
To Save The World


Luna's POV
I woke up to the chimes of the beautiful wind. 
Wow...It sounds so peaceful... Fluttering my eyes open, I saw a beautiful Aura sky. Colorful, dancing waves were scattered
throughout the sky. I sat up and looked around. I was in what looked like a meadow filled with purple, pink, blue and white
flowers. I could see these small white orbs around me, just floating around. From behind me, I heard water somewhere in
the distance so I turned around and saw waterfalls. The water was falling down but it didn't reach the ground, it just...
disappeared into thin air. This place was beautiful... a little too beautiful. It seemed like a world too good to be true. I started
thinking about it.
I must have died.... That's probably it. Crap... I guessed I died in the car accident... Oh no, CL... I wonder how she's taking
this... I closed my eyes and sighed. I looked around one more time and stood up. I noticed that I was wearing a cream
colored dress that reached down right above my knees. My right shoulder was strapless and bare while the other had 
multiple gold rings around it. My waist was tied with a think gold rope that hung on my right side. I was wearing gold saddles
with ribbons that wrapped around my legs, up to the bottom of my knees. My left arm had a gold Egyptian band around it
and my right arm had a silver one.
The white orbs started to circle me and I gently reached out my hands and tried to touch one, but they dodge my hand. It
seemed like they wanted to play with me because they kept circling around my body and then flew away, only to come back.
I laughed and started to chase them around. They lead me to the waterfalls and then they quickly turned around and flew
right past me, scattering everywhere, leaving in all types of directions. 
"Hey! Wait!" I tried to catch up to them but it was useless. 
"Luna..." I turned around and I could see something in the waterfall.
"Who's there?" The thing in the water was getting closer and slowly it went through the waterfall and flew towards me. It
was a small, pure white horse with long, beautiful wings on its back. He circled me a few times and then it transformed into a
bigger horse with even longer wings! I awed and he landed in front of me. 
"Who are you?" I couldn't help myself and approached him carefully placing my hand onto his face.
"My name is Elliot." He bowed and got up.
"Elliot... what a beautiful name. I like it." I smiled at him and placed my hand onto his neck slowly going back and forth,
petting him.
"Your skin is so soft and smooth, it kinda feels like silk..."
"Thank you." he extended his head out and rubbed it against my arm. I laughed and ran my hands further down his neck. I
saw his wings and pointed at it.
"May I?" He nodded and I carefully touched his wings and began to run my fingers through them.
His wings are even softer than his skin. After a few minutes we were both on the ground.  I was gently laying on his long
neck, still petting him and he looked like he was taking a nap with his head resting on his strong legs.
He's so gorgeous. I wonder if he would let me ride him... I sighed and slowly I took my hand off him. He opened his eyes
and lifted his head looking at me.
"Hey Elliot,"
"Yes?" he asked. I started playing with my hands and then looked back up at him. 
"Do you think I could ride on your back?" To my surprise he started to chuckle.
"Of course." He got up and I quickly followed after him. He bent down a little so I could get on.
"Make sure to place your legs above my wings.
"Oh. Right." I carefully climbed onto his back and put my legs a few inches above his wings.
"Ready?" he asked turning his head around slightly too look at me.
"Mhmm." I placed my hands on his fur and gripped onto it. 
"This doesn't hurt right?" I asked him leaning my head slightly to see his face too. He chuckled again and started to walk.
"Of course not." After a few minutes of walking around he asked me something.
"Do you want to try flying?" his walking got quicker and he started to gallop. Then, he took a small leap and spread his
wings out full length, sending us off into the sky. I was scared at first and gripped onto his fur tighter, placing my face onto his
"Luna... open your eyes. Trust me, it isn't that scary." I did what he had told me too, ...but I did it slowly. Still gripping
onto his fur, I opened my eyes and lifted my head. He was right. It wasn't that scary. In fact, it wasn't scary at all! My grip
loosened and slowly, I put my left hand out feeling the air. My right hand soon followed it and in no time, both hands were up
in the air. I closed my eyes, lifted my chin up and felt the cool wind on my face blowing my hair gently.
"Elliot! This feels so nice!" I told him with my eyes still closed, hands in the air. Again, he chuckled and then said.
"Hold on tight." his wings did one big flap and sent me back a little.
"Omo!" I quickly opened my eyes and held onto his fur, laughing. He was flying upward, more into the sky. We reached the
Aura waves and he begun to slow down. The colored waves were right above my head.
"Touch them Luna." I looked down at him.
"You think I can?" He nodded and then I let go of his fur and held my hands out into the waves. For some reason they were
so warm... they felt good in my fingers. I closed my eyes and stayed like that for a moment. After a few minutes I put my
hands down and started to pet Elliot. 
"Are you ready to go back down?" he asked me. 
"Yea, Thanks Elliot. The ride was great."I smiled at him and we began to slowly go down.
We landed in the flowers and I carefully jumped off him. 
"Luna Knight..." I turned around and faced him. It wouldn't surprise me that he knew my name. I was dead and all.
Dead... the thought of it still scared me a little. What is CL going to do without me? I sighed.
"Jeez.... I can't believe I'm actually dead." I said rubbing his head. Elliot looked at me and then stepped back.
"You think you are dead?" I stared at him for a moment.
"Well aren't I? This place doesn't actually exist does it?... Besides, what am I suppose to think? A beautiful flying
horse is standing right in front of me. Talking.He laughed and transformed back into a small horse. 
"So I'm not dead?" I asked him while hold out my hands so he could land on the. He stepped onto them and looked up at
"No Luna, you are not dead. You have been chosen by the gods to protect and save the earth from great doom."
"Chosen by the gods? Protect the earth? What are you talking about Elliot?" I asked him, holding him closer to my
"As we speak, there is someone on earth, creating monsters who will slowly destroy the planet. The gods have
sent me to be your chimera, so you and the others can defeat them."
"The others?"
"Yes, there are 3 more girls who will help you. You must go back to earth Luna. The world is waiting for you."
"How am I going to defeat them Elliot?. What am I suppose to do?"
"Hold me closer to you Luna." I did what he said. I held him closer to my heart. He looked up at me and then entered my
I stepped back and then closed my eyes. I felt something warm in my chest. You may think it would feel weird, but for some
reason it actually felt good. Like it was meant to be there. I put my hands around my chest and then I could feel wings grow
on my back. It didn't hurt or anything though. I opened my eyes and turned my head so I could look at them. They looked
exactly like Elliot's wings. 
"Luna, can you hear me?" I looked back forward but I couldn't him.
"Elliot. Where are you?"
"I'm inside you Luna, I've become one with your soul. Can you feel me?" I put my hands on my chest again.
"I think I can. Your that warm feeling inside me, right?" he chuckled.
"Yes, I am. I have bonded with you and given you my wings, Luna. For you... I grant you the power to control the
air." My eyes widened.
"Control the air?
"Yes. Hold your hand out Luna." I put my right hand out, palm facing up.
"Now concentrate on the air, feel the power around you. Create an orb." I stared at my palm and started to 
concentrate on the air around me. I flexed my hand a little and imagined a spinning ball in it. Sure enough I felt the air around
me move and then a ball started to form in my hands. I smiled.
"Very good Luna. You have learned quickly. Try flying now. Flap your wings in place and then slowly move
forward." I nodded and put down my hand. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my wings. Slowly they spread open and I
began to flap them. I began to rise from the ground, I gasped and then I opened my eyes, looking down at my feet. I was a
few feet off the ground, just a little above the flowers.
"Your doing very well Luna. Now think about floating across the ground.
"O-okay..." I did what he told me and I began to imagined my feet move across the flowers. And surely enough, I started to
float away from where I standing. I smiled again, and landed back onto the ground.
"Good. You learn fast." he told me.
"Thanks, your a pretty good teacher." He chuckled and then I felt my wings and the warm feeling inside me disappear. I
opened my eyes again and Elliot was flying around me. I laughed and held out my hands again so he could land again. But I
noticed there was a silver ring around my middle finger. 
"Hey Elliot, what's this." I said pointing at the ring. He flew around to my left and said, 
"It is the ring that binds us together. Do not take that off Luna, for you will not be able to transform with me."
"Don't worry, I won't take it off. Its actually kinda pretty." And it really was. It was only a simple silver band that fit my
finger perfectly. I looked at it for a little longer.
"Elliot, can I still control the air without transforming with you?" I asked him.
"Yes, you can still use the power. But you must have your ring on. You won't be able to do anything without it..."
 I nodded.
"We must be going Luna. When you wake up I will not be with you, but do not worry we will meet again very
soon. I will be with a man named Kiseop, so do not hesitate to follow him when he comes for you. Trust him
Luna, he will help you."
"Okay... I trust you Elliot." I really did trust him. I've known him for at least an hour or two, but for some reason it felt like I've
known for ages.
"But how am I going to know who the other girls are?" I asked him.
"They are more closer to you than you think Luna. In fact, your sister is one of the four..."
"CL is one of them?" I asked, grinning at him.
"Yes...Now return to earth Luna, there are people waiting for you. Until then... Farewell." he bowed to me and then
everything suddenly went white.
I woke up to the sound of a busy hospital...
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Liyanamyssha #1
Chapter 23: Please update fast. I am really into this story.
MakiMaki #2
Chapter 23: Omo please tell me you will update
ThunderSchemes #3
UPDATE SOON! Eli is so cute X3