What I Fear the Most

(HIATUS)My Life With Boyfriend


you: umma, i'm going to my friends party tonight. will that be fine with you?

umma: sure your appa said it's fine!

you:OMG!!! you guys are the best!!!

You spent 5 hours there then you came back because you called your parents millions of time and wouldn't answer.

you: umma, appa, i'm home. where are they???

You looked in the kitchen, living room, wash room, and their room. there was one room left, your bedroom!!! you slowly open your room. you saw blood every where.

you: umma, appa!!! *you said as you cried out loud*

you didn't know who to call because you were very shock. but there was one person you thought, your appa's friend. he was the manager for the band,BOYFRIEND.

manager: anyohaseyo?

you: please help me...please!

manager: Is this Park~~~~~?

you: neh...hurry please!

manager: okay i'll be there alright.

when he arrived to your house, he went straight to your room and screamed! he called the police and took you to his grandmother place to sleep. you cried all night that you couldn't sleep.

*End of Flashback*

you woke up because you had a nightmare saying that you'll have bad things happening to you. you looked at the clock and it was only 6 a.m. you got up to change and get ready to go to school because you couldn'y sleep anymore.

you:*why am i having all these nightmares? you said to yourself

it was 7:15 so you had to go to school. when you got near the school gate, you saw girls running and screaming, surrounding a limo. you stood there looking wondering who it is. there was 6 hot guys coming out. you decided not to bother so you took out your ipod and listen to it. all sudden, it was Boyfriend. you didn't notice that you caught their eyes. 

  when you were sitting down listening to you ipod, 3 of the members came in the same class as you. they came straight to you and you didn't notice.

3 of the members: anyohaseyo!

minwoo: anyeo! i'm no minwoo, the youngest in boyfriend

kwangmin: anyeo! i'm jo kwangmin, the younger twin

youngmin: anyeo! i'm jo youngmin, the older twin

you: anyeo! i'm Park ~~~~~~.

three of them:i hope we could be good friends!

you: yeah sure!

minwoo: ummm...~~~~~, i would like you to come join my sleepover tonight. i want to be friends with everyone.

you: umm... sure only if i don't have plans.

kwangmin: well, you better come or else...

youngmin: he meant just come,btw, this is the way to come. just follow the directions

you: oh okay.

it was dark so you had nothing to do and decided to go. when you got to their dorms you rang the bell

minwoo: that must be ~~~~~~!

youngmin: i got it! anyohaseyo ~~~~~~!

you: anyeo! youngmin!

minwoo & kwnagmin:anyohaseyo ~~~~~~~!

you: anyeo

minwoo: lets watch a movie! ummm....which one should we watch?

youngmin: ummm...let me see... what about the grudge 2?

you: y-yea...s-sure

kwangmin: are you okay?

you: y-yea why you asking

kwangmin: just making sure

you sat between minwoo and kwangmin while youngmin is next to kwangmin. when the movie was playing, it came to the scary part. it made you scared that you tugged into kwangmin sleeves. kwangmin blushed.

kwangmin: are you okay? you seen to be scared...

you didn't answer because you started to cry. you hugged him tightly while minwoo and youngmin was enjoying the movie. you told him the story of yor parents.

kwangmin: so that's is what you fear the most? next time you gotta tell me if you're able to watch scary movies like that okay?

you nodd to him and fell asleep. seeing your parents dead lying on the ground  with blood all over them was the thing you were scaried of the most






hope you guys like it. i'm not that good though! sorry if i made mistakes :(    i promise to make it better!!!

kasahabnida!!!! comment plz!!!!








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It's interesting~ please continue the story!! ;)
Well, update soon <3
try my best!!!
lov4ever #3
update soon
boyfriend_love #4
yeah! i can't wait!)
Boyfriend_4ever #5
not sure if it's good!!! plz comment!!!