First Kiss

My Doll Loves ME


       “Mi…ss…Miss…Are you okay” Donghae stuttered as he poked the lady’s arm. The lady didn’t respond. This made Donghae panicked and he immediately removed his jacket and scarf then give it to lady and lifted her. He lifts her in a bridal style and walked faster to his apartment. The moment he reached his apartment, he gently laid the lady to the floor for a while to look for his keys and open the door. He lifts the lady again and rushed to lay her on his bed. As he gently puts the lady on the bed and cover her body the blanket, he noticed something fell on the ground that comes from the lady shorts’ pocket. He picked it up and to his surprise; it was a manual for a kawaii angel doll. He widened his eyes, and looked at the lady lying on the bed.

       “She doesn’t look like a kawaii angel doll, she doesn’t have those wings. She totally looked like a real human.” Donghae mumbled. Then he continued reading the manual, but the manual seems to be incomplete though. Some pages of the manual are tore apart but it’s okay because what Donghae needs are there. The page where it stated the do’s and don’ts to the doll and how to operate it.

        “Don’ts don’t let the doll drink or eat. Do’s, charge it for 24 hours once a month, it’s the only source of energy. They don’t sleep. Blah blah blah…” Donghae read aloud. He only reads those words that he thought are only important. The manual is written in English and it’s fortunate that Donghae is good at it. He thought that the original owner of the doll didn’t understand English that’s why he thrown it away.

      “Okay, so to make the doll start, all you have to do is to kiss her lips and wait it to glow” Donghae whispered. He blushed the moment he read that line. He never kissed a girl before so this might be his first kiss. Even though it is just a doll, it is still a girl. He looked back at Yoona who is sleeping soundly or should I say looked like a dead person lying on his bed. He gulped his saliva and sit beside her. He holds her shoulders to make her sit. He looked at her while the doll’s eyes are closed. He wonders what it looks like. She looks like a real human, her porcelain like face, her nose, her lips, everything its perfect. The only missing is her eyes. He wanted to see her open her eyes and he looked back to her lips. Those luscious lips that make him want to kiss her but at the back of his mind, he’s afraid that she might wake up and slap him. He shook his head and looked again to her lips; he took a deep breath and leaned closer to her. His heart beats faster as the gap between them becomes smaller as he lean forward and there his lips touched her lips. He part away and he is blushing madly. He looked at her and waited for the next thing to happen. Then suddenly, she glowed like there is a light inside her. This makes Donghae to close his eyes for a while.  When he opened his eyes, he saw the doll opened her eyes and blinked for a while. This make Donghae heart to skip a beat, seeing the most beautiful eyes in the world. She titled her head and smiled at him. This made Donghae’s heart melt, that smile is the most beautiful smile he ever saw. He smiled back and to his surprise the doll hugs him.

      “Thank you, master” the doll said in glee.

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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 5: aaaah.....cute~~~~
please update again!!!! >.<
this is will be interesting story....
Chapter 5: wow it sounds interesting
please update
DinoSaysRawr #3
Please Update. : )
This story is so interesting. I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^

loiscenonlee #5
Awwww ;)))))))))
Nice Story! Keep it up!
Yah! Yoong, please watch tv and kiss Donghae oppa! kekekeke
WAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! so cute!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!
I finally updated, now I'm pressured to update My only Love and I also have story in my mind and I want to write it immediately but I need to update MOL. GUys thanks for your support ^__^
sorry @DeerFishy_Love for not updating but I promise I will update within this week since I'm not busy anymore and I have my inspiration now (?!?!!?!?).
update please,...
can't wait forYoonhae moment.. really miss this story....^^
cjay_aiden99 #10
oh! u got it from manga rite? i had the comic, well it's in my iPod Touch App, the girl was a machine. . .