarely would see them.  The bell rang, and it was time to go.

My first lesson was Korean.  I walked to room 20, and saw that most of the people had gotten thier seats.  They had been here for a year, but since I had skipped a year, I was to join the 2nd year classes.  Inside, I could spot a few members of the cliques.  There was Gayoon, and the on of the CARINA girls (it was obvious, because of the way they wore thier uniforms).   There was also a few BEAST members, but I couldn't tell who was who.  "Excuse me, but I think you may be in the wrong classroom.  This is the class for 2nd years!" A finger tapped me on the shoulder.  I looked around to find a teacher with owl glasses peering at me friendly.  "ah-- no, I-I'm s-supposed to be in this room."  I stuttered, suprised and handed her my timetable.  "OH!  So, you're Choi Hei Ryung! I'm Mrs.  Park" exclaimed the teacher.  I nodded.  The bell rang once, and then she called out  "CLASS! today, we have a new student, so please welcome her!"  The rest of the class started to mutter about and gave me suspicious looks, and I was sent to sit next to a random guy.  I sat down, and then organized my stuff.  "Hey, I'm Son Dongwoon, from BEAST." He held out his hand and I shook it.  "Choi Hei Ryung, 1st year."  I replied with a small smile.  "Eh?  First year?"  He asked curiously, his eyes going bigger.  "Ne.  I skipped a grade, and graduated high school early." I mumbled, trying to not sound like a know-it-all.  "Oh. Wh-"  Dongwoon was interrupted by the teacher.  The .  He asked me so much questions about me that I had a little trouble concentrating on the work.  "What school did you go to? Do you have any siblings?" "Do you have a boyfriend?"  He was bombarding me with so much  questions that I put up one hand near his mouth to stop him from speaking until I had finished my work.  He looked slightly shocked.  "Stop."  I said quietly, and then put down my hand.  He went to finish his work.  Sometime later, I had finished the work and was waiting for the rest of the class to finish.  Mrs Park was busy marking other peoples homework, so she didn't really notice a large amount of people talking instead of working.  I poked Dongwoon and asked "Dongwoon sunbae, what were you asking me about before?"    He started again, so I answered his questions as accurately as I could.  

When the class was finished, Dongwoon asked me "Hei Ryung haksaeng, what class do you have next?"  I looked at my timetable.  "oh...er maths.  Mr. Seong."  He brightened up and said "Hey- we are in the same class- Advanced maths!"  I smiled.  He was like Daesung, happy and funny all the time.  "Then, lets go together!"  We walked to the 3rd floor.  Dongwoon said that Mr. Seong was a very strict teacher, and rarely smiled.  I replied "well, I'm used to that.  My old school was very strict, so we had to work to very hard standards."  We reached the maths room.  I went up to Mr. Seong and said that I was a new student.  Dongwoon was right.  His mouth was in a tight line, and he looked like he hated everything.  "Right.  Sit next to Jun Hyun- he is the best in this class and I'll give you a textbook.  What school did you learn in before?'  He growled.  "Shin Jung Girls school- I had Mr. Bae."  I replied.  He nodded and tossed me a thick book.  I sat down next to Jun Hyung.  He eyed me for a second and then ignored me.  Then we had to do our work.  Mr. Seong then taught us, drawing on the board.  I had learnt it already during the summer, but I guess the other people in my class didn't.  He started getting impatient when nobody volunteered to do the equasion.  I quickly shot up my hand to prevent the class from getting a full scale explosion from Mr. Seong.  "Very well.  Hei Ryung haksaeng, please finish the equasion.  Junhyung looked at me, curious at what I would turn out to be.  I smirked on the inside, and went up to the board.  The trick was to change the Y into the  X and then multiply it by it's co ordinates, but nobody really thought of that, so they couldn't finish the equasion.  I scribbled it onto the board.  Mr. Seong checked it and said it was correct.  I allowed myself a small, evil smirk before changing back into the innocent Hei Ryung.   Jun Hyun looked at me with new interest.   I was wary of that, because I didn't want him to be nice because I was good at maths.  I wanted him to be nice because of who I am.  

At lunch, I found Eunji with Cho, talking about thier physics class.  I ate with them and went back to the dorm to change into my ballet outfit.  I put on a statment T shirt qouting "<3" and shorts before grabbing my ballet shoes, as well as point shoes.   

After the break, I went to block b for my afternoon art classes.  The studio was big and well lit.  Large mirrors reflected the sunlight into the wooden ground.  There was music playing softly- it was an extract from "The sleeping beauty".  Eunji was stretching by the bar, along with other girls.   To my surprise, there were actually lots of boys, but they wore shorts, and not tights, which was a big relief.  I joined Eun Ji by the bar, and began stretching as well.   She was damn flexible, and I could actually see that she wasn't even trying hard to stretch.  The teacher, Miss Kim then walked in, and asked to get to know our skill better.  We were given a move to perform, which got harder and harder.  Then, we put on our point shoes and she taught us a short dance, where we had to practice for 10 minutes and then perform it one by one in front of the class.  I was nervous, but I  knew that it shouldn't be too hard.  She called us one by one in class order.   4 minute's hyuna was first.  She was perfect, and so beautiful even when she was dancing, I noticed the boys couldn't keep thier eyes off her.  Then, a guy, Kang JiHoo was next.  After a while the teacher called out my name "CHOI HEI RYUNG!"   I stood up and adjusted my leotard and point shoes, and then went to my position.  The music started.  Step, step ,step leap, jump, spin twice with arms above head, pose, turn.....I finished the dance with a fote- where one spins continuously while kicking out to gain speed.  When I finished, I then looked at Eunji's dance.  She was a very skilled dancer, almost as good as Hyuna.  

Later, we were told that we were going to be learning an individual dance choreographed by ourselves.  This was to be secret, and we would have a vote of who should perform in the collaberation.    We were to pick a random music  and work on it.  Miss Kim held out a bag.  Inside were pieces of paper of all kinds of music.  Everyone crowded around, grabbing what they could.  I put my hand in, picking out a random peice of ripped paper.  no.17.  we then lined up,  and Miss Kim gave us each a CD.  I looked at mine, curious at what I would get.  "Now, I will have to assign where you will practice"  Miss Kim annouced.   One by one, she led us into different practice rooms- the whole of block B was so big, it was like a maze.  She then called my name, and I was called into a room labled 17.  It was small, but enough for one person to dance.  She explained "Your music is number 17, right?"  I nodded.  "The music you have is quite passionate.     Good luck."  She put my music in the player and walked out.   I listened to it.  It was chopin,  Etude in A minor.  Sighing...it was exactly as Miss Kim said- passionate and powerful.   I began thinking of an idea for the piece.

By the time I got out of the ballet studio, I was tired, aching from all the moves that I had tried.  I dragged myself to vocal class, where again, a large amount of people were waiting for the teacher to come.  Inside were more BEAST and CARINA members, warming up thier voices, and drinking hot water.  I put my things in a corner, and began doing the same thing as them, only not the "warming up" voices bit.  The teacher walked in and instructed us to stand up in a circle.  We then did some really boring exersizes to strengthen our voices.  Finally, we got to sing.  I was surprised.  I had thought that BEAST were a bunch o pretty show boys that just ruled the school because they were good looking.  But they had actually really good voices.  I thought that Yoseob was the best, but I preferred Hyunseung's singing a little more, just because it was quite different from other boys. There were some CARINA members who I thought sang quite nicely- which contradicted their mean behaviour.  The teacher didn't get me to sing in front of the class, because I was new, but to learn a new song to present next week.  

At 5:00 we were let out of school.  I hung along with EunJi, going back to the dorms to take a comforting shower.  We then had to do our homework.  I had finished mine in an hour, but Eunji had problems with her English grammer, so I helped her.  After that, we went onto the field and walked around, and got to know each other more.

Eunji also came from a wealthy family, but unlike me, she was spoiled by her parents.  I was surprised, because she didn't seem like someone who was spoiled.   She had an older cousin named Choi Soo Young, who was in JYP College.  Soo young was her idol, partly because she was in a group called SNSD.  "Most of the people here are from wealthy families, but there are some, like...Mir from MBLAQ who are on scholarships.....And I'm hungry"  She added randomly.

Dinner came along, and soon, my first day was over.  It wasn't as bad as I thought, but I hoped to know the people more day by day.  Jiyoung had sent me a message, asking if I had met his cousin, Lee Joon and to say hi to him when I saw him.  I texted him "No.  I'll try and find him, ne?" and went to bed.  Eunji was already snoring by the time I got into bed.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LOOONG chapter.  It'll get intresting pretty soon- I promise- this is all for you learning about the school and stuff :) ENJOY! suscribe, comment,and if you did- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANKYOU SO MUCH :) it makes my day!


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