Index Finger; to pick out close friends and sweet moments

Five Points: Behind Our Love

A few years have passed since that eventful day and Taemin and I are now best friends who are currently enduring the troublesome life of high school.

Unlike our tricky bonding in the beginning, we’re now inseparable and couldn’t be more satisfied with our friendship as it is now. Well we could but we weren’t going to ruin anything by pushing things. As long as we were together, we were happy.

During our time together, we hung out occasionally whenever we could. We tutored each other when it was necessary, we played at the local park, watched movies, ate together and even slept at each other’s houses when we grew comfortable with each other’s parents.

Taemin and I have become extremely close and our meeting almost feels a little unreal because he’s changed so much since then.

His hair is no longer a black bowl cut but a blonde short-length that makes him look angelic.
In the time I’ve known Taemin, I’ve learned so much about him. I know him so well that he can never trick me, never lie to me and never hide in a place I won’t find. I fully understand his love for banana milk as well and when he became comfortable with me as a friend, he showed his true need for it and still does by drinking five bottles of it everyday! Actually, I’m in the middle of scolding him right now. 
“Yah, hyung, cut it out!” Taemin cried irritatingly as he smacked my hand away when I attempted to repossess his banana milk for the seventh time. 
I sighed heavily. “Honestly, Taemin, one day you’ll have drank so much that your blood will have turned in to it! Do you want to bleed banana milk?!”
“That would be the most awesome thing ever to happen to me!” Taemin answered as he looked at his arm anxiously, looking for signs of banana milk goodness. He then scoffed, not falling for it. “Hyung, you’re insane. You’ve been taking your crazy pills today, right?”
“Aish, I’m really not joking!”
“I’ll take that as a no then and we can go and get you another prescription after school, okay?”
My left eye began twitching at how happy he seemed being this way. The old Taemin never spoke this way and he never mocked me for fun. “Yeah, okay. We’ll see who’s crazy when you’re dead and I’m left sobbing in a pool of YOUR banana milk juices!”
“What?! Ewww, gross!”
“There you go, now don’t drink it so much!” I said victoriously.
“Actually, I was talking about how your sobbing would soil my-OW, HYUNG! OKAY, I’M SORRY! OOOWWW!!” He whined.
In just one moment, the rebellious Taemin can easily become the innocently whiny one. It’s a personality-trait change that I noticed in him a few months ago.
“You little devil, where are your manners when talking to your hyung, huh?!” I demanded to know as I continued to pinch and pull his cheeks. "You’re lucky I’m not destroying your entire collection of banana milk right now! I KNOW WHERE YOU KEEP THEM ALL!!!”
Taemin gasped in horror and tried his best to get out of my clutches. “But hyung, telling me not to drink banana milk is like telling me not to dance and that’s like telling me not to walk! I’LL DIE WITHOUT IT!”
Upon hearing this words, I decided to stop with a huff. “Aish, fine. Whatever you want to do is none of my concern.”
I was lying to myself though because Taemin’s life is my concern. I worry about every little thing he does and I always have to remind him to be careful. I can still clearly remember one of our childhood memories where we went to the top of this bridge to see the ducks swimming underneath.
Taemin likes to climb things a lot, high things, including bridges. It was obvious what he decided to climb that day, only the not-so-obvious part was when I had to jump in after him. I did this before I knew he was an excellent swimmer though, of course. The little trickster had pulled a prank on me to get me to join him in the water.
Taemin noticed me staring blankly ahead at nothing and started waving a hand in front of my face. “Minho-hyung, what’s wrong with you?” He asked.
“N…Nothing, sorry.” I replied when I came around.
“Daydreaming again, huh? Let me guess, you were thinking about a time where I did something dangerous that made you worry, right?” He asked, hitting the target dead on.
“You know me too well, Taemin.”
“Minho-hyung, I’m not going to get hurt as easily as you think. I’ve been climbing since I was a little kid, so I’m an expert!” He confidently assured me.
“I know, just be careful.” 
“I always am!” Taemin replied as he threw his empty carton of banana milk in to a nearby bin. He stopped in the middle of the hallway to take out another bottle from his bag.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! You seriously need help, Taemin!”
Taemin scoffed as he stuck his straw in. “You’re one to talk! If you had your way then my room would be covered in hidden cameras! Although, that might not work out so well because remember hyung-‘WAH, TAEMIN, WHAT’S THAT THING ON YOUR CHAIR?!’ Sheesh, haven’t you ever seen a sweater before?” He mocked before taking a sip of his drink.
“Yah, I was being protective and it was pretty dark in your room! I couldn’t see anything properly!”
“Blind, that’s what you are.” He muttered. “And you seem oddly upset about my room being so dark. Were you hoping to catch a glimpse of me as I undressed or something, ert-hyung?”
I was expecting him to come out with another remark of some kind but instead, Taemin laughed his laugh-the laugh that I fall in love with over and over every time I hear it. “I’m just kidding, hyung, you know I love you!” He assured.
“Come on, let’s get to class.” I suggested as I nudged him and began walking down the hall. I got about five feet away from him before he muttered something that caught me off guard.
“The best hyung in the world is standing right in front of me…” I heard Taemin say gently.
Surprised, I stopped walking much like he had. I slowly turned and wondered if he was truly talking about me-the person who had tried to deprive him of his beloved beverage and was accused of being a ert. With his index finger pointing out at me though, how could I be wrong?
“Taemin-” I started to say before I was cut off.
“And I’ll be able to see him if you move your -OW!” Taemin’s comment was cut short when I smacked him on the head with one of my light textbooks, immediately putting him in innocently-whiny Taemin mode again. “HYUNG! I WAS JUST JOKING AROUND! HONESTLY, IT’S YOU! ONLY YOU!”
And it’s only you too, Taemin.
I laughed at how he was acting, shredding my mean exterior. “Aish, hurry up already! I don’t want to be late for class again!” I moaned while willingly grabbing his hand and dragging him down the hallway towards our next class. “You know, you’re really something, Lee Taemin. I’ll give you that much.”
Although Taemin was rubbing at the sore spot on his head that I had created, he still laughed sheepishly. “If I remember correctly, I’m perfect, aren’t I?” He asked with a wink for great effect.
And beautiful.
You forgot to say that I think you’re beautiful.
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Beautiful story . I love this so much . Seriously, you're a great author . Please make more stories of 2min . Thankyou .
Chapter 5: This is jusy beautiful! The sort of story that makes you think about life and how amazing it really is. And also makes one wish that love llike this truly existed :)
pikasquad #3
The cutest thing I've ever read. Someone hold me T^T
tinalee19 #4
Chapter 5: oh my gosh! why haven't i read this before! Oh my heart! :) 'goosies' to the max!!! love it!
Oh, this is so beautiful and nicely written <3 :)
So beautiful! ^^