Chapter 4: A Budding Friendship

He's Beautiful

Chayeon has been waiting for half an hour now. She did not make any plans with Seungho so she couldn’t complain. Chayeon glanced at her wrist watch and made a mental note that if Seungho doesn’t come out in 10 minutes, she’s going to leave and go to school by herself. She started having possible scenarios in her head, “What if Seungho got up very early and went to school early?” or “What if Seungho is sick and he has no plans to go to school and I don’t have any idea that I’m waiting for nothing.” But then when she looked up she saw Seungho coming out of their door, with total confusion on his face as if saying, “Why in the world is this girl in front of my house, early in the morning?!”

“Good morning!” Chayeon exclaimed.

Seungho didn’t bother answering her and pushed Chayeon’s forehead with his finger, “What’s your business here?”

“Ouch!” Chayeon pushed Seungho’s arm away, “Is that your way of saying good morning?”

“No, it’s my way of saying ‘Go away.’”

“Eyyy, what’s with that attitude?”

“Let me get two things clear about this friendship.” Seungho said, taking a step closer to Chayeon.

“Alright. I’m listening.”

“I am in no need for a pretend girlfriend. If you think that I need one so people would stop bugging me then tell you what, I rather have people talk trash about me than fall in love with a girl.”

“Wow…you’re so fluent in talking gibberish.”

Seungho ignored her and continued speaking, “If you’re expecting that I’ll ask a favor from you and ask you to be my pretend girlfriend and then I’ll fall in love with you after spending quite some time with you and then be a man for you, then it’s not gonna happen. I will not feed your cheesy imagination of high school romances. Besides, that’s two impossible things, it’s a miracle if that happens, me falling in love with and me being a man again.”

Chayeon smirked and said, “Are you finished?”

“Not yet. I said two things, not one.”

Chayeon put her hands up in the air in what seems to be surrendering.

“And second, I am not wishing this to happen, I even cringe just by thinking about it, but I’d like to make sure anyway. Don’t fall in love with me.”

It’s still early but Chayeon is in the mood to annoy Seungho.

“And what if I do?” Chayeon asked teasingly.

But Seungho isn’t in the mood to play around, “Don’t. Don’t hurt yourself.” He said with all conviction.

“Aish~ why are you such in a gloomy mood in such a good day like this?”

“I just don’t like surprise visits like that.”

“Fine. I’m not going to do it again.” Chayeon said cheerfully, she’s still trying to lighten up the mood. She pulled Seungho while skipping.

Chayeon decided to speak up as they were walking in silence to their school.

“I remembered how you were so worried about not being attractive enough, even to girls, but Yeeun aka the most popular girl in the school is head over heels for you.”

“Of course she’s not head over heels for me. She knows I’m gay.” Seungho replied.

“Then what’s with her attitude the other day?” Chayeon asked, utterly confused.

“Yeeun is a wannabe. She’s popular but she wants to become even more popular. She has to find something to take pride in.” Seungho explained, “And if she’ll be able turn me into a man again, that would totally boost her popularity. She would feel like she’s the most beautiful girl in the school because she was able to turn a gay into a man. That’s what she was aiming for.” Seungho finished.

“And I hurt her pride?”

“Of course you did. Because I hanged out with you, a nugu, and she would definitely not accept defeat from a nugu.”

“Shall I be scared now?” Chayeon asked jokingly.

“Don’t be. Based from my observations, you’re a strong girl. You can take her on easily.” Seungho said while tapping Chayeon’s shoulder.

“You’re quite a keen observer.”

They arrived at the school gates and was about to enter when Chayeon noticed Hanyeol waiting on the sides, looking so happy when he saw them. It was as if he was waiting for the two of them.

“Seungho-yah, Hanyeol is waiting for you.” Chayeon teased.

“He is?” Seungho asked and frantically looked for Hanyeol and when he did, he instantly looked away because he was too shy.

Hanyeol walked towards Chayeon and Seungho and muttered, “Hey…uhm, I’ve been waiting for you.”

Chayeon was looking at Seungho and was smiling sheepishly. But Seungho didn’t have a single trace of happiness in his face. Chayeon wondered why and followed his gaze to Hanyeol.

Chayeon didn’t realize that Hanyeol was actually talking to her.

“Me?” Chayeon asked, pointing her index finger on herself, “Why?”

“I’m Hanyeol.” he introduced as he reached at his hand for a handshake. His answer was far-fetched on why he was waiting for Chayeon, but Chayeon shaked his hand anyway.

“Chayeon. Park Chayeon.” Chayeon answered back. Hanyeol smiled and slowly let go of Chayeon’s hand.

Suddenly, Seungho swifly grab Hanyeol’s hand, shaked it, and introduce his self. “Hi Hanyeol, I’m Seungho. Choi Seungho.”

Chayeon can’t help but be embarrassed with her friend.

“Uhm…yeah, hi.” Hanyeol said, he then looked at back at Chayeon and said, “I saw you at the library yesterday and…wondered why you didn’t talk to me at all. So I thought maybe I could invite you for lunch today.

“Why? Is it something new to you? A girl not approaching you or begging for your attention?” Chayeon asked, coldly. Seungho pushed Chayeon lightly for being so rude. Chayeon just glared at him.

“아니, 그냥…” Hanyeol replied, looking down.

Seungho pushed Chayeon even harder, “Fine! Lunch will be good.”

“Really?” Hanyeol looked back up with the light back on his face.

“Yeah. But I always eat lunch with this good friend of mine,” Chayeon said putting her hand on Seungho’s shoulder, “So I really can’t leave him behind. So you’ll allow his to join us, right?”

“Can’t it be just the two of us…just for today?” Hanyeol asked, pleadingly.

Chayeon looked at Seungho with sad eyes, but Seungho looked at her with a face that seems to say, “Do something about this! You ain’t gonna leave me here, girl.”

Chayeon’s thinking was quick. “Well, if that’s the case, then sorry, I can’t eat lunch with you. Seungho and I are a package deal. We’re inseparable. You got both of us or none at all.”

Hanyeol opened his mouth to say something again, but instead he just sighed loudly in what seems to be a sign of defeat. He lost the fight. “Fine, he can join us. I’ll see you at the cafeteria at 12.”

“Okay, then. We’ll see you there.” Chayeon said.

Hanyeol left and when he was finally out of earshot, Chayeon and Seungho did a high-five.

The moment Chayeon stepped out of her classroom Seungho grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the cafeteria. Chayeon said that it was still too early to be there and she doubts that Hanyeol is type that goes to a date on time but Seungho argued that it’s better early than sorry and that they have to save the good seats. They are practically running.

Chayeon pulled her hand out of Seungho’s grip and stopped. She put her hands on her knees and started catching her breath. “We’re almost there,” she said, breathing heavily, “Can we go more slowly now?”

“It’s almost lunch time, people will start flooding anytime soon. Let’s go.” Seungho started pulling Chayeon’s hand again.

But Chayeon resisted, “Then just go ahead and I’ll catch up.” she said while doing the hand gesture to tell Seungho to walk on.

She actually expected that Seungho would actually wait for her. But he didn’t. She thought that Seungho might actually treat her like a real friend that should never be left behind, but that’s Hanyeol. That’s love. He’s been liking him from afar for only God knows hom long and now that he finally has the chance to be with him, he has to seize it. And Chayeon understands that.

Turns out, Chayeon was wrong. Hanyeol was earlier than expected. When Chayeon arrived at the cafeteria, Hanyeol was already there and Seungho is already beside him talking non-stop. Hanyeol seems very uninterested with the story, but Seungho didn’t seem to notice. Chayeon decided to take her time walking towards them to give Seungho more time to enjoy the moment, but it wasn’t long until Hanyeol noticed her. His face lit up, he stood up and raised his hand, Seungho looked up and his mood changed.

Hanyeol pulled a chair for Chayeon but she ignored it and sat beside Seungho. Hanyeol was taken aback but just let it pass and sat back on his chair. He smiled at Chayeon like it was totally okay. Chayeon isn’t affected by Hanyeol’s charm, but she’s starting to feel guilty with how she’s treating Hanyeol. 

"So...I thought you're coming here together, why did Seungho arrived first?" Hanyeol was obviously being careful with every word he's about to say. It was as if he's thinking about 9853476893689786579 times before actually saying it.

Hanyeol was looking Chayeon but before she could respond Seungho answered for her, "Chayeon had to attend on some other matters before she came here."

Hanyeol said nothing but nodded, he then looked back at Chayeon and asked her, "So what do you want to eat?"

"You don't have to buy my lunch. It's okay. Let's go buy together instead." Chayeon said, this time a little nicer, she stood up but Hanyeol stopped her.

"No, today it's on me." Hanyeol insisted. Chayeon was about to protest but before she could do so,Hanyeol spoke again, "Just for today, please? Let me buy a lunch for you." Hanyeol was using his aegyo so Chayeon had no choice but to accept Hanyeol's offer. Chayeon ordered curry rice and kimchi soup.

Hanyeol was about to leave when Seungho asked him, "Hanyeol-ah~" Seungho sad in his most unobvious cutesy way, "Are you not going to ask me what I want?".

"Sorry pal," Hanyeol began as he put his hand on Seungho's shoulder, "I only asked the girl out so--"

Seungho stood up. "But we're a package deal! Remember?" he argued before Hanyeol was even finished speaking, "Right, Chayeon-ah?" But Chayeon did not respond, she remained stoic. Seungho can't believe his friend is actually betraying him.

"Just...just go buy lunch for yourself, okay?" Hanyeol suggested and went off for real.

Chayeon thought that the least thing she could do for Hanyeol and to side with him just once.

"'re feeling a little bit guilty now, eh?" Seungho faced Chayeon but Chayeon can't look at him.

“Stop it. I had enough guilt for today.” Chayeon muttered.

Seungho let out a sarcastic laugh, “And because of that stupid guilt, you left me hanging just like that? I thought we’re friends!” he said, a little bit too loud for some students to look at them.

Chayeon pulled him in his chair and whispered angrily, “I thought we’re friends too, but weren’t you the one who left me behind first?!!!”

Seungho pulled his arm out of Chayeon’s grip, “Fine! Let’s not fight about this,” he started, “But I’m pretty sure you’re just doing this because you’re feeling guilty of how you’ve been treating him since this morning. I must say, you’ve been quite harsh on him.”

“I know, I know! That’s why I need to make it up to him. It’s just that…I don’t understand why he is being like this all of a sudden.”

“Being what?”

“You know, acting all cutesy and interested in me. I mean, it’s almost the end of the semester and it’s only now when he started taking notice of me.” Chayeon explained.

“Maybe he’s just using you as an excuse to be near me.” Seungho suggested. Chayeon laughed at the thought but Seungho seems serious about what he said.

Hanyeol finally arrived with his and Chayeon’s food and it was Seungho’s turn to leave and buy his food.

“많이 먹고~” said Hanyeol as Chayeon looks at her food. Chayeon looks at him and he flashes another smile at her, and for the first time Chayeon smiled at him too. It wasn’t Chayeon’s best one, but gave Hanyeol a very warm, fuzzy feeling.

“Thank you for the food. I owe you one. Eat a lot too.”

Soon enough, Seungho arrived with a lot of food on his tray.

“Are you going to eat all of that?” Chayeon asked with a mixture of shock and confusion on her face.

“Of course not,” Seungho replied, “I’m going to share this with Hanyeol.”

“No, I’m good. I have enough.” Hanyeol argued.

“You could share some with me too.” Chayeon joyfully suggested, but Seungho wasn’t happy with Hanyeol and Chayeon’s response. Seugho sat with so much force and set the plates with so much force that the plates clank together and make a loud impact on the table.

“Hey…don’t be rude,” Chayeon scolded, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you finish all that.” Chayeon reassured him.

But Seungho wasn’t in the mood to talk to Little Miss Sunshine, “I don’t want to share with you. Go eat your food, and don’t touch mine.” And he began devouring all his food.

The words stung Chayeon but she still wants to cheer her friend up so she eyed Hanyeol and pointed towards Seungho. Hanyeol didn’t get the signal so she widened her eyes and mouthed, “Seungho”.

Hanyeol finally got it and then looked like he was about to get sick. He cleared his throat and then said, “Seungho-yah…” he began, “Can I try that chicken?”

Seungho looked up from his food with a brand new light on his face, “W-what?”

“I-I’d like to try that chicken.” Hanyeol stammered.

Seungho hurriedly grabbed the chicken plate and gave it to Hanyeol. Hanyeol tore off a little chicken meat and forced himself to eat it. It wasn’t so bad. He forced a smile to Seungho and Seungho didn’t seem to notice Hanyeol’s struggle, instead it have a brand new energy.

Seungho noticed that Chayeon isn’t eating much, “Chayeon-ah, don’t you like the food?” he asked gleefully. Seungho never fails to amaze Chayeon with his mood swings.

“아니, it’s just that I’m still not used to Korean foods. I’m still adjusting.”

“Why? You’re not born here?” Hanyeol asked.

“She’s born here, but she’s raised in America. So she’s used to a lot of processed foods.” Seungho answered for her again.

“Wow, you know so much about Chayeon, don’t you?” Hanyeol seems annoyed by now. It rubs him the wrong way how Seungho always answers in her place. Seungho didn't know how to respond.

Chayeon noticed and decided to break the tension, “I don’t a lot of processed food! And besides, I’m not the only foreigner here. You’re from America too, right?”

“Well, yeah. But I stayed longer here so you can’t really argue with me.” Seungho fought back.

“Don’t worry Chayeon-ah, I stayed at America for quite some time too and I understand the struggle.”

Chayeon is still not used to Hanyeol’s kindness or attention, but for a moment, she felt his sincerity. All she was able to muster is a smile, but it’s more than enough for Hanyeol.

Soon enough they finished their food and Chayeon had excused herself to the restroom. Seungho happily send her off.

As Chayeon makes her way to the bathroom she noticed students whispering all around her. She isn’t sure if she’s the one being talked about, but what’s weirding her out is when people started getting off her way when she starts approaching.

Suddenly, Chayeon felt something hit her head, “Ouch!” She heard a crack and then turned around to look for the person who did it. She saw that her hair is dripping with egg whites, but before she could actually make out of what’s happening, another egg hit her head and then another one, and another one, and another one. Chayeon didn’t have time to protest, it came one after another that Chayeon started feeling sick and fell down.

The attack of the eggs stopped once she fell down on the floor. People stood all around her, and suddenly in one corner, the crowd parted and there appeared, Yeeun, holding a basin. Chayeon didn’t know what's inside it, but she bets it’s flour (because that’s what she saw on kdramas) and when Yeeun throw the contents of the basin on her head it confirmed her wild guess. She didn’t have time to protest, she was too busy coughing.

“So…where’s the pretty girl you’ve been boasting about the other day now?” Yeeun mocked, “You’ve been ing and sticking around Seungho and Hanyeol that I found it hard to give you my surprise, but now, the party is complete, we already have our cake!” Yeeun cheered. Chayeon couldn’t do anything but glare.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria, Hanyeol noticed that Chayeon is taking too long, but Seungho doesn’t seem to mind. Hanyeol excused himself to the restroom so that Seungho wouldn’t have any reason to follow him, if Seungho still have the decency, that is. Seungho didn’t seem to notice Hanyeol’s excuse to look for Chayeon. He went out of the door, and set off to the bathroom where Chayeon said she’ll be going, but before he could actually reach his destination, Hanyeol noticed people crowded in the corner by the lockers, he was about to ignore it until he heard Yeeun speak.

“Since you’re so brave and so strong and so unique, why don’t you stand up and fight, Chayeon-ssi?”

When Hanyeol heard it he hurriedly ran to the crowd and broke in. There he found Chayeon sitting on the floor, helpless and weak with eggs and flour all over her. He hurriedly rushed to Chayeon’s side and tried cleaning her off.

“Aww, so her prince came!” Yeeun exclaimed, “Well, you’re a little bit late. Why is that so?” She asked.

Chayeon and Hanyeol ignored her. While Hanyeol was dusting off the flour on Chayeon’s face, Chayeon asked with gritted teeth, “Is this part of your plan? Did you plan this with her?”

Hanyeol was shaking his head crazily, unable to speak, but before Hanyeol could defend his self, Yeeun decided to dismiss Chayeon’s suspicion, “Of course not, honey. I’m not like you who’s very dependent to guys and their help.” Yeeun explained, “This is why I’m wondering why Seungho and Hanyeol prefers to hang out with you. First you charmed Seungho, now you're flirting with Hanyeol and you want to whole school to know about it. Who even gave you the right, Miss Nobody?” she added.

“I told you…” Chayeon coughed, every word seems a struggle for her, “It’s because…I’m…I-I’m prettier…prettier than you.” Chayeon still managed to mock Yeeun even in her state.

“Don’t talk Chayeon-ah, stop hurting yourself.” Hanyeol scolded, “I’m going to take you to the clinic, and don’t even bother arguing.” Hanyeol then reached out for Chayeon and carried her as if she weighs nothing.

“Don’t take him away, Hanyeol!” Yeeun shouted, “We’re not yet done!”

Hanyeol turned his back from Yeeun and set off to leave, “It’s done Yeeun. You lost. You didn’t have to take drastic measures, but you did. You just proved how pathetic you’ve been.”

Yeeun’s jaw dropped. Unable to speak and move. Hanyeol then walked off with Chayeon on his arms. On their way to the clinic, Chayeon couldn't help but think of how wrong Seungho is about her. That she's strong enough to take Yeeun on. It's Yeeun who spoke the truth, she's weak and she's very dependent to Hanyeol and Seungho.

It took quite some time before Seungho noticed he’s been alone for quite some time now. It’s now his time to wonder where the two has gone off to. Did they sneaked out for a date? Was that their excuse to be alone without any disturbance? He shook the idea away as he ponders and realizes that Chayeon is not that type. He then stood up and made his way to the bathroom where the two said they would be.

Since he cannot enter the girl’s restroom, he looked for Hanyeol instead. He’s not complaining tho! However, there was no sign of Hanyeol. He tried calling out for Chayeon in the girl’s restroom but there was no response. He went out of the restroom corner and noticed the traces of flour on the floor. He followed the trail and saw some students cleaning up the mess.

“Hey, what happened here?” Seungho asked, he began noticing drops of egg whites too, “Did someone baked here?”

“Yeah…Yeeun almost baked Chayeon.” replied one student.

“뭐?!” Of course he knew that the student was joking about the baking part, but he knew that Yeeun really did something mean to Chayeon. He should’ve protected Chayeon after what happened yesterday. He should’ve seen this coming, “Where is she now?” he asked, practically begging for information.
“몰라…Hanyeol-oppa just carried her away.” the student replied again.
Seungho didn’t bother thanking the girl and just ran off. Considering Hanyeol’s personality, of course he’ll bring her to the clinic.
When he arrived at the clinic, he saw Hanyeol sitting down on the clinic bed, extremely worn out. The moment Seungho saw Hanyeol in this pitiful figure, he forgot about Chayeon. “Hanyeol-ah, 괜찮아?” he said as he approach the worn out Hanyeol.
When Chayeon heard Seungho’s arrival, she felt relieved. She felt safe again. She was waiting for him to ask about her…but Seungho seemed to forget about her. It was Hanyeol who brought up about her, “I’m okay. Chayeon is in the rest room washing up.”
“It must have been hard for you to carry her all the way here.” Seungho said as he put his hand on Hanyeol’s shoulder. Hearing this, Chayeon doesn’t want to go out anymore. She doesn’t want to see Seungho.
“아니, 괜찮아.” Hanyeol uncomfortably says he tries to shake off Seungho’s hands off him.
Before Seungho could make any more remarks, Chayeon got out of the rest room. She’s wearing the gym clothes that she keeps on her locker for gym class.
“Oh! Chayeon-ah~”, Seungho greeted, “It’s good to see that you’re fine.”
“진짜? You’re really happy seeing me because I didn’t hear you asking about where I am or how am I doing. You seem happie—“
Seungho cut him off and said, “Did they hit your head too hard because you seem to be forgetting about things…”
“I’m not forgetting anything. I hope you do too.” And then Chayeon went out of the clinic doors, the two boys hurriedly followed her.
“Chayeon-ah, 어디가?” Hanyeol asked as he catches up and matches Chayeon’s pace. Seungho was barely catching up.
“집.” Chayeon replied. 
“Let me send you home.” Hanyeol suggested, from afar Chayeon could hear Seungho say, “어!!!! Let him send us home.”
Chayeon suddenly halted and faced Seungho, “You know what, if you really want Hanyeol to send you home, you don’t have to bring me in and use me as your excuse.” Chayeon exclaimed, “I can handle myself.”
Seungho didn’t know how to respond.
Hanyeol then turned to face her, “Chayeon-ah…if this is about what Yeeun said earlier, then forget it!” Hanyeol scolded.
“왜,왜,왜? What did that stupid girl say to you again?” Seungho asked.
Chayeon then broke down and sobbed. The two boys panicked how to comfort her, “She’s…right…” Chayeon said, in between sobs, “I’m…weak…I’m too…dependent…just…stop protecting…me…” she finished.
“Chayeon-ah, you’re not weak, okay? You were just outnumbered!” Hanyeol exclaimed.
“Chayeon-ah…미안해…I should’ve protected. You must have felt very helpless. I’m sorry.” Seungho apologized. Chayeon didn’t answer, instead, she sobbed even harder.
“Chayeon-ah, let’s get you home, okay?” Hanyeol comforted, Chayeon just nodded. 
As the three make their way to Hanyeol’s car, with Seungho supporting Chayeon’s weight and Hanyeol leading the way, Chayeon spoke weakly, “Hanyeol-ah, I’m not really fond of seating in the passenger’s seat, can I just sit at the back?”
The two boys couldn’t argue. They had to grant Chayeon’s requests without question or complaint. 
“Seungho-yah, you can sit at the front.” Chayeon suggested. Seungho thought that it was Chayeon’s way of letting him sit beside Hanyeol. Even at her state, Seungho thought, Chayeon is still being a good friend, but Seungho can’t leave Chayeon at the back. He has to support her. 
“Hanyeol-ah, if it’s okay with you, can I just stay with Chayeon in the back?” Seungho asked, “It might be rude, but I have to give her support.”
Hanyeol was about to disagree, but he just nodded in the end, for the sake of Chayeon, that is.
Seungho helped Chayeon get on Hanyeol’s car, protecting her head from the hood of the car, and then followed and sat beside her. He hesitantly wrapped his arm around Chayeon’s shoulder let her head rest on his chest. Hanyeol started the engine, and Seungho then heaved a deep sigh. It was actually a sigh of the relief. The day has ended. 

Author's Note: Sorry if Chapter 4 took longer than usual. I’ve been binge watching WGM so I’ve been procrastinating a lot with my writing. I also made a lot of changes in this chapter, I've been quite indecisive with what's going to happen to Chayeon so it took me a while to finish. I thought I could not finish it today because I’m heading off somewhere, but I finished it early. Cheers to that! I hope you enjoyed, and please look forward to Chapter 5 :) School is starting out in a week, hopefully I could release 3 more chapters before school starts. I’m planning on posting new chapters on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Hopefully, my laziness will allow me. When school starts I will check my schedule on what day can I post a chapter :) See you in the next chapter!



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