
(HIATUS)My Life With Boyfriend

as days passed, you started to get very close to Boyfriend. it was monday morning.....

you: *yawns* what time is it? it's only 6...*i wonder why i always wake up at 6 in the morning, anyways i should wake them up* you thought to yourself.

you went straight to wake kwangmin up first.

you: yah, kwangmin, wake up.... it's 6 you take forever to get yourself ready so wake up already!

kwangmin pulls you close and hugged you tightly... you were about to sream but you'll wake everyone. you tried to break free, but couldn't. kwangmin rolls on top of you and bothe of you fell off the bed.

kwangmin: aishhhh..... that hurted.

you: yah, next time i'm getting a shield ready!

kwangmin: ehhh!? what are you doing in here...

you: trying to wake you up of course

kwangmin: what time is it anyway?

you: 6 a.m. so get up okay? *you said it in a innocent way that made kwangmin hugg you tighter

you: yah, no more okay?

kwangmin: gwaenchanh-ayo   (alright)

everyone got up, got ready, and ate breakfast then you guys arrived at school. girls surround the car since Boyfriend was the kingkas of the school.

you: how are we gonna go through this crowd?

minwoo: of course, just walk

when you guys got out of the car, girls ran straight to them. A girl almost kissed kwangmin witch made you jealous so you ran first to class.

kwangmin: ~~~~~~, wait!

you just ignored him

girl: oh, so she's the one that is living with them the plans are on.. we need to get rid of her!

kwangmin ran after you. you went straight to your locker and open it. you saw a note that says"YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! STAY AWAY FROM BOYFRIEND OR YOU'LL SEE WHAT I'LL DO!" kwangmin stood behind you and saw "WATCH OUT!" part only.

kwangmin: what are you reading?

you: o-oh...u-uumm nothing, let's get going!

you stood quiet the whole time.*ummm should i tell him... no he might get hurt instead... urghhhh nevermind!* you thought to yourself.

kwangmin: is something wrong?!

you: ummm it's just that----*you were cut off by the lunch bell.

kwangmin: tell me during lunch okay? i got to give my notes to Mrs. Jinna

you: oh okay, i'll meet you at the rooftop okay* you said with a fake smile.

kwangmin walked pass by some girls and overheard they talking something about you and at the rooftop. with that, it made him ran as fast as he can.

kwangmin: *no i can't let anything happento her... is this why she wants me to meet her up there?!* he thought to himself

later at the rooftop--

girl: who do you think you are?

you: how may i help you?!

girl: you should know who i am, i'm krystal, kwangmin's girlfriend.

you: you're what? *why am i starting to feel really upset, it can't be that i..i-love him right?!*

krystal: you better get away or else... something bad will happen to you...*she steps closer to you with an evil face

the door to the rooftop was open and it was kwangmin. he push krystal away from you. he grabbed your wrist and started to run. he stop running and turn to you.

kwangmin: what happen?! tell me!

you: i-i...*you started to cry

kwangmin: it's okay just tell me when you feel like it okay, sorry for yelling at you.* he pulled you closer to him and hugged you tightly.

krystal saw you and kwangmin hugging which made her feel more jealous so she had another plan. she gathered alot of girls who also like kwangmin alot!

it mwas break time so you went straight to kwangmin

you: kwangmin..umm did you ever dated...umm..

kwangmin: krystal?

you: yeah...urghhh sorry i didn't mean to ask such a stupid question!

kwangmin: naww.. gwaenchanh-ayo, we're over already.. why did you ask?*is it that she likes me

you: oh.. i was just wondering*that made you jealous

kwangmin: meet me after school near the gate okay.

you: umm okay! * you said with a cute smile which made him blushed.

krystal over heard both of you which gave her a better idea.





sorry if it's not good. it's my first fanfic! hope you like it! comeent plz :)

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It's interesting~ please continue the story!! ;)
Well, update soon <3
try my best!!!
lov4ever #3
update soon
boyfriend_love #4
yeah! i can't wait!)
Boyfriend_4ever #5
not sure if it's good!!! plz comment!!!