
Love Lessons

Aish...this got deleted 2 times...


The whole campus was set into 2 sides.  There was the actual school on one side, and then on the other side, the dorms.  In between, there was a square field for football and other sports.  The dorms had 4 floors.  1st floor was for the laundry and kitchen area (which was for the teachers only) and then the 2nd floor was for the boys, 3rd floor was for the teachers and 4th floor was for the girls.  Daesung had told me that this arrangement was so that boys were unable to go into the girl dorms.  I scoffed, and said "well...there is still the possiblilty of them sneaking in!"  He nodded and then reminded me to lock all my doors and windows, including the bathroom, so that I could protect my "innocence" from erts and rapists, etc.  I chuckled on the inside.   Oh he was the innocent one alright! The rest of BIG BANG exept my brother only knew me a year ago, and even to now, they don't know my little past "secret", since they only saw me dance ballet, not hip hop.   Since middle school, I had easily gotten good grades without an effort.   Life was boring and monotonious, so I decided to create another side of me to keep my life entertained.   At school, I was the cute, innocent Hei Ryung, and when I was at nightclubs or doing hip hop, I transformed into a daring, toxic, trouble making Hei Ryung.  Of course, my parents were to busy to even notice, so I got away with it.    But since I had to have a new roommate, and she might spill my secrets, I decided to drop this little act and be myself.   

My room was 48, 4th floor, 8th room.  Inside, there was already a girl on one of the beds, with rasberry pink headphones.  She didn't really notice me when I went in, so I tapped her once on her shoulder.  She jolted up and realization spread across her face.  "Oh! So you're my new roomate!  I'm Jung Eun Ji, born 1993, August 18th!"  She announced.  Surprise hit me as well, as I shook her hand and said "Really!  I'm Choi Hei Ryung, born 1994, August 18th, as well...so that makes you my unni!"  Her eyes opened wide in shock and she grinned.  "What a coincidence!  I have to tell my band!"  She whipped out her phone and began texting furiously.  "uh....I'll just have a look around...."I mumbled awkwardly.  I looked around the dorm.  It was quite big, almost like a room for 2 siblings.  The walls were painted white, with wooden beds on each side.  Desks were put on the ends of the beds, with twin closets opposite to the bathroom door.  The bathroom was clean, which was relieving.   I was in the middle of unpacking my clothes when 2 other girls bursted in.  "EUNJI! WHERE IS SHE!"  "OMO! THERE SHE IS....SHES SO CUTE!"  they both yelled.  I got a little bit intimidated (since I was in the innocent, cute Hei Ryung mode) so I backed off a little.  Eunji called back "YAH! don't frighten her!"  and then smiled warmly at me.  "Hei Ryung, meet my band, A PINK!"  The two girls went over and started to pinch my cheeks, examine me like a puppy.  They were no doubt very pretty...and girly.  Only EunJi looked more tomboyish.  Park Cho Rong,(I was just to call her "cho" which was her english name.  Somehow, I think she got that from those english harry potter books...) was the leader, and Son Na Eun or Eunie was the maknae. (Author's note: at that time, A pink was just 3 members, and then they meet the rest of the members at a collaboration audition).  They were nice, dispite thier girlishness.  We then went down to collect our timetables from the reception.  There was already a line forming when we went there, so as we waited, the girls told me about the cliques of this school.  Here was what I found out.

  • Queenkas of the school (oh how typical!):  4 minute- pretty and nice, if you got on thier good side.  If you didn't, they would ruin your life forever.
  • Players of the school: T3.  "Do not go near them, they have gotten girls pregnant before!" warned Cho.
  • Kingkas of the school:  BEAST- "HOT.  BUFF.  SMART..." Sigh Eunie.  Some of them were taken by the queekas already, but they were slightly flirty.  
  • Female players of the school: CARINA.  "Urh, speaking of which, here comes one."  growled Eunji  

I looked back, and saw a girl in school uniform- well, her skirt was way to short, and she seemed to be missing some buttons on her shirt, so it opened into a very deep v neck.  She was dragging a surprisingly good looking, but short guy.  He was muscley.  Cho gasped.  "Thats Kikwang!  What is he doing with her?"   The girl was jabbering in a really high voice.  Eunji smirked and whispered in my ear "Cho likes Kikwang ever since she got to work with him last year on  a music video with BEAST..."  I nodded.  It was my turn to get my timetable, when suddenly the couple bumped into me.  The girl looked down at me,contemptious and squeaked in her mouse- like voice "oh-ehm- gee...a newbie....  Watch where you're going, ugly!"  I stepped back, hurt by a complete stranger.   Eunji pulled me back up and told me to ignore that.  I gave the girl one last look and got my timetable.

monday, wednesday:

morning:   Korean , Maths

Afternoon: Dance:  Ballet , Vocal lessons

Tuesday, Thursday:

Morning: English, Chemistry

Afternoon: Dance: Hip Hop, Vocal lessons 


Morning:  Drama, Japanese

Afternoon:Music Video Directing,Music making(composition)

"Wah! you are in all of the top classes!"  Exclaimed Cho.  "So smart!"  Eunji agreed.  "So that means you have skipped a year?!" asked Eunie.  "ah..yes.  I graduated high school early." I mumbled modestly.  "Hey! I have ballet with you!"  Pointed Eunji.  I perked up. "yay!  Lets go to our rooms to unpack, ne?"  I called out.


WHEW. that took me some time.  I can't belive it deleted 2 times.  aish.  well.  ENJOY!!

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