Thumb; to show everyone that you'll be okay

Five Points: Behind Our Love

Taemin was the new kid in class.

He was kind of ordinary looking but also so much more. His black bowl-cut hair was ordinary and I’ve seen many students with the same style, but it made him look cuter than the rest.
Taemin was wearing the same uniform as all of us but it brought out every line and shape that his body had to offer and it suited his smooth creamy skin perfectly. There are those people you sometimes come across that always look amazing no matter what they’re wearing or what state they’re in, and I can clearly see that Taemin is one of those people.
It could heavily rain indoors right now and we could all be soaked from head to toe, and while most students would look horrible with some people's faces smeared in make up, Taemin’s hair would stick to his face and only capture my attention more.
Staring at his lips nearly killed me. It’s impossible for me to even think this way about someone I just met through looks alone but his plump lips look like they’re meant to be kissed. I wonder what that would feel like.
The young boy stepped forward and then bent his body in to a normal ninety degree bow out of respect.
“Hello, I’m Lee Taemin!” He introduced. “I recently transferred here and I hope to make friends with everyone, so please treat me well!”
A few students clapped in a welcoming way while a few students rolled their eyes and held thoughts of him being a typical student.
During lunch time, as surprising but sort of expected as it was, I found Taemin sitting at a table alone. Most of his food had been eaten but the remains were being poked at and played around with. I can’t blame him, the food served here isn’t much better than what you’d get at a hospital.
I strolled over to him and felt a sense of comfort come over me. No one deserved to spend their first day at a new school alone. The first thing I came out with was a dumb question that I already knew the answer to.
“You’re Taemin, right?” I asked, as if I wouldn’t remember such a beautiful name anyway.
Taemin stopped poking at his food and looked up at me, where his innocent brown eyes met mine. “Yes, I am.”
“Why are you all by yourself?”
Taemin unconsciously bit his bottom lip out of nervousness and directed his gaze back to his tray of food. He even started poking it again. “No one wants to sit with me, and I’m teased for the way I look.”
Most guys look masculine and have well built bodies whereas Taemin looks very slim and fragile like a woman. I would believe some fool running around claiming that the earth was going to end tomorrow over this nonsense. Who wouldn’t want to sit with him?! It doesn’t make any sense, especially since no one even knows him!
“Take no notice of the idiots in this place, they’ll come around eventually,” I assured as I set my bag down on the table and sat down next to him.
I could feel a few pairs of eyes from other students around us locking on to me but I didn’t care. Who I sat by was no one else’s business whatsoever, and if they were going to continue to stare then I hope they get jealous!
Taemin seemed to notice the stares too and became self-conscious. “No offence, hyung, but are you sure there isn’t something else you could be doing right now other than eating with me?” He questioned fearfully.
I took a homemade sandwich out from my bag (because I’m smart enough not to eat from this place) and bit in to it. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, nothing…but surely you don’t want to spend your time talking to me?” He asked, puzzled.
There it was, the selflessness I assumed he would have. “That’s exactly what I want to do. Don’t you want us to be friends?”
My question caused him to panic and he began waving his arms about and shaking his head in protest. “No, of course, I’d love that! But are you sure I’m not bothering you? Or…ruining what reputation you have?”
I had to laugh at this. “I don’t care about that, and I came over to you, remember?”
To help sweeten and ensure the friendship I was trying to make with him, I dug around in my bag until I grabbed something small and cool. I took it out and immediately noticed how Taemin’s eyes widened, and then I placed it down on the table in front of him.
“I heard you like banana milk a lot.”
This valuable piece of information had came from me overhearing some of his classmates talking about him. I’ll admit, I was going to stop them gossiping at first but I couldn’t help but listen in when they spoke of this particular fact. It was already proving to be an advantage for me anyway.
Taemin tore off the bottle cap, stuck the straw inside and proceeded to drink the cold beverage quickly. Only when the bottle was completely finished seconds later did I get a response. “You heard right.” He replied with a smile and a thumbs up.
I returned the gestured perfectly and felt a strong bond about to be formed between the two of us. As long as I was around, he’d be okay. And as long as he was around, I’d be content with what I have.
Throughout the rest of the day, we stuck by each other. I walked him to his classes like a good friend and hyung should and we hung out during our free period before the end of school. I also set all the gossip about him that was spreading over the school straight and soon enough more students were approaching him.
During class today was the most fun because we flicked paper notes at each other and I got to see his face light up and hear his adorable laugh.
When it came to leaving school to go home, we both discovered that we didn’t live too far apart from each other, so we walked together. We talked casually about little things that interested us music wise, fashion wise etc. And then we soon parted on our journey and went out separate ways.
Taemin told me his plans of doing his homework and then watching some TV before he went to bed. As soon as I got home though, I went to sleep because I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come so I could see him again.
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Beautiful story . I love this so much . Seriously, you're a great author . Please make more stories of 2min . Thankyou .
Chapter 5: This is jusy beautiful! The sort of story that makes you think about life and how amazing it really is. And also makes one wish that love llike this truly existed :)
pikasquad #3
The cutest thing I've ever read. Someone hold me T^T
tinalee19 #4
Chapter 5: oh my gosh! why haven't i read this before! Oh my heart! :) 'goosies' to the max!!! love it!
Oh, this is so beautiful and nicely written <3 :)
So beautiful! ^^