Monochromatic Rainbows

Plot Bunnies 101
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"Black, grey, black, grey, grey. Seriously Wonwoo, your wardrobe makes it seem like we're back in the era of black and white television!" Seokmin sighed, taking a step away from the depressing colour palate of Wonwoo's clothing choices. 

"It's not all the same, there's ash, there's charcoal, there's dark slate grey, and that jacket is metallic. There's variety in my clothing." Wonwoo argued, without taking his eyes off the book he was reading.

It was a wonder how a bright ray of sunshine like Seokmin was friends with someone like Wonwoo, whose spirit animal was a sloth and whose favorite color was black. Seokmin even seemed to smile enough for the two of them, while Wonwoo could barely crack a smile to save his life. 

"Come on, it's time to go! Jihoon is scary enough as it is, we can't be late for his birthday celebration!" Wonwoo closed his eyes as he was dragged out of bed, already starting to feel the onset of a migraine. Social events were the worst. The absolute worst. 


Wonwoo slipped away at the end of the birthday song while Seokmin and Seungkwan were competing on how long their notes could be. Plopping down into a seat at the very corner of the room, Wonwoo took out his phone, appreciating how big personalities like Seokmin and Seungkwan let him go away unnoticed. 

Only... He didn't go completely unnoticed. 

From the corner of his eye, Wonwoo noticed an unfamiliar figure walking in his direction, and prayed it wasn't to come and talk to him. Wasn't it obvious enough he didn't want any human interaction? Did he really need to get a Do Not Disturb sign attached to his forehead before people would stop being overly friendly and approach him for casual conversation?

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taelutae #1
Chapter 5: What ? Why ??? I dont understand. Pleaseee i need a sequel
Chapter 5: so painful.. n beautiful
ThreeBit #3
Chapter 5: I dont know if I should jumb with happines cause i found out your( just so ing good ) stories or just cry because they are oneshots...
Whatever i alreafy enjoy them in that form so please continue!!!
Chapter 3: why didn't i found this earlier omg this chapter of harryporter!au is sooo gooood yet so short it really needs a sequel :<
darksanctuary #5
Chapter 5: I'm glad smh i found your fics. But your style really is frustrating one tho lol but i'm such a er here..
Anw i still wait for the continuation of scent. Please.
MissAndrogynetic #6
Chapter 5: sOOOO UHMMM mama aWARD au IN WHICH Mingyu tries to convince Wonu thats its technically a date? xD HAHAHHAHA ILY AND UR STORY!~~~~
taehyung95_jy #7
Chapter 3: Nice Hogwarts AU chapter~~~ I thought it was pretty good ^^ and yes I do need rated m chapter for scent
meanieboys #8
i almost can't understand the reason, but it hurts for both ya know
Muknip #9
Chapter 5: NO!!!!!! NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYYYZyyyyyyyy!!!?!??!??! TT^TT
Chapter 5: I wish that mingyu knows what happen to wonwoo :( can you make the sequel for this chap? I like your story ^^