YoungKwang = Honor

The Not-So-Cool Basketball Club

“He really did it to you?” someone suddenly said that and after I turned my body around, my eyes grew bigger. Why that guy is here again?

“So, he really did it to you? How dare he was. Youngmin hyung will kill him later.” Kwangmin said that and laughing. “Why he will kill L.Joe?” C.A.P asked Kwangmin. “Well, it looked like Youngmin hyung kinda like Jee In.” He answered then looked at me. “Mwoya?! What?!” I shouted and both of them closed their ears while some costumers looked at me. I bowed two times to them. “Well, Youngmin and L.Joe can’t take her since she’s mine.” C.A.P said then hugged me. “Ya-Yah!” I blushed and tried to release C.A.P but he hugged me tighter. I sighed and let him hugged me.

Click! I looked at Kwangmin. God, he took a photo when C.A.P hugged me. “What will Youngmin hyung say when he see this?” he looked at me innocently. If C.A.P didn’t hug me I would punch him on the face. “Yah Jo Kwangmin!” I shouted at him. “Yes?” he looked at me innocently again. “Delete that photo!” Kwangmin shook his head. “I’ll show it to hyung first.” He ran away after said that. “Yah can you release me now?” I looked at C.A.P and he grinned at me. “Sorry babe.” He released his hand.

“Errr… Hi?” I said to Youngmin who stood in front of me. He raised his eyebrow. “Yah Jee In, you even didn’t say hi to me when we met an hour ago.” C.A.P pouted. “C.A.P, you aren’t look cute when pouting.” I said to him. “What about me?” Kwangmin said and did his aegyo. “Well, Kwangmin ah don’t make me want to punch your face badly.” I said and Youngmin laughed a little. OMFG… He’s freaking cute. “Jee In ah you look at him too long.” C.A.P said. I lowered my head and blushed. “Yeah, did she fall for hyung?” Kwangmin looked at Youngmin and Youngmin smacked his head.

“So, why are you both here?” I looked at Kwangmin and Youngmin. “We own this café.” Both of them said on the same time and looked at each other. “Are you imitating me?” “No! You the one do that.” “Yah stop following me!” They’re getting annoyed by themselves. They still fought when I started to scold them. “Yah both of you! Can’t you stop fighting?” I asked them. “Sorry.” And again they said that at same time. I sighed and looked at both of them. Youngmin is cuter than Kwangmin, his face is more feminine and looks like a doll. While Kwangmin manlier even he’s hyper and Youngmin is cold.

“So it’s true that L.Joe kissed you?” Youngmin said and looked at me. I woke up from my daydreaming and nodded. Youngmin’s face is still calm. He doesn’t have any feeling for me and that’s really good. Well that’s good… right? I shook my head. “So, what was it feel?” he looked at me. I blinked my eyes. “It felt nothing.” I said to him and he nodded his head. “You talk many things with him and you forget about me now?” C.A.P looked at me and I smirked at him. “Sorry C.A.P.” he pouted. “Just sorry?” he asked. I rolled my eyes, “What do you want?” he grinned at me. “Give me a kiss.” he said that and looked at Youngmin while Youngmin looked at me. I pecked at his cheek. “Already.”

“Bye honor.” I laughed at Youngmin and Kwangmin. Kwangmin smiled and waved while Youngmin just rolled his eyes. “Kajja Jee In ah.” C.A.P said and grabbed my hand. I rolled my eyes. “Yah you don’t need to grab my hand.” I said to him. “But I want to do it.” He replied me. I just kept silent and let him do that. I never realized that it makes everything felt different. “Bye C.A.P, and thank you.” I smiled at him. He smiled back. “No need to thank me.” after he said that he walked but he looked at me once again and came closer to me. “What do you-“ and suddenly he kissed my forehead. “Goodnight babe, see you tomorrow and sleep well tonight.” He winked at me and walked away.

Tick tock tick tock. I looked at the clock. 12 A.M and I still couldn’t sleep. Why did C.A.P do that? Why he kissed my forehead? Is he has feeling for me? Or it’s just because he felt that I’m his sister? And… why my heart is beating more fast when he did it? Do I have any feeling for him? Or it’s just because he take care of me as a girl? God, you made my life really complicated, I should just sleep now. I turned off my lamp and went to sleep.

Where am I? I looked around and found nothing. “Jee In ah…” I turned around and saw Youngmin. “I love you Jee In, would you be mine?” he took my hand and kneeled in front of me. I almost nodded my head but… “No, she won’t be with you. She’s mine and I have her first kiss.” L.Joe touched my chin and before he kissed me someone already pulled his shoulder. “I have known her before all of you and I’m the one know her well. So just back off and go away from her life.” C.A.P came and hugged me from the back. “No, she’s always mine. You both can’t take her from me.” Youngmin released C.A.P’s arm. “She’s mine you jerk.” He almost punched Youngmin on the cheek. “No!!!!”

I woke up at my bed with sweats covered my body. I looked at my watch. . 4 A.M??!! I decided to go downstairs and drunk some milk. How could I have a dream like that? It was really weird. After placed my glass on the sink I went to my room again. I tried to sleep many times but seemed it’s no use so I decided to play with my iPad. I played some games and after that my bell started to ring. It’s already 5 A.M. I took my bath and go bathing. After finished, I put on my uniform.

“Hey girl.” Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked at him. “Morning.” He yawned. “Morning Donghyunnie.” I smiled at him. “Seem you are in the good mood today huh?” he smiled back and messed my hair. “Well, I love today’s subject so yeah…” I fixed my hair. “Ah I see.” He nodded his head. “Hyungie! Jee In yah!” someone called Donghyun and we both turned around. “Hey magnae.” Donghyun said to Minwoo. “You come really early today.” He said and looked at both of us. “Well, I woke up earlier than usual.” Donghyun said. “I even couldn’t sleep this whole night.” I said. “Really? What make you couldn’t sleep?” Minwoo asked me. “It’s secret.” I stuck out my tongue at him and he started to pout. Donghyun just shook his head and laughed.

“What do you want?” I stared at the orange-haired-guy. He sat on my desk and looks at me back like a badass. “You really want to know what I want?” he walked to me. “Yeah. Just tell me.” he leaned his face closer to mine and when he knew that I want to take step backwards, he put his arm around my shoulder. “What I want is… you.” He said that on my ears in front of many boys. I pushed him hard and he released his arm. “I’m gonna make you fall for me.” He smirked and left me.

“Are you okay?” Jeongmin and Hyunseong came to me. I just could nod my head. “You don’t need to join PE class if you don’t want.” Hyunseong said. “Yeah, it will make you even worse.” Jeongmin said and put his arm around my shoulder. I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I’m okay. Let’s go. The bell almost ringing.” I said and stood up. That guy, I’ll beat him soon. Just wait and see Lee Byung Hun, you’ll get some revenge from me.

“Okay, today we’ll have some basketball.” The teacher said. , why must basketball? “Okay, do some exercise first kiddos.” And hell yeah, I’m not kiddo okay? What the hell. “Well, something interrupt your mind Jee In?” Niel asked me when we ran around the field. “Well, nothing actually.” I answered. “Then what with that face? Because of L.Joe?” Ricky said and poked me at the cheek. “Nope.” I said. “Yah both of you stop flirting with my Jee In!!” Changjo said and came closer to me. “Yah you! She’s mine!” Chunji came to me too. I just could roll my eyes.

“Okay, I’ll divide you into 2 groups.” I hope I won’t play. “The first group is Changjo, Niel, Donghyun, Ricky and Hyunseong. The other group, Youngmin, L.Joe, C.A.P, Kwangmin, and… Jee In.” Every boy looked at me and I rolled my eyes again. “That girl can play?” asked one boy. “Yeah, or she just can disturb other player?” another boy said that and the entire boy laughed except Boyfriend and Teen Top. “Yah, you don’t know her!” Minwoo shouted at them. “Yeah, take care of your mouth silly.” Jeongmin said. “Shut up.” I said and the entire class looked at me. “Let’s start the match.”

Youngmin brought the ball and passed it to me, when Ricky wanted to take my ball, I shot it and it entered the ring. All of the members high five with me and yeah include L.Joe. Well, nothing interesting if I tell you the whole story so I’ll just tell you that my group won with 45-38 and the person who made half of the score is me. Every boy looked at me with amazed. I walked to the boy that said I can’t play. I pinned him to the wall and leans closer to his face. “Please watch your mouth. If you still can’t watch it, just by one with me.” After I said that, I left him alone and he kept staring at me with amazement.

“Kim Jee In, come here.” The teacher called me. I walked to him. “What is it sonsaengnim?” I asked him. “I want you to do some favor for me.” I raised my eyebrows. “What is it?” he crossed his arm and called Teen Top and Boyfriend. They looked at me and I looked at them back. “They want you to be their manager.” I stared at them and they grinned at me. “WHAT???!!!!”

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HAHAHA that's what happens when you're that good.
I am really enjoying this story. Please update soon.
Update SOON!! @_@
How do Minwoo and her know each other??
We love you too! *hugs you* The story is cute so far. I like it. It was a little short but that's okay!! Update soon, I'd really like to know who that guys she misses is....
MzLoVeSturch #7
please update soon!!!! this is pretty nice beginning by the way:) hwaiting:)