
To Save The World


Tasia's POV


The sound of underwater waves clashed around my ears. It was so calming, I didn't want to even open my eyes. But... I
knew I would have to soon. I mean I did just pass out right? Slowly I peeled my eyelids open and a soft cool feeling
overwhelmed my eyes. I couldn't see anything but the clear greenish-blue waves in the sky. It was soooo beautiful... 
Then it hit me.
First, How come I'm underwater? Second, How come I can breath underwater!?... Okay Tasia, don't panic yet.
Maybe this is just a dream... I probably passed out because I haven't eaten anything for about 12 hours?.. So... I'm
floating in a huge, empty, beautiful, clear water sea right after talking to a girl in the hospital... The poor girl... if only
I could do something for her... The girl on the bed didn't really look like she could...she could survive... I quickly
began to get a little sad... Tasia! Wake up! Kevin is probably waiting for you to get up!... I started to look around
again. But it's so pretty here... :( I had a feeling I shouldn't escape my dream yet. ...Maybe a little time here wouldn't
hurt... Yeah... Kevin wouldn't mind.
A shock of excitement sprang from my body and I quickly started to swim upward into the sky. After a few kicks from
my feet, I finally reached the top, I splashed out of the water and flipped back my hair. After a long look around, I think I
might never want to leave... to my right, all I saw was the clear ocean as far as I could see. To my left was a very small
island with a single palm tree and white sand. The sun was warm, just how I love it, and the sky was clear blue. Not a
single cloud in sight.
 Man I love beaches! I laid back and floated in the water for a while so I could soak in everything around me. I took a
quick look to my left again and I slowly began to back  towards the cute little island. Since it seemed pretty far
away, I might as well think about some stuff. 
Okay so first of, why am I dreaming about a beach, and how come everything seems so real? This place is way to
pretty to be real. I know it's a dream and everything but...come on... Tsk. Okay, secondly... why was I able to breath 
underwater?... WTFwait a minute... It's a dream. No duh! -_-' Come on Tasia, start thinking straight! Hmm... so...
what am I- My head hit something smooth and hard. I turned around and noticed the water hit my belly button while I was
sitting down. The island was right behind me... man that was faster than I thought. The smooth hard thing, was some
small, bumpy, rocks. They kinda felt good under my legs and hands, so I sat there for about a minute. 
"Tasia!" I turned around and started to stare past the island to find whoever was calling me. 
"Hey, Tasia! Over here!Holy Crap? I'm in a dream so who the hell else would be here? Then something flew past
me and then around the palm tree. It was a giant, beautiful, blue dragon with a long, thin, body and tail, and he also
had these enormous wings that seems so.. so... WOW. He had very long horns on the top of his head and sharp, yet
soft looking spikes riding down his back and tail. His chest was a silver, golden tinted color that stuck out in the sun. 
Wow...He was just... so amazing to me... I was left speechless when he landed in front of me.
"Tasia. It's finally a pleasure to met you my master." he said while changing into a tiny cute version of himself. He
climbed onto my lap and I just sat there staring at this godlike creature. 
"Tasia?" he said slightly tilting his head. After a few more seconds, I finally responded. I shook my head to get my
brain working again.
"OH! I'm so sorry! It-its a-uh... a pleasure to met you too." I said holding out my index finger so we could shake
hands. He laughed and his claws wrapped around my finger.
"May I ask... who are you?" I asked him gently smiling.
"Oh my! I'm terribly sorry!" he chuckled. "My name is Tavilago and I will be serving you as your chimera." he
said holding his paw to his heart.
"What's a chimera?" I asked him.
"Hmm... how do I put this... a chimera is like a godlike creature created just for one person. I have been
chosen for you by the gods themselves." I stared at him in disbelief.
"This is by far, THE weirdest dream I have EVER had."
"Tasia, this isn't a dream. Though it may seem so, this is where we were chosen to meet. I know this may
seem a little hectic to you but this is real. Trust me." he told me. I only sat there again...speechless.
"Maybe I should explain some things." he laughed and got comfy on my lap. 
"So there is a very powerful person out there, creating evil creatures who are around the world...
destroying it. If we don't stop them soon, they will end up killing everything and everyone on planet earth.
You and I were destined to be together, just like 3 other girls were. You, Shin Nadia, Park Luna, and Park
CL, will be the 4 chosen to save the world and everyone on it."
"Wait, did you just say Shin Nadia ?"
"Yes. Oh my, I forgot, you know her don't you?" he asked me
"I do, but how do you know that?"
"I have my ways." he chuckled. For some reason I chuckled too.
"So... Nadia is going to be one of the girls?" I asked him.
"Yes." A little sigh of relief passed me. She was going to be okay...
"Nadia, we need to start practicing." his voice broke into my thoughts.
"Of course! Your going to need some training if your going to save the world." he laughed.
"Oh! Right!" I said getting up. "Okay, what do we do first."
"First, we need to transform." he said, and without any warnings, he jumped into my chest. A warm sensation came
from my chest and then stretched out into the rest of my body. I could feel something growing on my back so I turned
my head and saw a pair of shiny blue dragon wings on my back.
"Whoa! What just happened?" I asked with my hands in the air.
"That was our transformation. Can you feel me connected to your soul?" he said.
"You know, it's not very nice to jump into people without warning. And yes, I think I do feel you." I smiled
and put my hands to my chest. He chuckled and went on.
"Okay Tasia, for you, I will grant you the power to control the movement of water."
"I HAVE POWERS?!" I shouted in shock.
"Yes, yes you do. The power I have given you will be the power you will learn to master and use to defeat
the monsters." he said.
"Well thank you! OMG... The power to control water! That is so cool...." I said jumping in excitement. He laughed
and then we actually began the training.
"To start off, listen to the sound of the water Tasia. Feel it on your feet, to be able to use it, you must
befriend it." I closed my eyes and did as he told me to. The sound of the soft waves whispered in my ears and the
water on my feet felt cool as I wiggled my toes.
"Good, Good. Now lets start to move it. Take your hand out." Again I did what he told me but I noticed a silver
ring on my middle finger. I swear to god, I don't even own this ring. 
"Hey Tavilago, what's this ring for?" I asked him.
"Oh. That ring is what lets us transform, and it's also what lets you use your power so don't ever take that
off. Your going to need it."
"Okay... at least it's not something I can lose easily." I giggled. He gave me a small chuckle and began telling me
what to do again.
"So take out your hand," I stuck my right hand out. "Now just imagine the water rising into your hand."
"It's that easy?"
"You know it." I giggled and then concentrated on the water in front of me. I wiggled my toes and then pictured the
water swirling up into my hands. Slowly the water started to turn into a circle and ever so slightly it swirled up into my
"Whoa!" I gasped and then the water quickly dropped and splashed around.
"Impressive Tasia! I was half expecting you to just barely move the water but you actually got it to rise and
everything!" Tavilago said amused. 
"Pffft! Come on give me some credit!" I said laughing out loud. 
"Well since you can actually move the water, lets try making some waves. Try to find out how to do it by
yourself. I wanna see what you can do." he said in a challenging tone.
"Waves. Okay. That doesn't sound so hard." I took a deep breath and raised both of my hands. I concentrated on
the small waves ahead of me and I imagined them slowly growing bigger. I rolled back my shoulders each time the
waves got bigger and bigger. Soon they were about 5 feet in the air. 
"Amazing! Your so much better than I would have imagined Tasia!" Tavilago said while we untransformed. He
was about my height-maybe a little bit taller. I pet his head and said,
"Awwww, Thank you." I felt like I knew this dragon forever, he had the feeling of a best friend that drew me more
closer to him.
"We better get going soon Tasia, we have people waiting for us."
"Wait, how are Nadia and I suppose to find Luna and CL?"
"They are more closer than you think. Luna and CL are sisters. In fact, you were talking to CL right before
you came here." Tavilago said.
"The girl from the car crashes?" I said covering my mouth. 
"If I was talking to CL then... Luna must be the one in the bed... so... we're already together?
"You pick things very fast Tasia. Impressive." he said smiling to me. 
"Thank you very much." I said brushing of my shoulder. We chuckled for a second and then he told me,
"I won't be with you when we return but we will meet again. I will be with Kiseop. Don't worry, just follow
him and Kevin and they will lead you to me."
"Kevin?! Wait what?"
"See you soon!" he opened his giant wings and flew off into the sky. Everything suddenly turned white and I opened
my eyes up to the sounds of hospital noises. 
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Liyanamyssha #1
Chapter 23: Please update fast. I am really into this story.
MakiMaki #2
Chapter 23: Omo please tell me you will update
ThunderSchemes #3
UPDATE SOON! Eli is so cute X3